Halloween Driveler's have #382 Ghosts!!

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Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Just got a little bitty brief lite rain. Sun is already popping back out. Didn’t even wet the cement and asphalt hood.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Daggum gotta go buy this hi dolla gas for the mowers and 2cycle gadgets to finish off the Season and be able to dilly dally all Winter if necessary.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Ron White makes it part of his performances.

I was very fortunate to work one of his standup gigs up in Gwinnett CO a few years back. Either 2 or 3 nights of it. I almost had his entire performance memorized by that 3rd night.

He’s a really authentic nice guy for a Super Star comedian. He’d come out during the day and shoot the bull with all of us common folk, unlike many many entertainers I’ve been around up close.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Reckon I’ll go gas up, holler later.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Just got a text from our island friends. They are changing schedule to meet us at the beach next weekend. They haven't become full time residents at the Marina yet. Still remodeling the condo. GON be FUN! :fine::fine:


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
Weatherman was off a little....showed rain around 1030....just started now at 1130.

trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
Grass is mowed. Need to blow off the driveway. Lunch break.
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