Is your wife your partner or your mother

I am constantly amazed on this board with many people's comments about their wife: "She gives me $20 a week", "I hand her my paycheck", "As long as she leaves me alone.....", "She is planning our vacation, I hope I can....."

It seems that many on this board have more of a parent-child relationship more than a partner-partner relationship. Is that what you were hoping for when you got married?.......Someone to rule your life and take care of stuff. It seems that these types of relationships lead to resentment on both ends. If you are in one of these (There seem to be many), are you happy? Do you fear your wife? Is this the type of life you've always wanted?


Senior Member
Nope not what I wanted. Had an incident this morning that may have broke the camels back. I like to chew tabacco and she doesn't like me doing it. My dip cup was thrown all over my shower this morning with LIAR written on my shower door.

I could go on, there's many more instances where it's her way or the highway. I know my relationship is not like others and I wonder if she will ever find happiness because she is sure making everyone around her miserable.
Nope not what I wanted. Had an incident this morning that may have broke the camels back. I like to chew tabacco and she doesn't like me doing it. My dip cup was thrown all over my shower this morning with LIAR written on my shower door.

I could go on, there's many more instances where it's her way or the highway. I know my relationship is not like others and I wonder if she will ever find happiness because she is sure making everyone around her miserable.

How long have you been married?


Senior Member


Senior Member
Nope not what I wanted. Had an incident this morning that may have broke the camels back. I like to chew tabacco and she doesn't like me doing it. My dip cup was thrown all over my shower this morning with LIAR written on my shower door.

I could go on, there's many more instances where it's her way or the highway. I know my relationship is not like others and I wonder if she will ever find happiness because she is sure making everyone around her miserable.


Slow Mod
Staff member
I think it is probably one of those Democrat pantywaist things.


Senior Member
I have two ex’s that tried to wear the pants. They start out all perfect until you say “ I Do “. Later they start trying to control you . They will resent you hanging out with friends and family. After a while , I built up resentment and would leave. Now I have remarried again . Third time is the charm. After 7 years , we have not had an arguement. Well I take that back. She did get upset when I urinated off the ship balcony after drinking too much. This marriage is the one I have been waiting for. She is kind and easy going. She gives me my space and I give her space. We don’t need to be up each other’s butts 24-7. We have the same goals and we look forward growing old together.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
Just finished up 29 years with a trip to Jekyll Island a couple of weekends ago. She has her job and chores and I have mine. She has her check book and I have mine. She has her credit cards and I have mine.

We started out early on in our marriage doing all of the joint account stuff that the bible thumpers said you're suppose to do. She started failing and mismanaging "our" money and it almost cost us the relationship.

I took control and separated all of the finances that weren't hers from her control. It gave her a glaring insight into just how irresponsible she was with money when it came down to just hers to mismanage.

After an adjustment period, we have never been happier and still make decisions based on mutual agreement.

It is possible to have a happy marriage where the man is allowed to be the man, but he has to assert his leadership at some point for that to happen.

But then, there are quite a few men that shouldn't be in leadership positions as well. They are equally as irresponsible with money and the relationship.
I always cringe when I hear some old timer give marriage advice because 99.999999999% of the time it is: Just say yes, dear.

This advice is horrible on so many levels: Your wife is not perfect, she is not an expert on everything, you may be better at some things than her, you may be right.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
I always cringe when I hear some old timer give marriage advice because 99.999999999% of the time it is: Just say yes, dear.

This advice is horrible on so many levels: Your wife is not perfect, she is not an expert on everything, you may be better at some things than her, you may be right.

I say "yes dear" but my wife knows it is with a level of sarcasm and it usually draws a scowl from her, much to my delight. :rofl:


Senior Member
Just finished up 29 years with a trip to Jekyll Island a couple of weekends ago. She has her job and chores and I have mine. She has her check book and I have mine. She has her credit cards and I have mine.

We started out early on in our marriage doing all of the joint account stuff that the bible thumpers said you're suppose to do. She started failing and mismanaging "our" money and it almost cost us the relationship.

I took control and separated all of the finances that weren't hers from her control. It gave her a glaring insight into just how irresponsible she was with money when it came down to just hers to mismanage.

After an adjustment period, we have never been happier and still make decisions based on mutual agreement.

It is possible to have a happy marriage where the man is allowed to be the man, but he has to assert his leadership at some point for that to happen.

But then, there are quite a few men that shouldn't be in leadership positions as well. They are equally as irresponsible with money and the relationship.

We have zero accounts together and everything is in my name.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
thats not a marriage... that is a business relationship. But whatever floats your boat.

It is a direct result of the Feminism movement that is stronger today than ever. Also one can also never discount the baggage brought forth by a spouse into a relationship and trust issues or other issues that may have effected the psyche of a person that may remain suppressed until later in life.

The removal of God from everything in America has created quite the psychological quagmire in today's society and people. The rampant rate of divorce and the effect it has on kids is one facet that rarely shows it's ugly head until well into a marriage.

In a perfect world, your theory is correct.