Is your wife your partner or your mother


Senior Member

I don't like making excuses for adults and their childish behavior. I was going to retaliate but realized it's just not worth it.


Senior Member
25yrs ago we got married we decided that I would make the big decisions and she would make the little ones.........lucky for us we never had to make any big decisions.....


Senior Member
Nope not what I wanted. Had an incident this morning that may have broke the camels back. I like to chew tabacco and she doesn't like me doing it. My dip cup was thrown all over my shower this morning with LIAR written on my shower door.

I could go on, there's many more instances where it's her way or the highway. I know my relationship is not like others and I wonder if she will ever find happiness because she is sure making everyone around her miserable.
I wouldn't wish that life on my worst enemy.


Staff member
Separate bank accounts are the secret to a happy marriage. One little bit of an advice from an old-timer who has been married for a long time to a couple of wives. :)

I will not live with a woman who wants to dominate who I am and what I do. If she don't like me the way I am, she needs somebody else. I got rid of one like that. I am not henpeckable.

I love and respect my wife, I listen to her wishes and try to be a good husband and do things that make her happy. But-I don't tell her what to do, and she don't tell me what to do. We're both grownups. We both work and earn money. A marriage isn't a woman who does what she wants while bossing her husband around all the time, telling him what he can and can't do, and holding all the purse strings. At least not a marriage that I would stay in. :)

I had a bad marriage, because I married the wrong woman. My current wife has been with me for 25 years now, and we get along pretty durn good. Here's my vintage pic: :bounce:


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mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
And when you say something he don't like he dang sure lets you know about it. ::ke::bounce:

Who doesn't? Ya'll even do. :bounce::bounce::bounce:

Oh, and we share a bank account. He has his play $ and I have mine. Just happens we like to play together.

Old before marriage pic of me and him added above. Dang we're old.facepalm:


Staff member
somebody has put on a few pounds..... ::gone:

Yeah, she is a little bit heftier now than she was back in the early 90s. :bounce: ::gone:

Billy from the Hill has given me mullet envy.

That was a nice'un, wasn't it? :) Now, my head looks like a big, slick grapefruit. :sadz:


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Staff member
Yeah, she is a little bit heftier now than she was back in the early 90s. :bounce: ::gone:

My wife just read that and hit me upside the head with a big cast arn pan..........
: ouchz:
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Useless Billy Director of transpotation
That’s just how I pictured NCH, Arkansas waterfall and all


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
16 years this May, started out with my bills and her bills with separate accounts. She’s now a homeschooling mom with a small cake business. We’re a team, with me having the final say on big stuff. I found a great one, hope all of you can be as fortunate.


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Useless Billy Director of transpotation
I know a bunch of guys that are hen pecked. I just look at them and smh when their wives give them a certain look and they’re like “yes dear?”


Staff member
My wife just read that and hit me upside the head with a big cast arn pan..........:eek:uchz:

You gonna live? Do we need to call the Sheriff?:bounce:


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