Is your wife your partner or your mother


Senior Member
Marriage is like going to the casino. You go in excited and optimistic, but end up leaving all drunk, broke, and talking to yourself.


Senior Member
Once upon a time we fought over money. We fought over kids. We fought about jobs, politics, chores, even pets. But both of us had been married before and both of us were willing to learn where not to push buttons. Now, when we "fight," one of us says something the other doesn't like and the conversation decays into, "Nnnnn!," "Mmmmm?," "Phhht." and moves on to whether we are going out for dinner, she's fixing something, or its "fend for yourself tonight."

It did take a while to figure out that screaming at each other didn't fix the problem. Took even longer to discover neither one of us was really going to change who we are. After that it took no time at all to figure out that we really didn't want the other to change from the person we fell in love with.

I still sometimes forget and leave the seat up. She still puts dishes in the sink without rinsing. We check with each other before big expenses and make important decisions together - but the definitions of "big" and "important" have expanded over the years. There are rules in living together. Rules change.

She doesn't have to be my "boss" to be able to commit me to a vacation I would rather not do. She is not my "Mom" just because I tell where I'm going and when I expect to return. And when I say "Mexican" as a dinner idea, her response makes it very clear I am not her Master (unless she also wants Mexican - then she picks the place, but I still have to drive!)

It is called life and none of us will escape alive, might as well enjoy it while we can.


Senior Member
i've NEVER talked to somebody after a divorce that didn't say it was the best thing they ever did .. i done it after 30 yrs .. i always knew if i could get 1 more chance i'd get it right and boy did I .. YEAH


Senior Member
i've NEVER talked to somebody after a divorce that didn't say it was the best thing they ever did .. i done it after 30 yrs .. i always knew if i could get 1 more chance i'd get it right and boy did I .. YEAH

Not saying you are one, but I hear so many guys say this...Then 2 years later another divorce..


Senior Member
Taking this from the other side, my husband is not my father.
We are partners. Sometimes we disagree but we try to find a compromise.
My first marriage was awful. Mentally, verbally, emotionally and at times physically abusive.
I got it right this time around.

I don't let stuff like laundry in the floor, dishes in the sink, towels not folded the way I do it, etc bother me.
There may come a day when I no longer have his shorts in the floor to pick up and then I'm really going to miss that and miss him. Life's too short.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Been married to the same one pushing 50 years now. There have been ups and downs, but we budget together. We put money in our budget for each to spend without any accounting of it. Has worked well for us.


Staff member
Been married to the same one pushing 50 years now. There have been ups and downs, but we budget together. We put money in our budget for each to spend without any accounting of it. Has worked well for us.

Boss ?
Who has been getting their nails done & hair do s every Saturday morning at that fancy saloon next to the WW sports bar using the Useles Billy account card. ???


24 years of marriage....we respect and trust each other....I do my thing she does hers.........sometimes we do stuff together.


Daily Driveler News Team
I found that separate houses will get you 34 years and going strong....

Jim Baker

Staff member
I feel for you guys. 47 years and I feel like I won the lottery. Married the only girl that would have stayed with me all this time.


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mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
I married my best friend 37 years ago. It's working pretty darn good! He's not my daddy and I aint his mama.:D


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Old and Ornery
Staff member
Been together going on 36 deer seasons. My Lady and partner.


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36 years. She's a keeper.


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