Is your wife your partner or your mother


Staff member


Senior Member
Dude that works for me has zero say.
He does the cleaning, most cooking, most laundry, most kid care, all yard stuff, and the list goes on.
He says, she is the bread winner and I don't mind her making the call.

I said, your supposed to be a man but if you don't want to be it's cool with me. But I'd slap my wife and promptly file for divorce.

11 years almost and we are good with joint account. Except for the safe money. That's mine to decide. I made it. Its for toys and vacation and fun. If she wants some she asks and I don't recall ever batting and eye or not giving her what she wanted.

She has her chores and I have mine.

We have a new mower per her request.
It's green and yellow and has a nice buck on it. I figured it was the least I could do....


Senior Member
Been married 12 years this past January. Sometimes...she won't make me a sandwich or tell me who she's on the phone with...



Senior Member
If you think a picture of a woman with a black eye is funny, your probably a coward that grew up without much of a dad/role model of what a man suppose to be.


Useless Billy Director of transpotation
If you think a picture of a woman with a black eye is funny, your probably a coward that grew up without much of a dad/role model of what a man suppose to be.

Yea. You’re right. I’ll take down my comment


Senior Member
If you think a picture of a woman with a black eye is funny, your probably a coward that grew up without much of a dad/role model of what a man suppose to be.

You do realize that's not a real black eye. Obviously makeup for a funny picture. The woman in the portrait must have thought it was a good idea.


Senior Member
:rofl::rofl: some may say coward and some might not take life so serious that they can't take a joke


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Married 17yrs now. She ain't my mama an I ain't her diddy.

And no matter what you mighta HEARD we ain't brother/sister, cousins nor any other kinda relation that should matter to anyone outsida family according to mama


Senior Member
I am in the construction business. It amazes me how 9 of 10 jobs or even jobs I quote are handled by the woman. The first phone call is the woman, and then everything from there. Rarely does the man get much involved. LOL, I once built a large addition for a couple. Once I got the roof on, the man, came out and said, "wow, I did not know it had 2 stories". Seriously, he had not even cared enough to look at the plans.


Senior Member
Separate bank accounts are the secret to a happy marriage. One little bit of an advice from an old-timer who has been married for a long time to a couple of wives. :)

I will not live with a woman who wants to dominate who I am and what I do. If she don't like me the way I am, she needs somebody else. I got rid of one like that. I am not henpeckable.

I love and respect my wife, I listen to her wishes and try to be a good husband and do things that make her happy. But-I don't tell her what to do, and she don't tell me what to do. We're both grownups. We both work and earn money. A marriage isn't a woman who does what she wants while bossing her husband around all the time, telling him what he can and can't do, and holding all the purse strings. At least not a marriage that I would stay in. :)

I had a bad marriage, because I married the wrong woman. My current wife has been with me for 25 years now, and we get along pretty durn good. Here's my vintage pic: :bounce:

Freebird !!!

The mtn man

Senior Member
All joking aside, being married to a controlling woman is the worse thing that could happen to a man, I was married young, barely 20 years old, at the protest of my friends and family. I married a girl from my hometown that I didn't really know until I first went out with her at the end of my high school senior year. I'll try to keep this short, she was great I thought in the beginning, I kid you not, as soon as we drove off from the wedding reception her switch flipped. We never even stayed in the same bed on our honey moon. This was the first issue I had. It just went down hill from there, after almost a year, I had decided I was done with it. The problem was at that time she became with child. When my first born came into the world, I fell head over heels in love with my baby boy, I decided I could tolerate anything to be there for him every step of the way. Then 2 more baby girls came along, they were my whole life, while all this is going on, my wife treats me like one of them. I found out real quick that her opinion of me was nothing more than a paycheck. I cleaned house, I worked 2 full time jobs, while she decided to go back to school after she already had a degree, she actually went back 3 times for 3 different CensoredCensored . And then on to masters, all the while I was working 80-100 hour weeks because she demanded it. She took control of the joint account, it took several years of fighting for me to even get a debit card, and if I got $20 out of the ATM she would be calling me within the hour yelling at me about getting money without her permission. Keep in mind , at this point, I'm making about $90k per year, she's making about $50k. I drove the same old pickup truck I had from a teenager for almost 25 years because she refused to allow me to get a different one, while she got a new one about every 4 years. While all this is going on she talked to me and kids like dogs. I would console my children after she would yell and scream at them and tell them, try not to make mom mad, she comes down on all of us. About 12 years ago, I started thinking I had to get out of it. So for 10 years I thought of the repercussions, was it worth what I would go through if I left? So 2 years ago, I finally ripped the bandaid off, and just said after 18 years of marriage, I'm gone! Well all heck broke loose then, she and her friends immediately started a smear campaign, I was well respected in the community, now people won't give me the time of day, she turned my kids against me, I hadn't seen my youngest daughter in 2 years, my oldest is in college, he hasn't spoken to me, but maybe once in a year, my middle child will text some, but she will not see me. It's the worse possible scenario as far as my kids are concerned. She sued me, I fought with all I had, until we finally settled, all she ever wanted was my money, I have 2 more years to pay child support, she only got what the state of NC mandates, she did get my house, and everything I ever worked for, but really, it's ok with me. I now have someone who treats me like a human, she is my best friend, she can even out fish me, and that's impressive. Starting over at 40 years old is tough, but she has held my hand through it. As far as marriage, I always said I would never do it again, but she is making me think that being married to someone who actually wants what's best for you could be a life I could enjoy, so marriage again for more is more than likely on the horizon for me in the not so far future. We always hear that men are the ones who are abusive in relationships, I can speak from experience that women can be too, verbal abuse from women is tough when your the kind of guy that thinks fighting with your spouse is dumb and unproductive. I was thought to respect women, but that works both ways.


Senior Member
Might be time for some of yall to DIVORCE! The new tax plan says so!

" The new tax law is already leading to a myriad of positive economic consequences, from workers getting bonuses to Americans getting bigger paychecks. But one unexpected result of the tax overhaul could be a rise in the divorce rate."

My 2nd wife is my best friend, my MOMMY when i have a BOO BOO, my sidekick/helper/co-pilot, extra set of eyes and my LOVER!


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Was married to the wrong woman for 24 years.

Now I am 13 years into the second time around. We both learned a lot from being with wrong people. We get along great :love:

The mtn man

Senior Member
Was married to the wrong woman for 24 years.

Now I am 13 years into the second time around. We both learned a lot from being with wrong people. We get along great :love:

I have learned through my ordeal from people in 2nd marriages that they normally are happy, I guess people learn what their willing to tolerate, and they know how not to treat their spouse.


Senior Member
All joking aside, being married to a controlling woman is the worse thing that could happen to a man, I was married young, barely 20 years old, at the protest of my friends and family. I married a girl from my hometown that I didn't really know until I first went out with her at the end of my high school senior year. I'll try to keep this short, she was great I thought in the beginning, I kid you not, as soon as we drove off from the wedding reception her switch flipped. We never even stayed in the same bed on our honey moon. This was the first issue I had. It just went down hill from there, after almost a year, I had decided I was done with it. The problem was at that time she became with child. When my first born came into the world, I fell head over heels in love with my baby boy, I decided I could tolerate anything to be there for him every step of the way. Then 2 more baby girls came along, they were my whole life, while all this is going on, my wife treats me like one of them. I found out real quick that her opinion of me was nothing more than a paycheck. I cleaned house, I worked 2 full time jobs, while she decided to go back to school after she already had a degree, she actually went back 3 times for 3 different CensoredCensored . And then on to masters, all the while I was working 80-100 hour weeks because she demanded it. She took control of the joint account, it took several years of fighting for me to even get a debit card, and if I got $20 out of the ATM she would be calling me within the hour yelling at me about getting money without her permission. Keep in mind , at this point, I'm making about $90k per year, she's making about $50k. I drove the same old pickup truck I had from a teenager for almost 25 years because she refused to allow me to get a different one, while she got a new one about every 4 years. While all this is going on she talked to me and kids like dogs. I would console my children after she would yell and scream at them and tell them, try not to make mom mad, she comes down on all of us. About 12 years ago, I started thinking I had to get out of it. So for 10 years I thought of the repercussions, was it worth what I would go through if I left? So 2 years ago, I finally ripped the bandaid off, and just said after 18 years of marriage, I'm gone! Well all heck broke loose then, she and her friends immediately started a smear campaign, I was well respected in the community, now people won't give me the time of day, she turned my kids against me, I hadn't seen my youngest daughter in 2 years, my oldest is in college, he hasn't spoken to me, but maybe once in a year, my middle child will text some, but she will not see me. It's the worse possible scenario as far as my kids are concerned. She sued me, I fought with all I had, until we finally settled, all she ever wanted was my money, I have 2 more years to pay child support, she only got what the state of NC mandates, she did get my house, and everything I ever worked for, but really, it's ok with me. I now have someone who treats me like a human, she is my best friend, she can even out fish me, and that's impressive. Starting over at 40 years old is tough, but she has held my hand through it. As far as marriage, I always said I would never do it again, but she is making me think that being married to someone who actually wants what's best for you could be a life I could enjoy, so marriage again for more is more than likely on the horizon for me in the not so far future. We always hear that men are the ones who are abusive in relationships, I can speak from experience that women can be too, verbal abuse from women is tough when your the kind of guy that thinks fighting with your spouse is dumb and unproductive. I was thought to respect women, but that works both ways.

A lot of people won't understand this post, I totally get it.


All joking aside, being married to a controlling woman is the worse thing that could happen to a man, I was married young, barely 20 years old, at the protest of my friends and family. I married a girl from my hometown that I didn't really know until I first went out with her at the end of my high school senior year. I'll try to keep this short, she was great I thought in the beginning, I kid you not, as soon as we drove off from the wedding reception her switch flipped. We never even stayed in the same bed on our honey moon. This was the first issue I had. It just went down hill from there, after almost a year, I had decided I was done with it. The problem was at that time she became with child. When my first born came into the world, I fell head over heels in love with my baby boy, I decided I could tolerate anything to be there for him every step of the way. Then 2 more baby girls came along, they were my whole life, while all this is going on, my wife treats me like one of them. I found out real quick that her opinion of me was nothing more than a paycheck. I cleaned house, I worked 2 full time jobs, while she decided to go back to school after she already had a degree, she actually went back 3 times for 3 different CensoredCensored . And then on to masters, all the while I was working 80-100 hour weeks because she demanded it. She took control of the joint account, it took several years of fighting for me to even get a debit card, and if I got $20 out of the ATM she would be calling me within the hour yelling at me about getting money without her permission. Keep in mind , at this point, I'm making about $90k per year, she's making about $50k. I drove the same old pickup truck I had from a teenager for almost 25 years because she refused to allow me to get a different one, while she got a new one about every 4 years. While all this is going on she talked to me and kids like dogs. I would console my children after she would yell and scream at them and tell them, try not to make mom mad, she comes down on all of us. About 12 years ago, I started thinking I had to get out of it. So for 10 years I thought of the repercussions, was it worth what I would go through if I left? So 2 years ago, I finally ripped the bandaid off, and just said after 18 years of marriage, I'm gone! Well all heck broke loose then, she and her friends immediately started a smear campaign, I was well respected in the community, now people won't give me the time of day, she turned my kids against me, I hadn't seen my youngest daughter in 2 years, my oldest is in college, he hasn't spoken to me, but maybe once in a year, my middle child will text some, but she will not see me. It's the worse possible scenario as far as my kids are concerned. She sued me, I fought with all I had, until we finally settled, all she ever wanted was my money, I have 2 more years to pay child support, she only got what the state of NC mandates, she did get my house, and everything I ever worked for, but really, it's ok with me. I now have someone who treats me like a human, she is my best friend, she can even out fish me, and that's impressive. Starting over at 40 years old is tough, but she has held my hand through it. As far as marriage, I always said I would never do it again, but she is making me think that being married to someone who actually wants what's best for you could be a life I could enjoy, so marriage again for more is more than likely on the horizon for me in the not so far future. We always hear that men are the ones who are abusive in relationships, I can speak from experience that women can be too, verbal abuse from women is tough when your the kind of guy that thinks fighting with your spouse is dumb and unproductive. I was thought to respect women, but that works both ways.

That had to have been rough,,,,