Jameis back in the headlines....

Well, who didn't see that coming? At least now, in civil court, her lies and skeleton's will all be fair game.

So what would you think if she wins the civil suit?
What would you think if he wins the civil suit?

That he didn't do it but that he's still a Thug.. So what would you think if he lost?


Senior Member
He will lose the civil suit! Mark it down cuz! He will end up in prison in the next 3-5 years. Mark it down cuz!
He will lose the civil suit! Mark it down cuz! He will end up in prison in the next 3-5 years. Mark it down cuz!

The next Aaron Hernandez?? :cheers::cheers:

Rebel Yell

That he didn't do it but that he's still a Thug.. So what would you think if he lost?

I don't put alot of faith in a civil trial to decide guilt or innocence. Honestly, if you think he did it. Let the evidence that comes forward during the trial sway your decision one way or the other, but not the verdict.

I work in insurance and I know that juries regularly give money to the plaintiff if the defendant has millions.
I don't put alot of faith in a civil trial to decide guilt or innocence. Honestly, if you think he did it. Let the evidence that comes forward during the trial sway your decision one way or the other, but not the verdict.

I work in insurance and I know that juries regularly give money to the plaintiff if the defendant has millions.

So you are saying that OJ was innocent??:huh:
Nope. I looked at the evidence myself.

OJ's evidence was sat on for a year by the TPD..

No one really knows if Winston is guilty or innocent. What we do know is that it was determined there was not enough evidence to file a charge against the Florida State star. You can thank the TPD’s incompetence for that.


Gone But Not Forgotten
They were talking on the radio about another girl coming forward with rape allegatons against crab legs. Apparently it is being kept hush hush.

You forgot this part..

Ms. Cappleman said she found the encounter troubling, because it “sheds some light on the way Mr. Winston operates” and on what may be “a recurring problem rather than some type of misunderstanding that occurred in an isolated situation.”

“The case was not properly investigated from the start,” Florida State attorney Williams Meggs said. “There were so many things that needed to be done that did not get done. I am convinced that we could have identified the cab driver that night. I am also convinced that if it had been done correctly we could have had the video from Potbelly’s.”

When investigators did finally contact Winston, they did so by phone. He promptly told them he would not be doing any talking without his lawyer present.

“I’m convinced that, if done properly, we would have gotten an interview with Winston,” Meggs said. “It’s insane to call a suspect on the phone. You don’t call someone on the phone and have any level of control.”
Take your Thug blinders off for a second.. You don't find anything peculiar about any of it??

Rebel Yell

The fact is, the TPD's handling of the case (a large part of which, was Erica Kinsman's refusal to cooperate) did no favors to either party. If Winston is guilty, it will be difficult to prove. If Winston is innocent, it will be just as difficult to prove. No one was done any favors in this case.

Rebel Yell

Take your Thug blinders off for a second.. You don't find anything peculiar about any of it??

I find many things peculiar about this case. Problem is, the vast majority of it comes from Erica Kinsman's side of the equation.

I was hit over the head---no injuries present

I was drugged---- two toxicology reports show no drugs in her system

I was drunk ----- BAC showed traces of alcohol, but not enough to be black out drunk

I was intimidated to get in the cab ----- she walked out amongst hundreds of people as the bar closed and asked no one for help

Her lawyer (also her aunt) said, "there's no way Erica had consensual sex with a colored boy". Erica wouldn't give the name of the source of the second semen sample found on her ---- oops, it was her black boyfriend

Not to mention the texts to her friend immediately after said rape, which was just to find out if she had the answers to the exam they were taking in the morning. No mention of anything happening.

Her affiliation with a group on campus who refer to themselves at "cleat chasers".

The fact that she sat in class with Winston for months after the incident before reigniting the case

Her decision to bring the case back up when it became apparent that Winston was going to be a top pick in the NFL draft as soon as he became eligible.

Her lawyer (again her Aunt) asking for $7 million to make this all go away.

Like I say, we'll never know what happened, but the Duke Lacrosse accuser had more credibility than Erica.