FSU paying 950K to JW's victim?


Banned thug
I believe her friends accounts and also the toxicology reports. All of which said Mrs Kinsman wasn't drunk/drugged and she willingly left the club with 3 guys.

All of which she lied about.

It is what it is and 2 folks know what really happened.
Mrs Kinsman. So Jameis raped a married ladyfacepalm:
hating fsux is an offseason sport; and yall make it so easy.

What do they expect us to do. They keep loading the gun and cocking the hammer. Of course I'm going to pull the trigger!

Daily FSU sucks!:cheers:

Gold Ranger

Senior Member

That's the "documentary" that allows Erica to say she was drugged, with no mention of the blood test which proved otherwise. Anyone wanna guess where the blood test was performed?

The Hunting Ground is the "Inconvenient Truth" of campus rape.

'The Hunting Ground' director claims film is 'completely accurate,' despite inaccuracies

An accuser from Harvard was allowed to suggest that she had been drugged by the accused student, even though the only drug found in her system was the cocaine she supplied.

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That's the "documentary" that allows Erica to say she was drugged, with no mention of the blood test which proved otherwise. Anyone wanna guess where the blood test was performed?

The Hunting Ground is the "Inconvenient Truth" of campus rape.

And they did NOTHING for 10 months...facepalm:facepalm:

Gold Ranger

Senior Member
And they did NOTHING for 10 months...facepalm:facepalm:

Really? I know everyone will just not read it and stick to their talking points, but the girls has absolutely no credibility.

As told to the Washington Post:

She says [Winston] pretended to be her boyfriend to drive a different guy away who she says was following her around the bar. Winston’s chivalry ended there, however, according to Kinsman, who recalls taking a shot with Winston that she was convinced was tainted.

Though this sounds incredibly salacious, it is supported by absolutely zero evidence whatsoever. Critics are quick to make mention of the botched TPD investigation — and admittedly there were problems — but within 24 hours of the alleged incident the TPD did interview Kinsman three times (Officer Clayton Fallis once on the night of the incident, and detective Scott Angulo early that morning and again that afternoon at the police station). They took blood, they did a rape kit. At this point Jameis Winston’s name had yet to come up.

At this point, there’s no evidence of any sort of a cover-up.

The evidence, taken from that night — which is valid despite the best efforts of Kinsman’s legal team — says that there was nothing besides some alcohol in Kinsman’s blood. It was retested again, several months later — after Kinsman’s attorney alleged the FDLE tested the wrong sample — and again came back negative for any foreign substances beyond the presence of alcohol.

The alcohol level was at .048, below the legal limit (though above the limit for someone underaged, as Kinsman was).

“I’m totally certain something was in that drink,” Kinsman said.

That’s Kinsman’s opinion– and she’s entitled to it. But it’s not backed up by any sort of fact. I’ll be sure to link to the evidence at the bottom of the page so you can see for yourself. But beyond the absence of any sort of drug in her toxicology reports, Kinsman had never even claimed to have met Winston before. She repeats this constantly.

In her interviews with the TPD, the State Attorney and at FSU during Winston’s December 2014 Code of Conduct hearing, she continues to allege she had no idea who her attacker was, that she never spoke with him– let alone put her number in his telephone.

She tells Fallis, “she cannot recall how she met the suspect.” (Also, that the man who gave her the shot was white).

She tells Angulo, “the bartender gave her ‘the shot.'”

She only mentions meeting Casher in discussions with Newlin.

It’s not until the FSU Code of Conduct hearing, the one presided over by former Florida Supreme Court Justice Major Harding, that she tries to connect Winston to the allegedly spiked (though factually unproven) shot, telling Harding that she told Angulo the man who presented her the shot “could have been my attacker.”

At this point the shot has now been handed to her by a white friend of Marcus Jordan (her friend at Pot Belly’s), a bartender, possibly by Winston (though she is unsure) and now by Winston as he was pretending to be her boyfriend.

That’s a bold change of course from the narrative that has been put forward by the Kinsman camp from day one– that she had no idea who he was and didn’t meet him until the cab ride.

What’s more interesting is the idea that we are supposed to take this account on its face, even in spite of its ever-changing nature. Later in the Washington Post’s article Kinsman and her father recount their first meeting with Angulo:

Kinsman and her dad both recall meeting Tallahassee police officer Scott Angulo, an FSU graduate and fundraiser, at the hospital, where she said she was instructed to think twice before filing a report.

This is another fairly bold repurposing of events. Kinsman had no idea who her assailant was on the morning of December 7, 2012 (or Angulo’s ties to FSU, either). It wasn’t until a month later that she informed Angulo that her alleged attacker was Winston.

In fact, the first person to allege that Angulo warned Kinsman about the ramifications of pursuing charges was actually her attorney, Patricia Carroll, and that took place when the two spoke the day after Kinsman contacted Angulo about Winston.

What Kinsman and her father are implying would mean that Angulo knew Winston’s role in this — and was looking to protect him — from the outset. That’s factually inaccurate. Angulo interviewed Kinsman twice in the first 24 hours. Two other officers (Fallis, and Harris from the FSUPD) also interviewed her. She was transported to a hospital, given medical tests and evidence was taken. This was all done in good faith. It wasn’t until 1/10/13 that Winston’s name becomes involved in the case at all.

The issue with all of this is that the national media continues to take this woman’s account on its face when there are legitimate — if uncomfortable — contradictions present in her account of events that should beg further questions.

So who exactly were the TPD protecting? The cover up started long before they even knew Winston was the accused? Do they just cover up every rape until they find out whether or not the accused plays ball at FSU?
Really? I know everyone will just not read it and stick to their talking points, but the girls has absolutely no credibility.

The same could be said for the TPD..

Gold Ranger

Senior Member
The same could be said for the TPD..

Your deflector shields aren't strong enough.

You said they did nothing for 10 months. I just showed you that in wrong. I can't get mad at you, though. It's not like the national media has done anything but take Erica's story (all 5 of them) at face value.

I bet you still think the Duke lacrosse team got away with rape, too.

I bet you still think the Duke lacrosse team got away with rape, too.

I bet you actually think the whole case was handled properly too..

Gold Ranger

Senior Member
I bet you actually think the whole case was handled properly too..

Nope. Never said the case was handled properly. As a matter of fact, the poor handling of the case also guarantees that Winston can never prove his innocence either.

Either way, Winston or Kinsman, the victim will never be able to prove they were wronged.
sometimes you wonder if people are stoned and drinking forty ouncers when they post on here. :cheers::cheers:

I know, right.. Folks that stick up for Jameis on here have got to be on something.. :bounce::bounce: