FSU pays "Victim" Different Perspective

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
I read all the "FSU evil, girl innocent" posts you all blathered on about.
Also saw how much it would cost FSU to continue the on going lawyers battles and legal shenanigans. It looked like it was going to be about 4.3 mill so far and who knows how much for FSU to continue. The institution took the "cheap" way out. The other side is the one that agreed to stop the charges.
More importantly I was thinking to myself if something terrible had happened to me, would I accept " blood money" and drop my fight with the institution that had done me so wrong.
I decided I'm not a woman so it is utterly unfair of me to decide what I would or would not do in a "rape" situation. I do have three daughters and know what I would have told them to do with their money if my daughter had been raped!!
Being a teacher I am surrounded by women who mostly couldn't give a flip less about college football. I decided to get their thoughts on the whole thing. I began filling them in on the situation in general if they didn't know. No making one side better than the other. Just the facts as people know. Then some of the he said, she said stuff.
I asked about 12 women from 22 to about 70. EVERY one of them said the idea that they would accept money in any way shape or form because they had been raped was unimaginable. I said what about to punish the institution, or pay lawyer bills because it looked like you might not win? The answers were NO,NO and """" No!!!
If you think I was somehow able to sway these women to a certain opinion one way or the other by what I said, you don't know women very well!! Most felt it said all they needed to know about the "victim," or at least her family.
So there it is. Take it for what it's worth. Feel free to hate FSU all you want. Feel free to hate a player who hasn't played a down at FSU for well over a year now. Personally, I couldn't care less about what he is doing now. I didn't like his embarrassing actions when he played there.
But as far as I'm concerned, the "victim's family" has laid their cards out for all to see.
Just curious. If it was your daughter or wife would you take the money? Is $950,000, of which the lawyers get about $650,000 or so, about the going price to quit fighting an institution that "covered up" your daughter's rape? Would you buy a new house with it or go on a trip? Maybe some property for a hunting lease? Please don't tell me you think they are planning on giving it to charity. And even then, would that make it acceptable to you? "Yeah, my daughter was raped, but hey we got $250,000 for the women's shelter so it's all good. We sure got our point across. FSU said they would have more programs on date rape and abuse. Now we will be fine with being quiet until our next much larger "Civil" money trial comes up against Winston."
Just thinking about the idea that money would make me quit pursuing justice if my daughter or wife was raped makes me extremely angry. I'd knock someone's head off if they even suggested it!!!


Senior Member
Teacher...that's way to much thinking and reasoning for most of the knuckleheads on this forum.


Senior Member
Did you seriously write that? I'm not a grammar nazi I promise you but that was painful to read.

You obviously are a proud educational product of FSu....


Senior Member
Lighten up ibis boy...it's a post on a sports forum, not a doctoral dissertation...


Actually I Am QAnon
Asking those women doesn't prove or disprove anything. Now if you had been able to ask actual rape victims then you might have gotten into the mind set of someone who has been in those shoes.

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
Asking those women doesn't prove or disprove anything. Now if you had been able to ask actual rape victims then you might have gotten into the mind set of someone who has been in those shoes.

1. It proves you basically have no answer.
2. Did I say none of them were? Some of these women are very dear very close friends. If you knew what they have endured and still didn't give up on life you would be amazed.
3. You can answer as a father or husband. Would you accept any amount of money and let the university off the hook if you really believed it had covered for a rapist?

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
Did you seriously write that? I'm not a grammar nazi I promise you but that was painful to read.

You obviously are a proud educational product of FSu....

Quite proud! So sorry I didn't use all my literary skills and rewrite my thesis multiple times. Tell you what TJ, you have my permission to correct all my mistakes that offended your high literary standards. After that maybe it will be acceptable enough that you quit using my "grammar", yes I'm quite aware the parenthesis are not being used in a grammatically correct manor, as an excuse to not respond to the purpose of the post. By the way, I'm a math teacher. Would you like me to create a few algebra problems to see if they meet your approval? Do you make a habit of personal insults to people you don't know or should I feel special? Now if you were actually incapable of using your superior intellect to follow the intent of the post then I apologise.

nickel back

Senior Member
Whole lot of what if's!!!;)

Nah...just stuck on spin cycle.

They are looking hard and in search of a way to feel good about the school that they so love.

In his attempt, it shows he has no knowledge of how a rape victim feels or what they deal with.

like- Secondary victimization or Victim blaming

I'm laughing out loud at his attempt to understand what a rape victim would do or say.

Nah...just stuck on spin cycle.

They are looking hard and in search of a way to feel good about the school that they so love.

In his attempt, it shows he has no knowledge of how a rape victim feels or what they deal with.

like- Secondary victimization or Victim blaming

I'm laughing out loud at his attempt to understand what a rape victim would do or say.


This all day long!

It's a simple attempt at trying to ease their own minds over the fact they had a rapist, liar and thief as the face of FSU football and their National Title is stained..


Banned thug
This all day long!

It's a simple attempt at trying to ease their own minds over the fact they had a rapist, liar and thief as the face of FSU football and their National Title is stained..

this^^^^^ and daily fsux and goldrangersux


Staff member
Until you have been in litigation, especially litigation involving a very personal matter, you have no clue of the emotional and mental strain. I've had fireball clients who have folded way quicker than this girl. Looks to me like her main objective wasn't the school, it is the rapist. She is down to one suit.


Senior Member
Quite proud! So sorry I didn't use all my literary skills and rewrite my thesis multiple times. Tell you what TJ, you have my permission to correct all my mistakes that offended your high literary standards. After that maybe it will be acceptable enough that you quit using my "grammar", yes I'm quite aware the parenthesis are not being used in a grammatically correct manor, as an excuse to not respond to the purpose of the post. By the way, I'm a math teacher. Would you like me to create a few algebra problems to see if they meet your approval? Do you make a habit of personal insults to people you don't know or should I feel special? Now if you were actually incapable of using your superior intellect to follow the intent of the post then I apologise.

Great response. :rofl:

I laughed out loud.

And for the record I insult everyone so don't feel special.

And yeah.... stick to math. :D

Until you have been in litigation, especially litigation involving a very personal matter, you have no clue of the emotional and mental strain. I've had fireball clients who have folded way quicker than this girl. Looks to me like her main objective wasn't the school, it is the rapist. She is down to one suit.

I dont agree with you.... ever.... but in this case I will.

Litigation taxes you like no other, body, mind and soul. It will break you down to your simplest form...quickly.


Senior Member
Until you have been in litigation, especially litigation involving a very personal matter, you have no clue of the emotional and mental strain. I've had fireball clients who have folded way quicker than this girl. Looks to me like her main objective wasn't the school, it is the rapist. She is down to one suit.

Sometimes clients fold quick because they have no confidence in their lawyer...:huh:
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Sometimes clients fold quick because they have no confidence in their lawyer...:huh:

Or maybe they fold against large corporations (FSU) cause they don't have the endless funds of those organizations or the backing of the local PD's...:huh: