FSU pays "Victim" Different Perspective

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
Nah...just stuck on spin cycle.

They are looking hard and in search of a way to feel good about the school that they so love.

In his attempt, it shows he has no knowledge of how a rape victim feels or what they deal with.

like- Secondary victimization or Victim blaming

I'm laughing out loud at his attempt to understand what a rape victim would do or say.

Really? Laughing out loud.
Since some of you are seem to need some clarification I DID ask more than one sexual assualt victim that I know of. I honestly thought my origional response made that pretty obvious. Most likely there was more than the ones I personally know about if you want to look at statistics.
They were actually the most adamant about their feelings for good reason. I made sure I spoke to them before I even revealed this much information.
I told you I asked women for their opinion because I DON'T know what it would be like. They gave it. Just because it doesn't support your personal hate of FSU doesn't change the validity.
Nah...just stuck on spin cycle.

They are looking hard and in search of a way to feel good about the school that they so love.

In his attempt, it shows he has no knowledge of how a rape victim feels or what they deal with.

like- Secondary victimization or Victim blaming

I'm laughing out loud at his attempt to understand what a rape victim would do or say.

Really? Laughing out loud.
Since some of you are seem to need some clarification I DID ask more than one sexual assualt victim that I know of. I honestly thought my origional response made that pretty obvious. Most likely there was more than the ones I personally know about if you want to look at statistics.
They were actually the most adamant about their feelings for good reason. I made sure I spoke to them before I even revealed this much information.
I told you I asked women for their opinion because I DON'T know what it would be like. They gave it. Just because it doesn't support your personal hate of FSU doesn't change the validity.

this ^^^^^^ daily everyoneherebutnolesfanssuck

nickel back

Senior Member
Really? Laughing out loud. Since some of you are seem to need some clarification[COLOR="Red" said:
I DID ask more than one sexual assualt victim [/COLOR]that I know of. I honestly thought my origional response made that pretty obvious. Most likely there was more than the ones I personally know about if you want to look at statistics.
They were actually the most adamant about their feelings for good reason. I made sure I spoke to them before I even revealed this much information.
I told you I asked women for their opinion because I DON'T know what it would be like. They gave it. Just because it doesn't support your personal hate of FSU doesn't change the validity.

yea okay....I'm sure they came right out and let you know that they have been raped and you can ask them.

I call bull
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Will ALL of these threads about this subject, the ONLY Facts I can come up with are that EVERY FSU is delusional and each one has their own view of the subject that leads to Jameis being innocent.. Ask anyone else and they think he's guilty.. I see a pattern..

Pretty sad day when winning takes over anything else.. facepalm:facepalm:


Banned thug
Will ALL of these threads about this subject, the ONLY Facts I can come up with are that EVERY FSU is delusional and each one has their own view of the subject that leads to Jameis being innocent.. Ask anyone else and they think he's guilty.. I see a pattern..

Pretty sad day when winning takes over anything else.. facepalm:facepalm:

I realize myself that fsu fans seem a little clouded in their response to this Jameis Winston debacle. However, do not give yourself an ulcer over this. The girl has been compensated and the matter needs to close. It is unfortunate that fsu fans such as Gold Ranger and Spot and Stalk keep bringing this up as a matter of conversation. Maybe they need some counseling to deal with the trauma associated with this event. Time will tell. GO DOGS and Roll Tide Dynasty. :cool:

nickel back

Senior Member
I realize myself that fsu fans seem a little clouded in their response to this Jameis Winston debacle. However, do not give yourself an ulcer over this. The girl has been compensated and the matter needs to close. It is unfortunate that fsu fans such as Gold Ranger and Spot and Stalk keep bringing this up as a matter of conversation. Maybe they need some counseling to deal with the trauma associated with this event. Time will tell. GO DOGS and Roll Tide Dynasty. :cool:

they may have develop PTSD because of the traumatic events of....... JW
I realize myself that fsu fans seem a little clouded in their response to this Jameis Winston debacle. However, do not give yourself an ulcer over this. The girl has been compensated and the matter needs to close. It is unfortunate that fsu fans such as Gold Ranger and Spot and Stalk keep bringing this up as a matter of conversation. Maybe they need some counseling to deal with the trauma associated with this event. Time will tell. GO DOGS and Roll Tide Dynasty. :cool:

they may have develop PTSD because of the traumatic events of....... JW

no doubt that some of them require therapy; some for a host of issues; IMHPO:cheers:

Add Hunting Teacher, Chocolate Dog and a couple other FSU folks on here to the therapy list..:biggrin2:


Staff member
Everybody folds in civil lawsuits for the simple reason once it hits trial all bets are off for everybody. Defendants fold to cut their cost and risk and so do plaintiffs. Going to trial is lose/lose for everybody.

Plaintiffs and Defendants who go to trial are both L7 losers.

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
This is truly amazing.
No one has an answer that really makes any point other than one person who does have litigation experience. His argument is justified. Maybe that's the case, but I still question why the need for a cash settlement. Is having more money going to make the attack, if that's what it was more tolerable?
The rest of you.
Seventy five percent of you or more have a lot of nerve going all high and mighty. How short do you think people's memories are? You've been making jokes about this whole situation for a couple of years now. A few of you have never made light of the whole affair. Most of you have and we all know it.
If the accused man was a good friend of yours do you think you might likely be questioning any person willing to settle for money? Only you can answer that truthfully.
If you were so worried about the accuser you certainly wouldn't natter on about the situation just to satisfy your FSU hate.
None of us know any more about either of these two people than the media has fed us. You see what you choose to see because it suits your purpose. And yes, I do too. We all do it!
I actually spoke to a lot of different women, INCLUDING more than two who had been through an experience like this. I didn't say this to begin with because I hadn't asked them their permission to bring it up.Now I have asked.
I told you their opinion. So yes, after that I have reasonable cause to question the willingness to settle for money.
Most of you honestly don't care about that anyway and you know it. You didn't post about FSU paying the money because you have some huge concern about the accuser. You posted and responded to posts about it because you don't like FSU. Other universities have paid in similar situations in the past to be done with litigants who were willing to accept money. I don't remember a huge outpouring of moral outrage.
Hate FSU all you want, but don't even begin to pretend all of this comes from some moral high ground. Most of you care because you think it makes FSU look bad. That has been proven by the posts in the past. That's pretty much it.
Make fun, insult. Have a grand time! Just don't pretend like I have insulted your mighty sensibitities with my statements.
Considering I actually at least attempted to get a feel for the situation from people with much more understanding of it than you or me, I think my questions are valid.


Banned thug
This is truly amazing.
No one has an answer that really makes any point other than one person who does have litigation experience. His argument is justified. Maybe that's the case, but I still question why the need for a cash settlement. Is having more money going to make the attack, if that's what it was more tolerable?
The rest of you.
Seventy five percent of you or more have a lot of nerve going all high and mighty. How short do you think people's memories are? You've been making jokes about this whole situation for a couple of years now. A few of you have never made light of the whole affair. Most of you have and we all know it.
If the accused man was a good friend of yours do you think you might likely be questioning any person willing to settle for money? Only you can answer that truthfully.
If you were so worried about the accuser you certainly wouldn't natter on about the situation just to satisfy your FSU hate.
None of us know any more about either of these two people than the media has fed us. You see what you choose to see because it suits your purpose. And yes, I do too. We all do it!
I actually spoke to a lot of different women, INCLUDING more than two who had been through an experience like this. I didn't say this to begin with because I hadn't asked them their permission to bring it up.Now I have asked.
I told you their opinion. So yes, after that I have reasonable cause to question the willingness to settle for money.
Most of you honestly don't care about that anyway and you know it. You didn't post about FSU paying the money because you have some huge concern about the accuser. You posted and responded to posts about it because you don't like FSU. Other universities have paid in similar situations in the past to be done with litigants who were willing to accept money. I don't remember a huge outpouring of moral outrage.
Hate FSU all you want, but don't even begin to pretend all of this comes from some moral high ground. Most of you care because you think it makes FSU look bad. That has been proven by the posts in the past. That's pretty much it.
Make fun, insult. Have a grand time! Just don't pretend like I have insulted your mighty sensibitities with my statements.
Considering I actually at least attempted to get a feel for the situation from people with much more understanding of it than you or me, I think my questions are valid.

you did not insult me and I appreciate your post. Have a great day. :flag::flag:


Senior Member
It's a complex issue, and one that I doubt will get hammered out here.

I would reject the notion that accepting a settlement for damages is proof that nothing happened. There are cases where I believe something happened, but it can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt so as to result in a criminal conviction. Then, it moves to civil court. The threshold of proof is much lower in civil court than criminal court. However, for the victim, having to repeatedly relive the event in front of a room full of people over the next several months or years makes the idea of settling before a trial very appealing. It's also in the interest of everyone else to settle before court, even her lawyer. He gets paid well and doesn't have to do the real nitty gritty work.

She experiences one of the most traumatic events of her life. The nature of the crime makes it difficult to prove. She pursues the avenues of justice available to her. After weighing several excruciating options, she takes the path that her legal counsel advises, and because she did, some math teacher says it is proof she's a gold-digging liar.

It makes me think of a line from 3:10 to Yuma where Dan Evans is talking about the gov't payment he received for the loss of his leg, "They weren't paying me to walk away. They were paying me so they could walk away."

After the settlement, you have a broken human being who is left with a little money and very little dignity. Just down the hall, the FSU lawyers and admins slap each other on the back and say, "Have y'all seen this recruiting class Jimbo is putting together? May be another Heisman winner in that bunch!!!"

Is that what happened here? I don't know, and neither do you. The story can be spun several different ways.


Actually I Am QAnon
1. It proves you basically have no answer.
2. Did I say none of them were? Some of these women are very dear very close friends. If you knew what they have endured and still didn't give up on life you would be amazed.
3. You can answer as a father or husband. Would you accept any amount of money and let the university off the hook if you really believed it had covered for a rapist?

I didn't see any indication (in your first post) that any of the women that you talked with had been a victim. I never claimed to have an answer.

Even if a person asks 100 victims what they would do (should be did) That doesn't prove one way or the other what the 101st person would do.

Did any that you spoke to press charges? Go to court? Testify? Be forced to relive the event?
This is truly amazing.
No one has an answer that really makes any point other than one person who does have litigation experience. His argument is justified. Maybe that's the case, but I still question why the need for a cash settlement. Is having more money going to make the attack, if that's what it was more tolerable?
The rest of you.
Seventy five percent of you or more have a lot of nerve going all high and mighty. How short do you think people's memories are? You've been making jokes about this whole situation for a couple of years now. A few of you have never made light of the whole affair. Most of you have and we all know it.
If the accused man was a good friend of yours do you think you might likely be questioning any person willing to settle for money? Only you can answer that truthfully.
If you were so worried about the accuser you certainly wouldn't natter on about the situation just to satisfy your FSU hate.
None of us know any more about either of these two people than the media has fed us. You see what you choose to see because it suits your purpose. And yes, I do too. We all do it!
I actually spoke to a lot of different women, INCLUDING more than two who had been through an experience like this. I didn't say this to begin with because I hadn't asked them their permission to bring it up.Now I have asked.
I told you their opinion. So yes, after that I have reasonable cause to question the willingness to settle for money.
Most of you honestly don't care about that anyway and you know it. You didn't post about FSU paying the money because you have some huge concern about the accuser. You posted and responded to posts about it because you don't like FSU. Other universities have paid in similar situations in the past to be done with litigants who were willing to accept money. I don't remember a huge outpouring of moral outrage.
Hate FSU all you want, but don't even begin to pretend all of this comes from some moral high ground. Most of you care because you think it makes FSU look bad. That has been proven by the posts in the past. That's pretty much it.
Make fun, insult. Have a grand time! Just don't pretend like I have insulted your mighty sensibitities with my statements.
Considering I actually at least attempted to get a feel for the situation from people with much more understanding of it than you or me, I think my questions are valid.

No one has answered your questions, cause they've already been discussed! Dozen's of times!

Ol Jameis and FSU is back in the headlines, AGAIN!

What you FSU fans don't get is, it's, a BROKEN record!

FSU did NOTHING to rope this kid in as long as he was winning football games! PERIOD!!!

FSU sold everything for the Spotlight..

It's a complex issue,

Sorry, not in my eyes!

Everything concerning Jameis during his "ENTIRE" time at FSU is a concern.

nickel back

Senior Member
It's a complex issue, and one that I doubt will get hammered out here.

I would reject the notion that accepting a settlement for damages is proof that nothing happened. There are cases where I believe something happened, but it can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt so as to result in a criminal conviction. Then, it moves to civil court. The threshold of proof is much lower in civil court than criminal court. However, for the victim, having to repeatedly relive the event in front of a room full of people over the next several months or years makes the idea of settling before a trial very appealing. It's also in the interest of everyone else to settle before court, even her lawyer. He gets paid well and doesn't have to do the real nitty gritty work.

She experiences one of the most traumatic events of her life. The nature of the crime makes it difficult to prove. She pursues the avenues of justice available to her. After weighing several excruciating options, she takes the path that her legal counsel advises, and because she did, some math teacher says it is proof she's a gold-digging liar.

It makes me think of a line from 3:10 to Yuma where Dan Evans is talking about the gov't payment he received for the loss of his leg, "They weren't paying me to walk away. They were paying me so they could walk away."

After the settlement, you have a broken human being who is left with a little money and very little dignity. Just down the hall, the FSU lawyers and admins slap each other on the back and say, "Have y'all seen this recruiting class Jimbo is putting together? May be another Heisman winner in that bunch!!!"

Is that what happened here? I don't know, and neither do you. The story can be spun several different ways.

good post......

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
She pursues the avenues of justice available to her. After weighing several excruciating options, she takes the path that her legal counsel advises, and because she did, some math teacher says it is proof she's a gold-digging liar.

It makes me think of a line from 3:10 to Yuma where Dan Evans is talking about the gov't payment he received for the loss of his leg, "They weren't paying me to walk away. They were paying me so they could walk away."

After the settlement, you have a broken human being who is left with a little money and very little dignity. Just down the hall, the FSU lawyers and admins slap each other on the back and say, "Have y'all seen this recruiting class Jimbo is putting together? May be another Heisman winner in that bunch!!!"

Is that what happened here? I don't know, and neither do you. The story can be spun several different ways.[/

I appreciate a reasoned response for the first half anyway. Your reply makes is point and is directly related to original post. I will point out you felt the need to take a shot at me about whether I have the right to comment. Actually that is my point. Is it anymore acceptable considering the seriousness, for all the FSU haters to use the whole affair as a cheap excuse to rag on FSU? Did you point out their occupation and that maybe they should let it alone? It's not as if this is the first time the subject ever came up. I assume you know how FSU lawyers responded and are horrible human beings. On the other hand the accusers lawyers were only in it for justice. If so it seems kind of odd they felt the need to keep three fourths of the settlement. Once again, I will also remind you It wasn't just my opinion. I didn't just make up my discussion with other women who do have some right to give their opinion. They have been there.
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