MILLION $ QUESTION--Is drinki beer a sin?


Good and right? yes your son coming home is, in my family we celebrate with a hug and being together and some sweet tea, why do we need alchool to celebrate something? anyway God bless your son, and I say thank you to him for his service.

you forgot the big, greasy poke chops and friend chicken. Eating till your 300 lb frame cant hold another bite! Much better for you than a couple of beers.:crazy::yeah:
Vanguard1and Fritz your post and ideologies are exactly what makes it hard for non-believers and the lost to accept Christianity. People like you attacking other's for what they do. Who are you to condemn somebody. Who are you to say that I am a "fake" All you do is copy and paste scripture and big quotes with no honest to goodness explanation. People interpret the Bible differently. In your case, you use your faith to attack others and to tell them they are wrong. Maybe you need to sit back and look at yourself before judging others for what they do.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Holy wars? Ya`ll fight amongst yourselves more than deer hunters do.
we are all sinners. None of us are perfect. If you claim to live a completely sin free life and do nothing wrong then that would just make you arrogant and ignorant. It is Human Nature. But it is my duty as a Christian to ask for forgiveness and give my heart to Jesus and God.


Vanguard1and Fritz your post and ideologies are exactly what makes it hard for non-believers and the lost to accept Christianity. People like you attacking other's for what they do. Who are you to condemn somebody. Who are you to say that I am a "fake" All you do is copy and paste scripture and big quotes with no honest to goodness explanation. People interpret the Bible differently. In your case, you use your faith to attack others and to tell them they are wrong. Maybe you need to sit back and look at yourself before judging others for what they do.

hey im in good company:cool:


you forgot the big, greasy poke chops and friend chicken. Eating till your 300 lb frame cant hold another bite! Much better for you than a couple of beers.:crazy::yeah:[/QUOTE

this 300 lb frame can hold it,s:hammers: own with anybody





Matthew 11:19

Wisdom is justified by her works (edikaiwth apo twn ergwn authv).
A timeless aorist passive (Robertson, Grammar, p. 836f.). The word "justified" means "set right" Luke (Luke 7:35) has "by all her children" as some MSS. have here to make Matthew like Luke. These words are difficult, but understandable. God's wisdom has planned the different conduct of both John and Jesus. He does not wish all to be just alike in everything. "This generation" (verse 16) is childish, not childlike, and full of whimsical inconsistencies in their faultfinding. They exaggerate in each case. John did not have a demon and Jesus was not a glutton or a winebibber. "And, worse than either, for pilov is used in a sinister sense and implies that Jesus was the comrade of the worst characters, and like them in conduct. A malicious nickname at first, it is now a name of honour: the sinner's lover" (Bruce). Cf. Luke 15:2. The plan of God is justified by results.

The Son of man came eating. Like other men. He was at the wedding feast of Cana (John 2:1-11); at Matthew's feast, (Matt. 9:10), etc. A wine-bibber. There was nothing singular about his social habits. Like all the people, he drank the light, harmless wine of Palestine, either free from, or with a very slight percentage of, alcohol. Our modern wines are very different. A friend of publicans and sinners. See note on Matt. 9:12, 13. Wisdom is justified of her children. Those who are wise will approve both the course of John and his Lord



Matthew 11:19

Wisdom is justified by her works (edikaiwth apo twn ergwn authv).
A timeless aorist passive (Robertson, Grammar, p. 836f.). The word "justified" means "set right" Luke (Luke 7:35) has "by all her children" as some MSS. have here to make Matthew like Luke. These words are difficult, but understandable. God's wisdom has planned the different conduct of both John and Jesus. He does not wish all to be just alike in everything. "This generation" (verse 16) is childish, not childlike, and full of whimsical inconsistencies in their faultfinding. They exaggerate in each case. John did not have a demon and Jesus was not a glutton or a winebibber. "And, worse than either, for pilov is used in a sinister sense and implies that Jesus was the comrade of the worst characters, and like them in conduct. A malicious nickname at first, it is now a name of honour: the sinner's lover" (Bruce). Cf. Luke 15:2. The plan of God is justified by results.

The Son of man came eating. Like other men. He was at the wedding feast of Cana (John 2:1-11); at Matthew's feast, (Matt. 9:10), etc. A wine-bibber. There was nothing singular about his social habits. Like all the people, he drank the light, harmless wine of Palestine, either free from, or with a very slight percentage of, alcohol. Our modern wines are very different. A friend of publicans and sinners. See note on Matt. 9:12, 13. Wisdom is justified of her children. Those who are wise will approve both the course of John and his Lord
Do you have a source for that information?

270 guy


Matthew 11:19

Wisdom is justified by her works (edikaiwth apo twn ergwn authv).
A timeless aorist passive (Robertson, Grammar, p. 836f.). The word "justified" means "set right" Luke (Luke 7:35) has "by all her children" as some MSS. have here to make Matthew like Luke. These words are difficult, but understandable. God's wisdom has planned the different conduct of both John and Jesus. He does not wish all to be just alike in everything. "This generation" (verse 16) is childish, not childlike, and full of whimsical inconsistencies in their faultfinding. They exaggerate in each case. John did not have a demon and Jesus was not a glutton or a winebibber. "And, worse than either, for pilov is used in a sinister sense and implies that Jesus was the comrade of the worst characters, and like them in conduct. A malicious nickname at first, it is now a name of honour: the sinner's lover" (Bruce). Cf. Luke 15:2. The plan of God is justified by results.

The Son of man came eating. Like other men. He was at the wedding feast of Cana (John 2:1-11); at Matthew's feast, (Matt. 9:10), etc. A wine-bibber. There was nothing singular about his social habits. Like all the people, he drank the light, harmless wine of Palestine, either free from, or with a very slight percentage of, alcohol. Our modern wines are very different. A friend of publicans and sinners. See note on Matt. 9:12, 13. Wisdom is justified of her children. Those who are wise will approve both the course of John and his Lord

Can you provide proof or this? Not your opinion but actual proof this is true?


do what i do.

2 Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)

15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


Senior Member

I guess that's a no.

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Well, when the Falcons play tomorrow, I'll be doing some sinning while watching the game.:cheers:


The Christian life is a life that consists of following Jesus. If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” O that you and I may gain distinction for the closeness of our walk to Christ, and then shall we be “close communionists” indeed. There is a class described in Scripture of whom it is said, “These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.” But sad to Say, there is another class, and a large class, who seem to follow the Lord fitfully, spasmodically, half-heartedly, occasionally, distantly. There is much of the World and much of self in their lives, and so little of Christ. Thrice happy shall he be who like Caleb followeth the Lord fully.

Now, beloved, our chief business and aim is to follow Christ, but there are difficulties in the way. There are obstacles in the path, and it is to them that the first part of our text refers. You notice that the words “follow Me” come at the end. Self, self stands in the way, and the world with its ten thousand attractions and distractions is an obstacle; and therefore Christ says, “If any man will come after Me—(first) let him deny himself, (second) take up his cross, (third) and follow Me.” And there we learn the reason why so few professing Christians are following Him closely, manifestly, consistently