Mr Mean Face


Senior Member
My wife says I walk around looking mean. I should smile?

I think that people that walk around smiling, look like they were in an industrial accident.

I am a happy guy, but no sez I on the walking around smiling.

Which one are you?


...just joking, seriously.
When I was young, I prided myself on walking around making other people wonder what that guy was so happy about.
And I had a pretty crappy childhood.
It's good for your mental health.
Give it a whirl.


Senior Member
Made me chuckle. I for the first time got sucked into WWE Rivals. They featured Stone Cold and the Rock in one. Dusty and Rick Flair with later the 4 horsemen. They were all great entertainers. I remember watching so much of that as a kid. Some of those studios were not much bigger than a closet with the ring and a couple of rows of spectators.

breathe in

Senior Member
i'm the same, not mean, more stoic. been that way since I was a kid. my grandfather used to say I had a face like an 8 day clock.


Senior Member
I’m smiling and laughing a lot but it truly is ironic smiles and laughing.

I’m pretty much laughing at the absurdity and stupidity of the world constantly.

I also use words like amazing, beautiful, outstanding, good job, very nice, and the like without a hint of sarcasm in my voice towards events that warrant the opposite response.


Senior Member
I had to quit watching channel 2 news in the morning. The fake smiles and laughter at everything just made me madder. Overkill!


Senior Member
Wouldn't nobody be scared of me the way I look, but I agree all my smiles are about gone by by at this point. Happy face is probably about like some of yall's above.