Ogelthorpe 2013


Senior Member
On the 19th I killed a big 8pt. He grossed 141 and netted 139. Hes in the truck buck with the full story. I have seen alot of deer this week thru out the work day and got him on a short after work, run in the house, grab your gun, orange, rifle, and hop the fence with only 20-25 min of light left. Had to recruit the wife and my son to help me load him. So, im tagged out.


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Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
great buck......... congrats !!


Senior Member
Great buck Brandon!


Senior Member
Bucks are chasing again in OC...

Just saying.... Been in the woods the last 2 days, off and on, and seen two different bucks running separate does. Even in the nasty, windy, rainy weather. Suprisingly good deer movement. North OC. Headed back tomorrow night for 3 full days, hope they continue.


4 bucks hunting club

Just wondering if anybody on here is a member of this club it's around lexington Carlton road and south point peter road in sandy cross area.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Lots of shotgun shooting going on around Oglethorpe..... must be some duck shooting or something.:D


Senior Member

5 of us hunting 3 days saw 4 deer, little 6 point, 2 buttons and a doe. Lots of early shooting (ducks and doves). We had several members that were not aware doe days were over on the 30th, they were surprised to learn. I wonder how many others shot does on Sunday :bounce:

Todd E

Senior Member
My little 120 freebie acres in OC started getting cut Friday. With all the trees that are marked on a fine hardwood ridge, its gonna look like a waste land by the time they cut those and the pines. Before it was split and sold, the timber co could access the other side of creek to cut that. I know its greedy of my, but I hope now this logger can't legally cross the creek to cut and thin a major bedding area.


Big Buck

I heard rumor of a big deer killed in the flatwoods back in November...in the Centerville Rd / Bethesda Church rd area....not sure if myth or not. Can anyone advise?


Senior Member
Its true. It was a monsta. I had a pic of it at one time. Bunch a points
Lots of deductions but should gross real high. Killed on the land the dairy farm bought and is clearing.

Todd E

Senior Member
Its true. It was a monsta. I had a pic of it at one time. Bunch a points
Lots of deductions but should gross real high. Killed on the land the dairy farm bought and is clearing.

Yeup. I saw the pic, too. Points, mass, and big body.
Looked like a mid west deer.



I would love to see a pic....I own the property across creek from the diary farm along buffalo creek and really hope he spread some genes around...


Big buck

Also...we have had several bucks with broken tines and antlers completely broken off from some aggressive fighting...betcha I know who did it...


Senior Member
I would love to see a pic....I own the property across creek from the diary farm along buffalo creek and really hope he spread some genes around...

If I can come across it again I will send you a Pm.


Senior Member
I don't hunt in OC...but I just rented a storage building from guys mother in law and she said it was a 20 pointer?
She also said he saw on even bigger one down there so goodluck to the one who can take that big fellow!


Senior Member
Been mighty quite on OC lately. Everybody quit hunting?

Triple C, with the decrease in doe days it appears everyone has or is staying at home. Not alot of traffic and alot of Deer Camps look abandoned, I have passed the last two weeks while heading out to the woods. I bagged a Nice 8 point yesterday afternoon at 440pm, after the front passed through, while watching the rising moon. He was beaten up pretty bad and gorged by something alot bigger then him.


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