TED NUGENT ......innocent on baiting charge?


Senior Member

Nugent Responds to California Game Violation
Chris Lawrence
Charleston, WV
Metro News: The Voice of West Virginia

"I Ted Nugent do NOT break game laws," said the legendary rocker on a recent edition of West Virginia Outdoors. "I am Mother Teresa with a bow and arrow."

Nugent used his appearance on the radio show to address his recent plea of no contest to a misdemeanor charge of hunting over bait in the state of California. He was charged after the hunt aired as a segment on his Spirit of the Wild television show aired on the Outdoor Channel.

"They did a witch-hunt and a during a Gestapo, jack-booted thug raid based on the allegation that my forked horn buck was a spike as spurred on by phone calls from the 'Ted Haters." Nugent explained.

According to Nugent he was hunting on land owned by a close friend in California. The four-point buck he killed in the hunt was featured on Spirit of the Wild prompting the investigation which he said was led by animal rights groups that have "infested" California Fish and Game.

Nugent said the proof of his innocence was in the video of the show which prompted the investigation.

"My forked horn buck was a forked horn buck. It's on television, the video is there," he said. "I pleaded no-contest that there might have been feed within 400-yards of my tree stand, which I couldn't possibly have known because I would have had to knock on six neighbors’' doors to find out if they were feeding their goats or alpacas."

Nugent says he never puts out feed or bait and that was the case on the California hunt.

"I was hunting near a natural apple orchard over a white oak tree full of acorns, next to a pond of water," he said. "I killed bucks legally with all the licenses. I went to great lengths to make sure I was 100-percent legal like I do everywhere I hunt. And I put it on TV. Does that sound like something someone would do if they're trying to hide a violation?"

The decision to plead no-contest to the misdemeanor charge came after consideration of what it would take to fight the case. According to Nugent battling the charge would have cost nearly a half-Million dollars and relocating to California for an extended period of time, but it's a case his attorneys say he would have won. The decision to enter the plea was also in deference to his friend, the landowner, who was caught in the middle of the matter.

"The chief law enforcement officer of California Fish and Game told my friend and his wife, 'These brass knuckles, which are a felony in California, will go away if you help us get Nugent,'" he said. "My buddy is a lifetime gun collector. Do you know what a felony conviction does to that? It means he's done with guns in his life."

Nugent says he's not done with the California Fish and Game Department. He hints he's quietly pushing a probe into what prompted the charges and plans to expose what he claims is a rampant abuse of power in the state's wildlife and fisheries agency.

"The corruption has entered into game departments. The bureaucrats and power abuse is absolutely out of control across this country," Nugent railed. "There's nothing worse than a person with power and authority who abuses it. There was a witch-hunt for Ted Nugent, but they're going to lose. I'm going to get them."

Bowhunter Matt

Senior Member
he my be strange but he does more for hunting than all of us put together and the people that don't won't us hunting know this so who better to go after than the man that is leading the way. GO GET"EM TED!!!!!


Senior Member

Ted NEVER puts out bait.

Must be his evil twin in all his TV hunting videos. :D

That is what I was thinking. I just watched his show this weekend and he was hunting elk. There was this cow eating a nice little pile of something righ there at his stand

nickel back

Senior Member
he my be strange but he does more for hunting than all of us put together and the people that don't won't us hunting know this so who better to go after than the man that is leading the way. GO GET"EM TED!!!!!

he does just as much to hurt us as he does to help us.The only reason he is where he is at is money,if it was not for that he would be a crazy nutt job hunter.The man is an idoit


Senior Member
The dude has a huge game preserve of his own. Why is he hunting California?

Umm, who wouldnt take the opportunity to hunt in California for free...and get paid for it?

he does just as much to hurt us as he does to help us.The only reason he is where he is at is money,if it was not for that he would be a crazy nutt job hunter.The man is an idoit
lets see he's rich enough to retire, can break laws and get away with it and has women swooning over him wherever he goes. He has a smile on his face. He gets to go on hunting trips for free and gets paid for it. Im guessing his life is how he wants it to be.
yea hes an idiot...:rolleyes:

You remind me of people that call George Bush an idiot...
Used to be president.
Has free bodyguards.
Can do whatever he wants.
Is rich enough that he doesnt need to work.
Owns property
Life is good.
He may be an inconsiderate jerk...but not an idiot.


Senior Member
....he clearly stated he was guilty.....he can wiggle in the press all he wants...but the bottom line is what he pled in open court......I do not think that baiting laws have any basis or foundation in logic......but a law, is a law till we get smart enough to change them to reflect a sound logical position.
If you break game laws you hurt us all.


umm, who wouldnt take the opportunity to hunt in california for free...and get paid for it?

Lets see he's rich enough to retire, can break laws and get away with it and has women swooning over him wherever he goes. He has a smile on his face. He gets to go on hunting trips for free and gets paid for it. Im guessing his life is how he wants it to be.
Yea hes an idiot...:rolleyes:

You remind me of people that call george bush an idiot...
Used to be president.
Has free bodyguards.
Can do whatever he wants.
Is rich enough that he doesnt need to work.
Owns property
life is good.
He may be an inconsiderate jerk...but not an idiot.

please dont be so jealous of uncle ted!

rex upshaw

Senior Member
Umm, who wouldnt take the opportunity to hunt in California for free...and get paid for it?

lets see he's rich enough to retire, can break laws and get away with it and has women swooning over him wherever he goes. He has a smile on his face. He gets to go on hunting trips for free and gets paid for it. Im guessing his life is how he wants it to be.
yea hes an idiot...:rolleyes:

You remind me of people that call George Bush an idiot...
Used to be president.
Has free bodyguards.
Can do whatever he wants.
Is rich enough that he doesnt need to work.
Owns property
Life is good.
He may be an inconsiderate jerk...but not an idiot.

:rofl: are you kidding me???
so since he is rich enough to retire, he isn't an idiot? mike tyson and michael jackson were rich enough to retire too. :rolleyes:

i have no clue why you are trying to compare nugent and gwb, but one's posession's does not make a person any more, or any less of an idiot.

A. Taylor

Senior Member
My bad I just read that line must have missed it the first time. Yeah must be aa misprint or someone misquoted him. I've seen plenty of his shows where he clearly puts bait out.


Senior Member
He is a little quirky, but he will out debate an anti anyday, and he is a huge proponent of our 2nd amendment rights. So he's alright with me.