Thoughts? From people with non-sheeple brains

Rebel 6

Senior Member
I am as confused as anyone can be. I believe this Universe and this Earth has some kind of creator. Were the Indians wrong? Many Gods. One for each season and each sun phase. Makes much more sense to me than a "bible" conspired, translated and printed for a new "religion. For those who are incapable of catching my drift, I am not relating to the society-controlled religion of the British (been there/done that garbage). Nor am I asking of the...uh...(Protestants)...been there/done that, with a wee bit of logic. Neither flies...neither. Gimme some logic. Literal logic, without some inbred or homosexual (king JAMES) twisted, contorted and...uh.....LOGICAL logic...I dare ya'....I challenge ya'...I DARE ya' to present me with some...SOME...literal (read...LITERAl - hint: cut & paste don't cut it here) existence...logic...reason why YOUR God is real, in this fakeheiney world. I challenge, you. I dare you. And remember, words copied/pasted from such from a homosexual and likely pedophile don't count. Read: logic vs sheepleness. I dare ya'. C'mon!


Senior Member
I am as confused as anyone can be. I believe this Universe and this Earth has some kind of creator. Were the Indians wrong? Many Gods. One for each season and each sun phase. Makes much more sense to me than a "bible" conspired, translated and printed for a new "religion. For those who are incapable of catching my drift, I am not relating to the society-controlled religion of the British (been there/done that garbage). Nor am I asking of the...uh...(Protestants)...been there/done that, with a wee bit of logic. Neither flies...neither. Gimme some logic. Literal logic, without some inbred or homosexual (king JAMES) twisted, contorted and...uh.....LOGICAL logic...I dare ya'....I challenge ya'...I DARE ya' to present me with some...SOME...literal (read...LITERAl - hint: cut & paste don't cut it here) existence...logic...reason why YOUR God is real, in this fakeheiney world. I challenge, you. I dare you. And remember, words copied/pasted from such from a homosexual and likely pedophile don't count. Read: logic vs sheepleness. I dare ya'. C'mon!
Will you agree to use words and definitions only from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary?


Senior Member
Do ya double dog dare me?


Who judges the logic?
Majority? In a fakeheiney world, such may just lead to greater confusion.
Who will judge your dare? Mine?
My God is invisible, unconjurable, utterly full of self awareness that any trick I might try to employ would expose me, not him.
Yet, you speak as one wanting some kind of proof you.
You see, since only your unseen maker knows you fully, unerringly, completely to the hairs on your head...he alone can show himself to you with any undeniable proof.
But please, before you dismiss the unseeable as unknowable...just look at what you have managed to develop by just presenting here something none of us can see, taste, feel, or smell; your thoughts.
If a man can "come clean" about the myriad things that move him daily...which he can never prove except by some agreement or some form of concensus "I love my wife"..."and that's why I do, say, attempt such and such...", well, I don't think I need belabor the point.
God, in that sense, is as easy to show as love...or hard...depending.
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Senior Member
You sound a little more angry than confused. If the Protestants are wrong then the Native Americans could also be wrong.
Maybe you could look at and compare all the religions, then relax and let the real God call you if he decides to call. You can't believe if you don't even know what to believe.
Just keep an open mind and pray to that Creator that you do believe in to show you the way.


I Gots Goats
Many Gods. One for each season and each sun phase.

For a 9th post ever, this is a quality effort, for sure!

But, do you suppose that it is possible for God to be God only when the earth tilts a certain way? If so, he is no longer God when the earth tilts another. If that's the case, was he ever God?

Anyway, to the rest of your post, God is a logical conclusion for many, it's an original cause sort of thing.

As to Christianity, if Jesus did the things the Bible says he did, then, I wouldn't know what else to call him :huh:

^^^There's your logic, in a few short sentences. You are left only to call into question the validity of the Bible. At which point we are debating whether or not some folks 2k years ago were lieng a bunch and writing it down. From that point, we have to stand on side has faith they were all liars, the other side has faith they weren't.


Of the hard cast variety
For a 9th post ever, this is a quality effort, for sure!

But, do you suppose that it is possible for God to be God only when the earth tilts a certain way? If so, he is no longer God when the earth tilts another. If that's the case, was he ever God?

Anyway, to the rest of your post, God is a logical conclusion for many, it's an original cause sort of thing.

As to Christianity, if Jesus did the things the Bible says he did, then, I wouldn't know what else to call him :huh:

^^^There's your logic, in a few short sentences. You are left only to call into question the validity of the Bible. At which point we are debating whether or not some folks 2k years ago were lieng a bunch and writing it down. From that point, we have to stand on side has faith they were all liars, the other side has faith they weren't.

JB, were the folks 2k years ago that wrote of God/Jesus lying any more or telling any more truth than every other person who worshiped all other God(s) that wrote down a religious thought/story/FACT?


I Gots Goats
JB, were the folks 2k years ago that wrote of God/Jesus lying any more or telling any more truth than every other person who worshiped all other God(s) that wrote down a religious thought/story/FACT?

That is a question of faith, isn't it? Which is my point. You can have faith they were all making junk up for whatever purpose it served. I can have faith that these folks weren't. Is there more logical value in one or the other?


Of the hard cast variety
That is a question of faith, isn't it? Which is my point. You can have faith they were all making junk up for whatever purpose it served. I can have faith that these folks weren't. Is there more logical value in one or the other?

Until I was 10-12yrs old I didn't know there was any other religion or any other God or any other people that worshiped any other God, let alone other people that wrote in great detail about their Gods and their religion. At that point my faith was already taught to me.

Rebel 6

Senior Member
You sound a little more angry than confused. If the Protestants are wrong then the Native Americans could also be wrong.
Maybe you could look at and compare all the religions, then relax and let the real God call you if he decides to call. You can't believe if you don't even know what to believe.
Just keep an open mind and pray to that Creator that you do believe in to show you the way.

I do. All the time. Been doing so for going on 50 years now. Ain't seen nuthin'. Ain't had nuthin' revealed. Maybe cuz' I wait with an open mind, and don't see what I'm aimin' to see (the very nature of the human mind to do, I believe). A truly open mind. Wanting an answer. Wanting an inspiration. Wanting some spirit to fill my heart and soul. And what do I get, after decades of hoping and praying?

Nothing...absolutely nothing.

Why? Gee...I wonder. Well, actually, I've stopped wondering. I think I know now.

Oh, and I have always known that I am not a sheep. Ain't never been one to mindlessly follow anyone right to the slaughterhouse.

eta: I mean absolutely no offense to you, Artfuldodger. You seem like a kind, considerate person. Just explaining my viewpoint on the Big Picture stuff.
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The Oracle
Turn to John, 3:16 and the early church fathers.

OK.. Big bang. Who dunnit? No matter where you turn,
in every religion, THERE IS A DEITY.


I do. All the time. Been doing so for going on 50 years now. Ain't seen nuthin'. Ain't had nuthin' revealed. Maybe cuz' I wait with an open mind, and don't see what I'm aimin' to see (the very nature of the human mind to do, I believe). A truly open mind. Wanting an answer. Wanting an inspiration. Wanting some spirit to fill my heart and soul. And what do I get, after decades of hoping and praying?

Nothing...absolutely nothing.

Why? Gee...I wonder. Well, actually, I've stopped wondering. I think I know now.

Oh, and I have always known that I am not a sheep. Ain't never been one to mindlessly follow anyone right to the slaughterhouse.

eta: I mean absolutely no offense to you, Artfuldodger. You seem like a kind, considerate person. Just explaining my viewpoint on the Big Picture stuff.

It seems to me, much of a man is composed of a devotion to not be like "those" others however a man perceives "those".
When you see that is just reactionary, and just as confining as the worst compulsions, inclinations, and drives that appear to you as the most venal, base, or simple...well...can you see that?
How can you ever know who you are if it all depends always on trying to not be like them?

Yes, it takes a "something" for a man to surrender to the truth, "I am just a common man".
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Senior Member
I do. All the time. Been doing so for going on 50 years now. Ain't seen nuthin'. Ain't had nuthin' revealed. Maybe cuz' I wait with an open mind, and don't see what I'm aimin' to see (the very nature of the human mind to do, I believe). A truly open mind. Wanting an answer. Wanting an inspiration. Wanting some spirit to fill my heart and soul. And what do I get, after decades of hoping and praying?

Nothing...absolutely nothing.

Why? Gee...I wonder. Well, actually, I've stopped wondering. I think I know now.

Oh, and I have always known that I am not a sheep. Ain't never been one to mindlessly follow anyone right to the slaughterhouse.

eta: I mean absolutely no offense to you, Artfuldodger. You seem like a kind, considerate person. Just explaining my viewpoint on the Big Picture stuff.
Nothing...absolutely nothing.
I don't think religion/belief in God is a spectator sport.
It requires YOU to do something. Believe, have faith, decide that tree is evidence of the Christian God etc.
I wait with an open mind
What you are waiting for is logical evidence or proof of some sort and there isn't any.
That's where the faith comes in.
One more comment -
Thoughts? From people with non-sheeple brains
If you were waiting for some sort of proof or sign wouldn't that mean you were willing to be a sheeple?
So if you were willing that would mean you saw there being a benefit or value higher than being termed a sheeple.
How is that any different from people who do believe?
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Senior Member
That is a question of faith, isn't it? Which is my point. You can have faith they were all making junk up for whatever purpose it served. I can have faith that these folks weren't. Is there more logical value in one or the other?
Logical would dictate that if you believe "these folks" could be telling to the truth, "those folks" could be telling the truth also.
The exact same evidence exists for all of them and you cant disprove the others.
So I would say NONE of them have any logical value.
So I completely agree with -
That is a question of faith, isn't it? Which is my point.