What’s your all time favorite show?


Senior Member
I like Alone. Broken Skull Ranch is pretty good, especially the last two seasons, wish they didn’t cancel it. Both reality but good ones.

also crime dramas... Sopranos was good. Good Fellows was a good movie. I like NARCOs, and if ya like those, check out “Zero Zero Zero“ For a rarely heard of drug organized crime series. Some of you might like “Billions” first two season are well done.

if you haven’t seen “Rome”, and you like military stuff it is a favorite... I might want to watch it again. Band of Brothers if you never seen try it.

I don’t watch a lot of TV but I try to pick out the good stuff. Legends of the Fall, Last of the Mohicans, Patriot, even Troy is good if ya never seen it.
I figured your favorite would be MeatEater.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Gunsmoke (watching it now)
Hawaii Five 0 (70s version)
Law and Order
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NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy


Senior Member
Mash, Seinfeld, Rockford Files, Gunsmoke, Hogans Heroes old shows....New ones Vikings, The Last Alaskans, The Ranch, Queen of the South


Redneck Emperor
I like JRE a lot.

Haven't listened to Carlin in a while but that man knows his stuff and can paint a great picture in your head.

I like Free Domain Radio with Stefan Molyneux, I lean a little more to the An-Cap side of the spectrum, his snark and sarcasm turn a lot of people off but that dude makes compelling arguments.

I do a lot of fiction podcasts too, mostly speculative and horror.
I’m guessing you’re a Michael Malice fan too then? Malice is my guy.


Redneck Emperor
Heck yea I'd only ever seen him on JRE though, now I'm definitely going down the Michael Malice rabbit hole.
Check out the interviews Lex Fridman did with him. You’ll LOVE it. I’m pretty traditional but my views are getting more and more in line with his. Note my calls for divorce. He talks about it a lot. He also has his own show.


Senior Member
I'm so lost in this thread. Dont have television at home but they installed a satellite television at the break room at work. Lunch hour consists of The Andy Griffith Show, some days back to back. Life Below Zero is good. Other than that I haven't found anything worth watching twice....


Senior Member
Crap it is any wonder we get any outdoor activities in with all the TV we are watching!! LOL.


Senior Member
Seinfeld episodes never get old. “You mean it shrinks?...Like a frightened turtle.” My father rarely watched television but I can remember us talking him into sitting down and watching a Seinfeld episode. He never so much as even cracked a smile while we were howling. He was one Georgia boy that did not appreciate what he called Yankee humor.