WTB some Feral Hogs

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Senior Member
just wondering why people cant mind there buisness!!! and its always the same people we should have a dog hunters site and a seperate i guess what you would call a gun hunters site

Florida Curdog

Senior Member
hey ya'll im lookin to buy some feral hogs, Im wanting about 3 to 5 at least one Boar. If anybody has any give me a PM. Im located in the Macon area and will come and get them.
This is what this thread was about not releasing-relocating or turning loose on someones farm. There is always certain people that have to always flip things around to something it wasn't to start with :offtopic: Now all we hear is a bunch of :cry: Thanks.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
This is what this thread was about not releasing-relocating or turning loose on someones farm. There is always certain people that have to always flip things around to something it wasn't to start with :offtopic: Now all we hear is a bunch of :cry: Thanks.

Then why does he want a boar, with those sows? If he`s lookin` to start a hog farm, why wouldn`t he want good stock, that he knows is from good sources?

gin house

Senior Member
why does everybody talk about turning hogs loose? theres been hogs runnin wild for no telling how long, in florida didnt the spanish bring them with them? freerange is the way they started. anyways, some people love hunting hogs with a rifle and stand and come on here bragging about it, why are you so mad at the doggers that supposedly turn them loose???? doesnt that keep you huntin????? theres two different kinds of hog hunters ones that love em and ones that hate them, i love to hunt them. theres a guy up here that traps them, hes about 50 yr old, he said hes been trapin them since he was in high school in his back yard and makin good money off them, i know theyve been around here for 35 years, no tellin how long theyve been in ga and florida. moderators, why dont yall make a hog doggers post, please.

NEGA Hog Hunter

Senior Member
gin house is correct i can remember when i was a little kid tagging along with my dad deer hunting in south georgia, there were hogs where we hunted way back then. From the way the older folks talked they had been there for years. Most of the guys we hunted with kinda liked the fact that they may get to kill a hog while deer hunting. there are very few places left in georgia that does not have a hog population of some kind. So chances are that if you have suitable habitat hogs could show up any day ,not because someone put them there,but because the population is growing. there is one sure way to get rid of feral hogs in georgia, get the DNR to manage them ,just look at what they have done for the whitetailed deer.


Senior Member
I have hunted quail in the swamps of Whitewater Creek in South Taylor County and the Flint River in North and East Taylor County and the Butler Level in Middle Taylor County since 1958. I hunted in the sands of West Taylor County in the early 60s and 70s. I never saw a feral hog until deer hunters started releasing them on Whitewater in the South and the Flint river in the North in the middle-late 70s. By the early 80s the Whitewater hogs had worked their way up to the Butler Level.

I don't know about Florida or anywhere in Georgia except Taylor County, but there were no feral hogs where I hunted until so-called "sportsmen" started releasing them on their deer leases.


Senior Member
Thats the truth nega hh thats why i dont care if i ever kill another deer, They have wipped out the deer with these stupid 12 deer limits and coyotes. Thats exactly why im glad to see the hogs moving on up.Kill one 25 more are born to take its place. So MORE POWER TO THE HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you hugged a hog today ??????? I HAVE


Senior Member
Bitter and bored huh !!! Naw our hogs are clean we tie'm, washem, brush there teeth and the give them a few fertility pills then turnem back where we caughtem. We are taking some A.I classes just to make sure there with piglets next time we see them.Have you hugged a hog today?????????


Senior Member
Bitter and bored huh !!! Naw our hogs are clean we tie'm, washem, brush there teeth and the give them a few fertility pills then turnem back where we caughtem. We are taking some A.I classes just to make sure there with piglets next time we see them.Have you hugged a hog today?????????

Well, if that's the way you like to rock.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sounds like you are right intimate with them. I guess most anything goes now.

Night night. I'll leave you alone with Miss Piggy.;)


Senior Member
Good night bitter and bored go take your medicine and get a good nights sleep so you can get in everybodys buisness tomorow. AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU HUGGED A HOG TODAY? P.S YOU SHOULD SEE MISS PIGGY


Senior Member
I have hunted quail in the swamps of Whitewater Creek in South Taylor County and the Flint River in North and East Taylor County and the Butler Level in Middle Taylor County since 1958. I hunted in the sands of West Taylor County in the early 60s and 70s. I never saw a feral hog until deer hunters started releasing them on Whitewater in the South and the Flint river in the North in the middle-late 70s. By the early 80s the Whitewater hogs had worked their way up to the Butler Level.

I don't know about Florida or anywhere in Georgia except Taylor County, but there were no feral hogs where I hunted until so-called "sportsmen" started releasing them on their deer leases.

So are you saying they wouldnt be there if the deer hunters didnt relocate them. From what iv seen they have adapted to taylor pretty good. Im sure they would be there with or without that extra little bump. Im not saying i agree with relocating hogs, but its kinda like global warming. If the ice is gone melt, its gonna melt. If the land is suitable for hogs, therewill be hogs sooner or later. no matter what


Bigfoot friendly
From WIkipedia

Hunting is the practice of pursuing living animals (usually wildlife) for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching, which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law. The species which are hunted are referred to as game and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory gamebirds.

Hunting can also involve the elimination of vermin, as a means of pest control to prevent diseases caused by overpopulation. Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component[1] of modern wildlife management, for example to help maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as predators are absent.[


Bigfoot friendly
these things happen just the same as shady things happen with you and deerhunting, i see by your avitar youre a deerhunter, you mean to tell me you never do things illegal or shady in deerhunting??? i seriously doubt it, these guys just dont mind talkin about it upfront. anyways, this attutude is not what will be the death of hog hunting, what will be the death of hog hunting is when you have so called hunters that bad mouth other hunters for how and what they do, just fuel the fire the the animal rights groups. what will be the death of hog hunting is people who whine and cry about legal/illegal, despise hog doggin, the animal rights groups own the politicians and lawmakers now, thats a fact, it all goin down hill from here, people are too so called "civilized" for hunting and any animal use, the way they want it is the way you will have it one day, no animal use, no animal ownership, theres nothing you can do about it. wonder if the forefathers had arguements about hog doggin/ moving animals illegally and stupiud things like that????? no, they werent eat up in the government running every bit of their buisness. anyways, im like Nicodeomus, i came up a couple hundred years too late.................quit whining, if thats all youre gonna do what are the babies gonna do??????????????

There is some good stuff in this thread, but this statement kind of stuck out. Apparently we ALL do illegal stuff?

Well actually, I for one, try to keep it legal, all the way!


Senior Member
This is kinda turning into a corn baiting type discussion. Both sides have their opinion...... grabbing a bag of popcorn and pulling up a chair to see how it develops.:pop::pop::pop::pop::pop::stir::stir:


Retired Mod
How can a guy asking to buy something turn into this? If ya'll don't keep it civil, there's gonna be some flags flying. Got it???

Allen Waters

Senior Member
Then why does he want a boar, with those sows? If he`s lookin` to start a hog farm, why wouldn`t he want good stock, that he knows is from good sources?

All he had to do was state what he was doing with them, but he did not, and then when asked, he still did not answer, sooo like others, one would assume he might be going to set'em loose somewhere's. Yep! i know what assuming things does. :D

Guess yall scared him off and we'll never know now::ke:


Senior Member
How can a guy asking to buy something turn into this? If ya'll don't keep it civil, there's gonna be some flags flying. Got it???

All he had to do was state what he was doing with them, but he did not, and then when asked, he still did not answer, sooo like others, one would assume he might be going to set'em loose somewhere's. Yep! i know what assuming things does. :D

Guess yall scared him off and we'll never know now::ke:

You got to admit there, Missuh High She'iff, the Original Post was sort of provocative.;)
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