An eewww! moment for some.


It shows that although you know more usesless information, and can put round pegs in square holes, it never really does anything for you. It also kinda justifies why you wore a pocket protector all thru highschool and a guy in a cheekin mask locked you in a locker twice a week.

Also helps prevent one from posting about how water rolls up a hill.

That reminds me, tell us from first hand experience what the inside of a locker is like


Staff member
Some of the sites I delivered to used CBs to arrange docking. Most of the weigh stations used CBs to speed up getting weights. A CB then was used to save time.
They call on cell phone now.
We don’t stop at weight stations.


...just joking, seriously.
Wait. What?
If you can't tell the difference between different cuts and types of beef, then what would it matter?


Senior Member
I have been in the meat industry for the past 9 years. I have spent time on several feedyards, finishing barns and slaughter houses for cattle and hogs. This guy here is something else.


Staff member
It shows that although you know more usesless information, and can put round pegs in square holes, it never really does anything for you. It also kinda justifies why you wore a pocket protector all thru highschool and a guy in a cheekin mask locked you in a locker twice a week.
Mine tested about 140. I constantly amaze myself with my own stupidity.

Hooked On Quack

Wow went from dairy slaughtered cows to IQ test, mine were in the negative..

IKR, hope this helps. ( stealing from my Hdmo3 )