Buck tarsals


Best thing I've seen stop deer in their tracks is a banana peel. Hanging on a limb, I've watched deer running come to a stop. Then go back to smell the peeling. Who would have thought?

We have tried this on two different properties far apart from each other. Nothing doing. No interest in the peel. Were yours organic? ;)

My boy read this about peels so we tried them. Didn't work for us. But the bananas were tasty!
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Old and Ornery
Staff member
Much respect Nic on this observation for sure, but if I go down it's gonna be swinging for the cheap seats. You can get gored by 10 gazillion limbs, sticks, and rocks trying to get to your spot way before that ole booner sticks you.

I know what you mean. When I was in my early 20`s I got into a hand to hoof fight with a doe that I lost, and a year or two later got into another knife to hoof fight that I won, barely. Both times though, when it was over I looked and felt like the loser. I made up my mind to never lay hand on another live deer. Both of these were does too.


Senior Member
I know what you mean. When I was in my early 20`s I got into a hand to hoof fight with a doe that I lost, and a year or two later got into another knife to hoof fight that I won, barely. Both times though, when it was over I looked and felt like the loser. I made up my mind to never lay hand on another live deer. Both of these were does too.
Man that is crazy!!, and awesome that you can tell stories like that Nic, true mountain man stuff. Yeah it's one thing to sit here and say I could handle myself in a tussle with a deer , deep deep down (and not so deep down too), I know better. I would get my hindside handed to me in a basket . Thanks Nic, great reminder for sure.


Senior Member
How did you hang them? Where did you hang them? In what manner did the deer ignore them?

We have success in using tarsals, but we may use them differently than you.

If the buck was the dominant buck and you use his tarsals in same area he lived you may keep other bucks away.
I hung the doe tarsals from a stick about 12” off the ground. I have not tried the Buck tarsals.


Gone But Not Forgotten
We have tried this on two different properties far apart from each other. Nothing doing. No interest in the peel. Were yours organic? ;)

My boy read this about peels so we tried them. Didn't work for us. But the bananas were tasty!
Could be our deer know what bananas are....lol


Senior Member
Absolutely no doubt for me that I prefer hunting with a fresh buck tarsal hanging within 10 yards of my setup.


Senior Member
No experience with Buck Tarsals…but I’ve seen more than 1 Doe spook when they smelled Doe in Heat/Estrous scent! I guess they just do NOT want to be around another Female & all those problems :biggrin2:

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
My only use of scents is to pee on the fronts of my rubber boots to help cover where I walked.

After near 40 years of hunting and many dollars wasted, no scents of any type are of any interest… at least to me.

For me, it is all about stand time.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I don`t use scents, tarsals, or any of that foolishment that these boys use and put bottles of in front of the deer they kill and get their pictures made with. Go for it, if it makes you feel good. Us real old timers kill all we want and don`t need that mess.

Just hunt.


Senior Member
I agree. All I’ve ever had scents do is spook deer,except a few small bucks over the years. Same with a Grunt call…if I’m not trying to bring a deer closer,or stop one that I can SEE..I don’t use one. Brings in small deer..who eventually spook..then the hunt is usually over. Coyote hunting taught me to wear clean,scent free,rubber boots,clean clothes,and as much Camo as I can stand.Hunt a stand only when the wind is right,Be STILL..and Be Quiet. The rest is being in the right place,at the right time !

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
Alot of times if a deer can smell your scent you've put out he can smell you. Hunt the wind. I keep a can of buck bomb in my pack but only use it when the wind gets squirly and need to buy a few more steps or a few more seconds. But I can count on 1 hand how many times that's happened to the point of working out.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Alot of times if a deer can smell your scent you've put out he can smell you. Hunt the wind. I keep a can of buck bomb in my pack but only use it when the wind gets squirly and need to buy a few more steps or a few more seconds. But I can count on 1 hand how many times that's happened to the point of working out.

In my opinion, for what it`s worth, that`s all you can do, hunt the wind. You can wash your clothes in unscented detergent, hang them on the clothesline to dry in the wind, put them in a bag with pine needles, follow all the proper procedure with all that fooforaw, and whatever else the professionals advise, but the bottom line is that you will not defeat the nose of a deer. Ever, it ain`t gonna happen. As somebody on here posted years ago, "we smell pizza, but a deer smells every ingredient, spice, and all the condiments that went on that pizza."

I believe that.

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
In my opinion, for what it`s worth, that`s all you can do, hunt the wind. You can wash your clothes in unscented detergent, hang them on the clothesline to dry in the wind, put them in a bag with pine needles, follow all the proper procedure with all that fooforaw, and whatever else the professionals advise, but the bottom line is that you will not defeat the nose of a deer. Ever, it ain`t gonna happen. As somebody on here posted years ago, "we smell pizza, but a deer smells every ingredient, spice, and all the condiments that went on that pizza."

I believe that.
Exactly right. Animals live and die by there senses and it's almost impossible to fool them. I've learned it's a whole lot simpler to hunt the wind than mess with all the scent control stuff.


Did it spook the does?

Not in my hunting while using fresh tarsals. Mature bucks, immature bucks, yearlings and does have all come in to where we put the tarsal urine scent, allowing us to watch them, video record them, and harvest them if desired.

You could speculate;
- Some deer may come in because they are familiar with that deer's scent, be it a member of their family group or another family group within the same herd. "Oh Bob must be up here, haven't seen him in a while, let me go see what is up".
- Some deer may avoid the area because they are familiar with that deer's scent and don't want anything to do with that deer, they don't get along, they fought, etc.
- Some deer may come in because they are unfamiliar with the scent, but they understand it is the scent of one of their own, so they are curious to see the newcomer.
- Some deer may avoid the area because they are unfamiliar with the scent and they recognize it as one of their own species but choose to avoid the area.

I just know in our experience using them deer come in. Especially if you use them in the area of à scrape.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Best thing I've seen stop deer in their tracks is a banana peel. Hanging on a limb, I've watched deer running come to a stop. Then go back to smell the peeling. Who would have thought?
If I don't get to the woods before the season goes out, I wont get to use my banana peel..........lol............Back has been giving trouble, and now the truck is broke down. Call me Lucky.


Senior Member
I mostly see it like @Nicodemus. That said, I do occasionally use a tarsal gland from somewhere else to better “sell” a rattling sequence. I’ve also had some success with a portable ozone generator, but I wouldn’t count on it fully. Just hunt.

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
I’ve seen buck hocks work first hand. About 3 years ago I shot a pizzed up 8 point pre rut. I drug him about 100 yards to were my buddy was sitting so he could keep the coyotes off him until I walked a mile back to the truck to get the game cart . As soon as I dropped the tailgate, my buddy shot. Another 7 point tracked my buck down off the hill to where I drug him about 30 yards from my buddy. My buddy shot that buck and he fell right beside mine. Tom said the second buck came off the hill with his nose to the ground like a beagle on a rabbit. He sure wasn’t tracking me.

That being said,I don’t use scents. Only on a certain instance will I. My experience with them is that estrous scent run off a high percentage of does. They often take the buck with them, or throw enough fear scent to put any passing thru buck on high alert. A mature buck doesn’t have a curious hair on his body, he will back out. Dominant buck scent runs off subordinate bucks, or bucks that have been whipped….and they throw off fear scent also. You will get young dumb bucks full of pee and vinegar to respond more than likely. I believe the very best approach is to scout and be in the right spot without introducing any scent at all. Any 3 year old buck or better has smelled and learnt about everything on Wal mart and Academy’s shelf, and Learned what comes with it.

Went back and double checked, mine was a ten point and my buddies was a 5 point.IMG_2734.jpegIMG_2735.jpeg
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