Lost My House (updated)


Senior Member
Shortly before my parent's passed away in 2001 and 2002, they refinanced their house. Because of my Dad's age, he decided against the Credit Life addendum. He passed away in May of 2001. In August of 2002, my Wife and I, plus my (at the time) 10 year old step-daughter moved from WA state to live with and help take care of my Mom here in Georgia. In December of 2002, my Mom returned to Glory. She left me their house and contents in her Will.

Things were going good for us for awhile until I was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer in late 2007. During the course on my chemo and radiation treatments, for which time I took 12 weeks FMLA leave legally, I was terminated from my job. The written cause was "Company Reorganization" and my position was eliminated. I was a beverage warehouse manager. A Supervisor under me was given my role and pay but not the title of Mgr. Thinking this was illegal I attempted to get an Attorney but was refused by every single one I talked to as I was repeatedly told I didn't have a case because I couldn't prove I was fired for having cancer. Shortly after this time I was told by a few people still employed there that they had "overheard" conversations about me and why I was really let go... They didn't want to deal with the possibility of the cancer returning, plain and simple.

Being as how I was released, it did at least qualify me for Unemployment while I searched for new employment. Herein is the problem. I have applied for and interviewed for several jobs since that time but can not get hired. I was "hired" a couple of times but as soon as the issue of my having had cancer comes into the conversation I'm given some bull reason why I don't meet the "required qualifications" and released. If I didn't meet these "qualifications" why was I ever interviewed and even hired to begin with? I think it's pretty simple to see the REAL reason behind it all. One company (GA Nuclear Power Company) even told me that I had to be 5 years "cancer-free" to work there. I asked to see that policy in writing and I was refused. I asked the Dr to put in writing what he had told me and he again refused to do so. The search for employment continues on. The radiation caused some damage to nerves and muscles to the point that I now need to wear "adult garments" most of the time, so a lot of things I once was able to do I now can not.

In February of 2007, my wife was at work and injured her lower back while moving a rather large patient. She is an RN and was employed by the D.O.D., assigned at Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon. She received partial compensation from Workman's Comp for a short time but it was then stopped. The reason for this was based on a lone physician's comment that he didn't see anything in her medical workup as to why she was in so much pain and couldn't work. To this very day the US Department of Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Program disputes that my wife is in pain and further states that she can work, so no compensation is being paid to her, yet they continue to pay for my Wife to see a Pain Management Dr every month and also pay for her increasing pain medications, of which there are many. My Wife is in a constant haze and the pain from the original injury is getting worse. She was fired by the D.O.D. for not attending work, even though she is on a massive amount of narcotics and can not operate a motor vehicle nor would the GA Nursing Union support her in the event she did something wrong at work. What could have possibly been fixed maybe easily has now turned into a bulging disc, 2 annular tears, and a compacted vertebra with probably permanent nerve damage. Social Security Disability has denied her claim as well. We again attempted to get an Attorney to look at the case but now would go against the D.O.D. stating they would tie everything up in red-tape for years.

We managed through 2008 and 2009 somehow, on my Unemployment and by selling a few things... my guns and her jewelry and such. Things were getting really tight in the early part of 2010 and we then got behind in our mortgage payment. JP Morgan Chase Home Finance wasn't one to play around and foreclosed on our home. It was sold in early August to Freddie Mac, who is unwilling to work with me in any way to save my home. I have to appear in the county courthouse on November 17th. At this time I will receive a 7 Day Notice To Vacate. What we'll do or where we'll go... I don't know right now.

Anyways.... If you've taken the time to read all this, I sincerely Thank You... I just needed to get it off my chest and ask for a few good thoughts and maybe a prayer or two. Thanks again.
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Senior Member
Prayers sent to you & your wife Dale! That's sickening to hear our own guberment won't help folks like ya'll but they'll give hand outs to all the immigrants.
Best of luck

david w.

Senior Member
I hate that people are having a hard time.I sincerely hope that things will turn around for you.I sent prayers up there.


Senior Member
sorry to hear brother......if i were rich, id loan u the cash to pay off ur house! my original post on here got deleted i think? i said a few things i shouldnt about all the folks that get gov hand outs that shouldnt....but oh well.......i'll pray for yall. stay strong man!


Senior Member
Prayers sent, Dale. Sure do hope that you can get somebody in gov that has some sense to help y'all.


Senior Member
Praying for you and your family...........................................RW


Gone But Not Forgotten
Hard Times

Prayer sent.........May GOD grant you wisdom, discernment and courage.



prayers sent and will be everyday, I know what you are goin thru and God will make a way.