Throwback's official TEOTWAWKI corona virus prep thread


Senior Member
That moment when people realize that all that toilet paper they're buying was probably made in a Chinese factory by workers with CoronaVirus. :bounce:

Fortunately one of the few things we still do. And aluminum foil I've worked in many paper plants. Hopefully none have been shut down. :flag:IMG_3112.PNG


Senior Member
Dollar General plum out of tp. Got paper towels, benedyl, ibuprofen and theraflu. I'll get the immodiun tomorrow. Good idea


Staff member
I talked to some Ol ladies in there. They didn’t know to buy it all. Told them why.
Then they said. We lucky to have the president we got now !!


Chief Big Taw
Dollar General plum out of tp. Got paper towels, benedyl, ibuprofen and theraflu. I'll get the immodiun tomorrow. Good idea
Went to an out of the way DG today. Had About 1/3 of the normal stock of TP and paper towels.
I have a certain amount I buy every month at sams (along with a few other things) and there is NO WAY I’m going to that madhouse so between DG and Kroger yesterday I got most of what we need plus a little extra for my kids (both live away from us)

The strange thing is NOWHERE I have been has been low on ANY medications. None. It’s the strangest thing. One would think that with a sickness pandemic people would be stocking up on SOME kind of medication. Nope.


Chief Big Taw
Also, just in case you are reading this and need TP, paper towels etc or laundry detergent check Home Depot or Lowe’s. My local HD had about half the TP and PAPER TOWELS they normally have. Plus literally no lines.


Chief Big Taw
If you and your family is quarantined in your house for weeks You’ll find out why you need more than 4 rolls of toilet paper.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
If you and your family is quarantined in your house for weeks You’ll find out why you need more than 4 rolls of toilet paper.
I live in the woods ! And I got 5 rolls , and the only store I’ve stopped at besides a gas station was the feed store for dog and chicken feed !


Staff member
I live in the woods ! And I got 5 rolls , and the only store I’ve stopped at besides a gas station was the feed store for dog and chicken feed !
I stocked up on dog and chicken feed today.
Planted peas front field and back field.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
I got a friend in Alabama that drives a bread truck . I texted him today and ask if he had any extra bread . He said these people have GON crazy