anyone ready for a gill swap


Senior Member
well they are starting to arrive at the house. i got IJ in the mail today. he has even gave me a idea on how to carry some flys with the tin he sent his in

injun joe

Gone But Not Forgotten
LOL. I didn't know if my fancy fly box would pass muster or not. I carry the same kind in my waders for emergency situations.


Senior Member
opps sorry about that l2d. its one of those flat cig tins. i will post a pic of it in the am. also i just though of how to make some small fly boxes. i have a huge collection of camel zippo lighters and a lot of them came in a small tin. you cant put a lot of flies in them but get enough of the tins and you can have quite a collection going


Senior Member
Cool. I was thinking about getting some foam to go in the bottom of an Altoids tin to keep the flies more secure while shipping.


Senior Member
here ya go l2d and this is what i am going to use. if yal want any of these. just let me know. like i said i have a ton of them just sitting in a big plastic container taking up room





Senior Member

:cool:Oh yeah those are nice tins and will work great. The zippo tin looks to be about the same size as the altoid tins I use. :yeah:


Senior Member
Mine are ready........what you need to go with them? Need some extra altoid tins?


Senior Member
all right got another package in the mail today. but i need to make sure these are for this swap since i have another going on at the same time. these things are sweet looking the package came from milledjeville ga.


Senior Member
Fast mail

man I can't complain about the mail anymore. Mailed them tuesday and you got them wednesday???????

any way, those are the "Black Betty"s from mud creek. Just strip them in slow, they ride upside down, and work extra good when the fish are in the grass. Got a little lead wire under the yarn, but not enough to sink them real fast.
I don't know what they are supposed to be, but they sure catch fish. I often alternate the color of the beard with the color of the dragonflies, so maybe they have something to do with dragonflies.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Oh No! It is me folks. I will mail today. They are in my truck and I forgot them!:whip:


Senior Member
black betty

yep, scud hooks............make a million.......any body got a guess why they work? Make various colors of beards and match them to the color of the dragonflies


Senior Member

I can tell you why I like it:

Fin flutter
Tail wag
Hook rides up for less hangups, gives the body bulk,
and is out of sight

We see (for example) the bright blue in the picture and believe it matters. Under two feet of water, I bet most of the blue will be reduced to a much darker shade, if not black. Plus I can only guess what colors a fish sees.

I think it is a winner.



Senior Member
I agree with allen, definitely looks like a winner. Reminds me of the little freshwater grass shrimp I use to catch in my dip net when I was younger.