Get on the Michigan bandwagon


Senior Member
I don't hate Alabama, their university or it's football team. I know some Bama fans who are arrogant rednecks and I don't care for them too much but I don't waste much time on them. Life is much bigger than college football.

The only reason I hope Michigan wins (and I hate all Yankee universities more than I hate GT) is because Bama does not belong in the final 4 so I'd like to see somebody stick their thumbs in both eyes of the committee, ESPN and the Vegas odds makers. That's because I've spent a lifetime rebelling against authority.
I know where you stand about the committee and I respect that.


Staff member
I know where you stand about the committee and I respect that.

They have finally let the truth out for all to see. It's never been about "the 4 best teams". It's always been about ESPN and Vegas' money. It's pretty sickening.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
I don't hate Alabama, their university or it's football team. I know some Bama fans who are arrogant rednecks and I don't care for them too much but I don't waste much time on them. Life is much bigger than college football.

The only reason I hope Michigan wins (and I hate all Yankee universities more than I hate GT) is because Bama does not belong in the final 4 so I'd like to see somebody stick their thumbs in both eyes of the committee, ESPN and the Vegas odds makers. That's because I've spent a lifetime rebelling against authority.
Every single word is the truth! I too have spend a lifetime fighting authority, but authority always seems to win.


Staff member
Every single word is the truth! I too have spend a lifetime fighting authority, but authority always seems to win.

I got a long string of victories the authorities don't know about. Unfortunately my unblemished record will have to remain unpublished as the statute of limitations has not run on all of them. :bounce:
Every single word is the truth! I too have spend a lifetime fighting authority, but authority always seems to win.
I got a long string of victories the authorities don't know about. Unfortunately my unblemished record will have to remain unpublished as the statute of limitations has not run on all of them. :bounce:
I've gotten pretty lucky over my lifetime... And I fight against authority every day! :bounce: