How long do you store ammo in a mag?


Senior Member
a lifetime

I bought ammo from the lawyer of a drug dealer who went to prison. His ammo was siezed by the gov't and later released to his attorney who sold it. This ammo was 1970s vintage ammo that was all loaded into mags (M1 carbine, M1911) for many, many years. Some of the mags were rusty. The springs had enough pressure in them to feed round up, BUT some of the mags felt like the spring pressure was unusually light. Maybe they were made that way- erratic quality control? Or maybe some partially lost their spring power after being fully loaded for 10 - 20 years?

Either way, I would not be afraid to load mags and leave them fully loaded for as long as I wanted, decades, if I knew that the mags would stay clean and dry and corrosion-free. But brass can tarnish and get that green rot on it. Steel can rust, and rusted springs can break. I'd feel better if I could unload all my mags every 5 years and inspect them, and the ammo, and make sure the mags are lightly oiled, before reloading them and returing them to storage for another 5 years.