
Senior Member
Haven’t really begun to hunt my backyard on the 30,000 NF that my property borders I bought a few yrs back but, I little under 3 Hrs to camp!


Senior Member
Got any pics of your camping set up
This is it. I was in a different club last year, made the effort to put the tent on a wood platform to keep it up just a bit, better for keeping water out. This year I was lazy. I put a ground cloth under it instead. It did fine. Only water that got in was when it was raining and I opened the door and tracked it in.

During the season there was a folding table in the green house. I'd lay out the Colman stove, had a rope light set up in it. There's power available, so there was an extension cord run, it powered the coffee maker and a small space heater in the tent. My wife ran the instant pot for dinner there several times.

The tarp drapped over the tent actually traps a lot of heat. I stayed there on nights it was below freezing but that tent stayed nice and toasty. The heater has a thermostat control, I left it on when I went for a morning sit accidentally once. Temps rose up and I also didn't have the thermostat set right and the heater just kept going. I got back for lunch and stepped in - was like a sauna. Had to open up everything so it could vent out!

We do camp fires in a cheap metal raised fire pit too. All in all, it's very comfy and cozy.



Senior Member
Bout 6 hours or so-Really only hunt back home with Dad.
May get an invite to hunt with a buddy over in Conyers a time or two, but that doesn’t count!

Robust Redhorse

Senior Member
20 Minutes to my 60 acres.

There are a couple of big ones there, but they won't come out unless it is well past legal shooting hours.

The rut may not be completely over here, so I might still have a chance.


Senior Member
One and a half hours to leased land and I don't mind a day trip. Two hours to 20 acres in Sparta that I own and I didn't hunt it once this year.

Mason Jar

Senior Member
3 minutes out the back door of my shop on foot, less than that on our side by side, that's depending on which Stand I decide to hunt out of. At the most, about 10 minutes to the far back side of my property on the side by side.