I love chicken and homosexuals

I’m not sure I understand your question. I read that thread, but I don’t see the relationship. Maybe I’m missing something.

My bad, CPF. If you don't mind, I'll send a PM when I get time. I respect your opinion and it would be very helpful and beneficial to me to work through my question with you. Many thanks.


Senior Member
Define "filled with sin" using Bible verses. Either someone is saved or they aren't. There is no such thing as "half-saved." Either people stop sinning or they don't. Either people are changed or they aren't. There is no gray areas concerning salvation.
Again I would like to see verses that talk about someone being filled with sin. Is that one a day or ten every Saturday night?

Luke 6

43 “For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. 45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

What kind of fruit do you have?

Rjcruiser I go every Sunday;)



Senior Member
Define "filled with sin" using Bible verses. Either someone is saved or they aren't. There is no such thing as "half-saved." Either people stop sinning or they don't. Either people are changed or they aren't. There is no gray areas concerning salvation.
Again I would like to see verses that talk about someone being filled with sin. Is that one a day or ten every Saturday night?

No one who asks God for forgiveness can be confident that they won’t commit the same sin again. In fact, our natures are so contaminated by sin that we often do. When Peter asked Jesus whether we are obligated to forgive a person who sins against us seven times (Peter’s “seven times” more than doubled the rabbinic prescription), Jesus said: “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22 NKJV).

By my math, that's.......490 times.


Senior Member
No one who asks God for forgiveness can be confident that they won’t commit the same sin again. In fact, our natures are so contaminated by sin that we often do. When Peter asked Jesus whether we are obligated to forgive a person who sins against us seven times (Peter’s “seven times” more than doubled the rabbinic prescription), Jesus said: “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22 NKJV).

By my math, that's.......490 times.

Well at least that puts a number on something. I keep getting these vague answers on what it takes to be a Christian and just actually how much sin I can perform but no one can give me concrete Biblical data. Just some vague Bible verse and their personal feelings.
Well I showed a whole list of verses that says no sin is allowed by Christians and no one responded. I keep asking exactly what a homosexual is according to the Bible's definition and no one responded. I keep asking what the Bible's definition of repentance is and nobody responded.


Senior Member
Luke 6

43 “For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. 45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

What kind of fruit do you have?


I feel in my heart I produce good fruit. I try to live right, help others, forgive others, obedience to God, and show love to others.

Somehow I don't feel that verse is about "not sinning" but about "good living." Can a person have lust in his heart and cheat on his income tax but also forgive and help his neighbor? I do still sin and I do feel bad when I do sin. I get confused about the whole Christian concept when I read the verses like I posted in #294 that says we can't sin. I read about God's grace and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Then I read about blessed assurance, freedom in Christ, surrendering all to Christ, stop worrying about stuff like this, give your heart to God, trust God, on and on. One Christian is telling me my freedom and assurance is from God's grace and another is telling me it's about not living a life of sin. I thought Jesus died for my sins. Where's my freedom if I must worry about not having enough fruit? If I don't have enough fruit, then I was never saved to begin with and will go to He11. It's like an enigma. It's like a religious rollercoaster. I'm constantly wondering if I'm making the grade.

What about other verses defining "filled with sin" and do you have any ideas on the verses I listed in post #294?
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Senior Member
You are OK with what you know enough about the use of the word "homosexual" in the Bible in your confidence it will keep them out of the Kingdom of Heaven?

The other sins on the list will not keep us from seeing the Kingdom of Heaven?
Notice the list is lifestyle sins, all those lifestyles will keep a person from inheriting the kingdom, unless they change their lifestyle which can be done with help from God.

If we aren't willing to support a sin, then we should not support any sin. Christians should not sin. We should not even associate with any Christian that sins regardless of how often they repent.

Let's say for instance a homosexual or drunkard has give up their lifestyle and are living a Christian life, then they stumble. They will feel burdened, hurt, and will seek forgiveness and help in walking away from that sin. They will not fall back into that lifestyle of unrepentant homosexuality & or drunkeness if they have truly been saved, and truly have Christ in them and them in Christ.
So say sayeth the bible


Senior Member
Some Hindus produce good fruit, that doesn't mean they are going to Heaven. I see good fruit as being a little different from sinning. A lukewarm Christian could produce good fruit and very little sin or produce more sin and less good fruit.
So if we can't come up with a concrete figure on sin, what about a concrete figure on 'good fruit?" How much of that good fruit will get me into Heaven?


Senior Member

Notice the list is lifestyle sins, all those lifestyles will keep a person from inheriting the kingdom, unless they change their lifestyle which can be done with help from God.

Let's say for instance a homosexual or drunkard has give up their lifestyle and are living a Christian life, then they stumble. They will feel burdened, hurt, and will seek forgiveness and help in walking away from that sin. They will not fall back into that lifestyle of unrepentant homosexuality & or drunkeness if they have truly been saved, and truly have Christ in them and them in Christ.
So say sayeth the bible

So you've divided sin into categories? Lifestyle sin is unforgivin and little daily sins are forgivin? Is there a Biblical definition of Lifestyle sin vs little daily sins? What would you consider lust or jealousy? Is it the sin or how often you do it?


Senior Member
So you've divided sin into categories? A Lifestyle sin is unforgivin and little daily sins are forgivin? Is there a Biblical definition of Lifestyle sin vs little daily sins? What would you consider lust or jealousy? Is it the sin or how often you do it?

I see your eyes are closed, and I'm tired of stating the obvious over and over. Art I didn't write the book, if you don't like what's in it, take it up with the author. See ya on another topic soon and take care.


Senior Member
So you've divided sin into categories? Lifestyle sin is unforgivin and little daily sins are forgivin? Is there a Biblical definition of Lifestyle sin vs little daily sins? What would you consider lust or jealousy? Is it the sin or how often you do it?

I see your eyes are closed, and I'm tired of stating the obvious over and over. Art I didn't write the book, if you don't like what's in it, take it up with the author. See ya on another topic soon and take care.

My daughter woke up crying last night saying she was scared of the shadows in her room. I told her to close her eyes and then she could see whatever she wanted to. Faith of a child, Art. Faith of a child.


Senior Member
I feel in my heart I produce good fruit. I try to live right, help others, forgive others, obedience to God, and show love to others.

Somehow I don't feel that verse is about "not sinning" but about "good living." Can a person have lust in his heart and cheat on his income tax but also forgive and help his neighbor? I do still sin and I do feel bad when I do sin. I get confused about the whole Christian concept when I read the verses like I posted in #294 that says we can't sin. I read about God's grace and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Then I read about blessed assurance, freedom in Christ, surrendering all to Christ, stop worrying about stuff like this, give your heart to God, trust God, on and on. One Christian is telling me my freedom and assurance is from God's grace and another is telling me it's about not living a life of sin. I thought Jesus died for my sins. Where's my freedom if I must worry about not having enough fruit? If I don't have enough fruit, then I was never saved to begin with and will go to He11. It's like an enigma. It's like a religious rollercoaster. I'm constantly wondering if I'm making the grade.

What about other verses defining "filled with sin" and do you have any ideas on the verses I listed in post #294?

It's both of these things. Go and sin no more...but trust that Jesus' death on the cross covered your sins. If you ask...He is faithful to forgive. Christ is our propitiation. He's took our punishment...bore it on the cross...and conquered death...so that we might have eternal life.

Am I broken over my sin? Yes. Do I wonder sometimes if my sins are too much for Christ's death to cover? Yes. But I must rid myself of those thoughts of doubt....and know that Christ covers all of my sins. That is what faith is all about.

As far as the verse in 294...I'll have to look at that. Of the top of my head, look at the context of the passage...and I don't think it is saying you can't sin again...ever (because that would be impossible).


Senior Member
Well at least that puts a number on something. I keep getting these vague answers on what it takes to be a Christian and just actually how much sin I can perform but no one can give me concrete Biblical data. Just some vague Bible verse and their personal feelings.
Well I showed a whole list of verses that says no sin is allowed by Christians and no one responded. I keep asking exactly what a homosexual is according to the Bible's definition and no one responded. I keep asking what the Bible's definition of repentance is and nobody responded.

I feel ya, brother.


Senior Member
Artful I'm with ya brother. It kills how so many self centered self righteous folks come on here and act like they live a sinless life. I'm a Christian and live by faith and know I sin. That's what prayer is for. It doesnt matter,White black green yellow straight gay, as long as you believe that Jesus is Lord and savior I believe all is well. Anyone can post bible scripture.


The being of a new creation is instantaneous.
The manifestation of such...well, I believe we are all finding out.
The question then becomes...how do "I" grow in this life...without impeding another?
What gives offense?... let alone to consider...is there anything at all to be done to encourage?
To which, it appears, I most often hear..."YOU" grow...and it will accomplish all I (the Lord) desire toward any other.


Senior Member
I can only hope and pray that one day I will live as half as good as some of my fellow Christians do. I'm sure there are plenty of Christians that do live twice as good as I do. I would imagine they are meek & humble.


Senior Member
I see your eyes are closed, and I'm tired of stating the obvious over and over. Art I didn't write the book, if you don't like what's in it, take it up with the author. See ya on another topic soon and take care.

My eyes, I've asked for guidance on and a few things and no one responds. You and others have and thanks.
Back to lifestyle sin, how much or is there a number of sins one must perform before it is considered lifestyle sinning, and thus never seeing Heaven, by God's description? You didn't write the book but you do understand it. How far can I sin before I don't see the Kingdom of God? We do have verses that say Christians can't. I agree I've read them.
Do you believe the amount of lifestyle sins are offset by good fruit? You mention good fruit, if I cheat my neighbor but help an old lady fix her car, do they offset each other?
Will these good works off set enough of my lifestyle sins to let me enter Heaven?
Are lifestyle sins mainly one big sin like drunkenness or homosexuality that we struggle with from time to time or a bunch of little sins we commit daily? I'm trying to picture the difference.
In other words, would living a life of smaller sins still be considered a life of sin? Sins such as cheating, not helping, not forgiving, lust, slander, gossip, overeating, being effeminate, dishonesty, & living in excess.
My point is I sin daily, am I living in a lifestyle sin way of life?
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Senior Member

Counting sins, repentences, etc....I think your New Year's Resolution is shot.

It was short lived. Let me ask you, what do the verses mean that I posted in post#294 that say Christians aren't allowed to sin? Do you believe your definition of the words "homosexual" and "repentance" line up with the Biblical definition? How much of our repentance comes from the Holy Spirit?
I would like answers on these definitions and what interpretations and research you used to define them from anyone wanting to respond.

I thought of one more question I never got an answer on.
Would a straight effeminate metro-sexual male, be living the same life of sin as a macho-homosexual male? Considering that neither was willing to repent and change his lifestyle.
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Senior Member
Look at theses verses and see if they say "unless you repent" at the end of them.

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and *****mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God [Heaven].

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous [those that reject Christ Jesus] shall not inherit the kingdom of God [Heaven]? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [catamites], nor abusers of themselves with mankind [sodomites],
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God [Heaven].

How does all of that work with the next verse? Nothing is said of repentance in the next verse, is it part of sanctification?

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified [rendered innocent] in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

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