Please pray with me.


I Gots Goats
It seemed like I didn't have to change much or travel far in order to be saved. It seems like God is much further from me now.

Isn't that based on perspective? There are two ways of looking at this.....if you were initially chosen God, then where you are is by God's design. If you chose to get to where you are, then the distance is by your design.

Either way, I don't see how the distance is mroe now than before. It's either God's choice or yours. On one hand, you have no say in it anyway, so there are no additional requirements, on the other, it's really your call, and you are making things much mroe difficult than they have to be.

It seemed like all I had to do to be saved was to ask and God came to me. But that doesn't seem to be the case now. It seems like I now have to go to God.

Didn't you go to God in the first sentence as well?

Maybe all I have to do is meet Him half way and the distance is much farther than I realize.

God's parameters didn't change. Yours did.


Senior Member
I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to die as a perfect sacrifice for my sins. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior many years ago. I have repented of my sins and have rededicated my life to Christ. I have removed as many obstacles as I can from my life that could make me less receptive to God's direction. I want to relinquish my illusion of control of my life and accept God's divine plan for me. I pray many times daily and have faith that God will eventually answer.

What more is needed?


Senior Member
I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to die as a perfect sacrifice for my sins. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior many years ago. I have repented of my sins and have rededicated my life to Christ. I have removed as many obstacles as I can from my life that could make me less receptive to God's direction. I want to relinquish my illusion of control of my life and accept God's divine plan for me. I pray many times daily and have faith that God will eventually answer.

What more is needed?

You have done all these things, there is only one more thing to do. Just let God happen. You can't force communication but He can force patience on us.

Other than that you may want to visit that little church in Gainesville I mentioned once before. They are in revival this week thru Wednesday night.... starts at 7:00 pm and I guarantee you will hear a word from the Lord there


I know I said the Lord may not lead you as he led me.
Got a sec?

I "got saved"..."came forward", blubbered like a baby, confessing Jesus as Lord in 1968. I was 17. Not long after that, my dad died, I'd laid hands on him, prayed as I thought I should...some told me it was a test. One told me my lack of fervor afterwards was a result of me "flunking the test". The first "love of my life" that had brought me to those meetings left...and Jesus went on the backburner.
Off to college and fornication. Flunked out in preference of laying about with a girl. Blew a full ride scholarship, didn't care. After all, I was "smart"...and didn't need college. Married the girl, my first, and only to that time. Had a daughter. Then, wife and daughter...gone. My being smart had left me working in factories, farms, setting up mobile homes, barely breaking 100$ a week. Seems no one wanted to pay me for just being smart. Or, perhaps I was being paid in perfect accordance with my wisdom. Looking back, overpaid.
It was "rough" on the girl, to say the least. Smart people drag a lot of resentments and insecurities when they feel under appreciated.
The world stopped being what I thought it was supposed to be, and pretty well was for a very brief oyster. Being the dramatic sort, I'd always considered the military a final resort before with many promises of reuniting (by her) with my I went. Air Force was as good to me as it could be.
Wife declined to join me. Ouch.
Enjoyed having extra money in my pockets...but still somewhat resenting salutes to those I usually considered my intellectual inferiors..."refound" Jesus looking for me, got court martialed, honorable to Nursing School.
Met a separated woman, shacked up, we both finalized divorces, and married. Two stepchildren in the mix, then our own daughter.
Didn't take long for my beast to manifest...second wife left.

It was here I discovered what knees are for. This time I was broken...but knew it. Inside. Rotten. (But still with enough "self preservation" to seek God to cut a deal...get me my wife and baby back) I pled, I wept, I saw puddles of snot on the carpet under me. But...Jesus had my attention...riveted, really...even if my motives were still somewhat mixed.
Now...all that to get here.
I had never "heard" the Lord speak to me in my heart, at least where I knew, and could testify it was taking place.
Then, one evening...shuffling around a large house with a mortgage I could barely pay, waiting for a wife that was not going to return...I heard this "To him who has, more shall be given, but to him who has not, even that which he thinks he has, shall be taken from him"
I won't get into "audible" versus internal voice...cause as you probably already know...all "hearing" takes place internally, in the mind. As does sight.

I remember the thrill of it! The Lord was speaking to me! It was me to a tee. He didn't say This is him who has not...he didn't say "I hate to tell you this"...he simply spoke what was spoken. And I knew in an instant, not understanding all the implications...I was the man who "has not". I was the bluffer, I was the one playing at life with an empty hand...but with cleverness convincing others I had something! Till they found out...and then the sting of being "called". But even in that, the exposure to myself, of myself, and not in a favorable light...really meant nothing! I had heard the Lord! That was all that mattered to me.

I could tell you about idolizing the creature and neglecting the Creator, about venery, about the flesh, about lusts, about being smart in one's own eyes, (and all the attendant static they produce) about some of the many things I have learned since that evening in 1983. But, that's my road.

I can't say I waited from 1968 till then to hear his voice, I was very very busy, elsewhere. That's why I have confidence...not because I even know my motives for "having" confidence are pure...but he has convinced me...he is, regardless.

I am not saying you need to be broken "enough"...or more, or anything, really. I suppose what I am saying is of little use to you unless the sympathy aroused in me is from the Lord.
You will hear him.
Yes. And after may even has been far more often than you ever could have imagined.
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Gone but not forgotten
It seemed like I didn't have to change much or travel far in order to be saved. It seems like God is much further from me now.

I don't know if more of me is required now or if I have further to travel in order to get back to God?

It seemed like all I had to do to be saved was to ask and God came to me. But that doesn't seem to be the case now. It seems like I now have to go to God. Maybe all I have to do is meet Him half way and the distance is much farther than I realize.

I went back and read some of your posts from a mere six weeks ago.
Surely, these musings did not come from the same man.

I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to die as a perfect sacrifice for my sins. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior many years ago. I have repented of my sins and have rededicated my life to Christ. I have removed as many obstacles as I can from my life that could make me less receptive to God's direction. I want to relinquish my illusion of control of my life and accept God's divine plan for me. I pray many times daily and have faith that God will eventually answer.

What more is needed?

I don't know, but I trust that God will tell you in His perfect time (as He has many others).
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Senior Member
I continue to pray, repent, and separate myself from worldly desires which could cause disobedience to God. I try to demonstrate my love for Christ through service to others with a joyful attitude. I have submerged myself in scripture, hoping to feel God’s presence.

John 14:15-21
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”


Daily Bible Verse Organizer

I continue to pray, repent, and separate myself from worldly desires which could cause disobedience to God. I try to demonstrate my love for Christ through service to others with a joyful attitude. I have submerged myself in scripture, hoping to feel God’s presence.

John 14:15-21
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”


Just a quick note to let you know that I am still praying with you. God Bless and I hope this scripture means something to you!

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!


Senior Member
Im heading over to revival meeting tonight and really excited to hear a word from the Lord!


Senior Member
The Lord needs participators not spectators.


Senior Member
The Lord needs participators not spectators.

I'm still hopeful He will tell me that Himself along with exactly what He wants me to do. I'll do whatever He asks.


Senior Member
I'm still hopeful He will tell me that Himself along with exactly what He wants me to do. I'll do whatever He asks.

The whole world would benefit from the preaching I heard and the spirit I felt last night. HJ, if you aren't in communion right now with God...Go out and seek Him! If you get nothing from the church you're going to then go to others. Gods spirit isn't any weaker now that it ever has been.


Senior Member
Gods spirit isn't any weaker now that it ever has been.

I have faith that you are correct and that God will make His presence known to me, but so far, nothing.


I Gots Goats
I have faith that you are correct and that God will make His presence known to me, but so far, nothing.

Then try this....

James 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.


Senior Member
Then try this....

I try to embrace every opportunity to be charitable. For the past 26 years, a good portion of my life has been dedicated to public service. I currently serve as Vice President of a not-for-profit, charitable organization. We could all do much more, but I always try to live a Christ-like life, even through periods when I question the validity of Christianity.

gordon 2

Senior Member
I try to embrace every opportunity to be charitable. For the past 26 years, a good portion of my life has been dedicated to public service. I currently serve as Vice President of a not-for-profit, charitable organization. We could all do much more, but I always try to live a Christ-like life, even through periods when I question the validity of Christianity.

I think there is some truth (for yourself) in what you yourself have said here. "I try to live Christ-like,..." and "periods when I question the validiy of Christianity."

I will agree with you that Christianity does not always appear as angelic, yet it is not made for angels but it is made for people. If we measure it against the dos and don'ts of scripture--it is perhaps not very handsome at all.

However, there is something that makes up for this seemingly disheveled nonsense that can appear as Christianity especially exposed for an overly accusatory mindset regards scripture.

Jesus is reported to have said, "learn of me". That you try to live Christ-like, your well on your way to this learning like most of Christianity is hopefully trying to do as well.

While we can all use scripture to shoot each other down, "learning of Christ" shoots all of us up.

My hope is that one day Jesus will not need to say much to you, yet you will know He is there-- like good friends that love each other in quiet and gentle fellowship.


Senior Member
I think there is some truth (for yourself) in what you yourself have said here. "I try to live Christ-like,..." and "periods when I question the validiy of Christianity."

I will agree with you that Christianity does not always appear as angelic, yet it is not made for angels but it is made for people. If we measure it against the dos and don'ts of scripture--it is perhaps not very handsome at all.

However, there is something that makes up for this seemingly disheveled nonsense that can appear as Christianity especially exposed for an overly accusatory mindset regards scripture.

Jesus is reported to have said, "learn of me". That you try to live Christ-like, your well on your way to this learning like most of Christianity is hopefully trying to do as well.

While we can all use scripture to shoot each other down, "learning of Christ" shoots all of us up.

My hope is that one day Jesus will not need to say much to you, yet you will know He is there-- like good friends that love each other in quiet and gentle fellowship.

In awe of the wisdom written here. Thanks for that. :flag:


I Gots Goats
I try to embrace every opportunity to be charitable. For the past 26 years, a good portion of my life has been dedicated to public service. I currently serve as Vice President of a not-for-profit, charitable organization. We could all do much more, but I always try to live a Christ-like life, even through periods when I question the validity of Christianity.

I am happy so many in here are taking the opportunity to provide insight for you in this exercise and taking this thread seriously.

But, the part in red.......where are you with that now? I had one such period in my life, and it lasted several years. Once the question was settled, it was settled. But, everybody is different.

Have you found your faith between now and the time you claimed to have lost your faith (just a few months back)? That's really why I am convinced this entire thread is an exercise in you making a point. Wouldn't it be a lot easier to come out and say what your getting at?

gordon 2

Senior Member
When a man looses an arm, I can be his arm until he learns to live with but one arm.

When a women lives yet having lost here mind, from a stroke perhaps, I can be her mind according to her will when her mind was well, not my mind, not my will, but her's when they were whole.

If a man looses his two legs I can walk for him until he accepts is disability and learns to be mobile in other ways. I can fetch for him. I can serve him his meals. I can stand by as he learns to walk again on prosthetic limbs.

And when a woman looses her speech, is unable to talk, I can talk for her until she is over her upset and finds, with the help of others, other ways to express herself.

When a man's heart does not supply blood flow sufficient that his limbs swell up and he becomes immobile unable to toilet himself, I can help him.

When a mother with bipolar needs positive assessments and encouragement regards her condition and her interactions with the people she values dearly, I can help her.

When someone is severely depressed, I can look out for them and their family while they recover.

And I can help many strangers this way.

But when a man who once believed in God, who perhaps once loved God, does not believe in God no more, or has lost Him, and especially when that man is a very intelligent man, with the the kind of intelligence that seen as a gift cannot be denied, or even inherited respected, what can I give him? How can I comfort?

Is all of my right arm, flesh and bone and circulation and articulation, given of any worth? My two eyes, my two legs, my trained assessment skills, my back, all the tricks I can muster to give an appetite to one who has not one anymore, but who is not ready to die...are all these, and all of my self given, equal to what is missing and of vital or of necessary need to one who does not "believe" in God?

Is faith a vital need of life to someone who says it is not vital?-- this faith which was and is no longer and no longer vital to taking a breath? Is breathing effective?-- Not vital to expiration? Not to inspiration? Circulation? Not vital to giving one's human breath to the human life surrounding an individual, his family, his co-workers, his children, his community, his nation, his world?

There is a love greater than what I can give by myself and my abilities, to a man who has lost God, so it is to you I pray my Love. Help us, we can't make it alone. Help us. Give us the breath that you give me--through your Son. It is not much Love, I come begging, but for now it is all I have.

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Senior Member
Have you found your faith between now and the time you claimed to have lost your faith (just a few months back)? That's really why I am convinced this entire thread is an exercise in you making a point. Wouldn't it be a lot easier to come out and say what your getting at?

How long does it take for a person to come to God? What is an appropriate length of time?

Ask God about my sincerity. God knows. Ask God if I am honestly seeking a relationship with Him. I'm not being sarcastic. I want you to ask God and report back what God tells you regarding this.