Shooting from the barn


Senior Member
When I was a kid I shot one from my bedroom window. It taught me how good concealment works in your favor.


yes a kid I went to high school with in Wisconsin did this too. He and his dad both went out hunting, in different locations taking different trucks. The kid came back first, and decided to watch football. Around noon a buck must have been pushed or was trailing a doe or something, because it was walking right out in the open near his house & he saw it through the window next to the TV. :D


Chief Big Taw
I'm watching a tv show where they're using a cow trailer as a blind but thank goodness they're not in a barn.


Staff member
so let me get this right, if my house faces a 100 acre field and I put a stand right next to my house and shoot a deer, thats hunting, but if I shoot him from the porch thats not??????????????

Yep, that's right. Tower stand next to your house = fair chase. Sittin' on the back porch = cheatin'.


Slow Mod
Staff member
A side porch would be OK to hunt from, but a back porch is surely cheatin'. I think it is because you can't be seen from the front yard.

I never completely understood fair chase since I rarely chase deer. I have had more luck by locating a likely looking area and letting them come to me.

Farm Club

I hunted all over a piece of property owned by my cousins and killed a few deer. One day I stumbled across a deer trail that looked like it headed towards a barn yard on the property, it was wide and well used and dumped right into the barn yard. The old house you see in my avatar is in this lot and I set up chairs in the house. My two sons took their first deer shooting out the front windows of the house, that was 20 years ago and my boys have been hooked ever sense. Over the years I have planted food plots in the lot and killed plenty of deer for the freezer. Just because you sit in a building does not make it easy to kill deer, I had a buck bust me for about 3 years while sitting in the house. The last time I saw him he was blowing his head of at the edge of the woodline and I was sitting there thinking he got me again and he walked in front of the window 30 feet away. Before I could get my rifle out the window all I could see was the white patch of his behind. I did not want to chance a bad shot so I did not pull the trigger. As far as ethics go if its legal its ethical, use all the tools you have to have fun. It comes down to time and opportunity, this house has been a great asset when I need to get some where quick to set up or it is raining. Get out there and enjoy hunting and if you have a chance take a kid with you.


Senior Member
A side porch would be OK to hunt from, but a back porch is surely cheatin'. I think it is because you can't be seen from the front yard.

I never completely understood fair chase since I rarely chase deer. I have had more luck by locating a likely looking area and letting them come to me.

It ain't hunting if your not chasing em through the woods naked with a flint knife that you knapped yourself:deadhorse:


Senior Member
I’ve shot one from the couch in the living room before...

Just to prove you can kill them from the couch!

Muddy Water

Senior Member
I got a concrete pump house in my mom's back yard that I've killed two deer off with my bow. Just set up a camo screen and planted a tiny food plot next to an old swing set.


Chief Big Taw
I got a concrete pump house in my mom's back yard that I've killed two deer off with my bow. Just set up a camo screen and planted a tiny food plot next to an old swing set.

I've hunted using an old well house in the pasture as a ground blind! Good stuff!


Senior Member
What about using a NEW barn? I just built a shop and added a loft and special window just for this purpose. Am I a bad person? Im planning on bowhinting from this window, does that change anything? I'm watching another buck now that I'm planning on killing by laying on the roof of another barn. He'll be 400yds + away with nothing but cow pasture in between us, no trees to climb. I wonder if they taste different when you shoot them from a barn? I built the barn, does that make it more fair? I've shot them while hiding behind hay bales, I wonder if that's ok?


Staff member
I never completely understood fair chase since I rarely chase deer. I have had more luck by locating a likely looking area and letting them come to me.

That's cheatin'.:bounce:

The mtn man

Senior Member
I’ve shot one from the couch in the living room before...

Just to prove you can kill them from the couch!

Yea, I've done lots of things just so I could say I did.