Somebody had to do it. Driveler#233

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Keeper of the Magic Word
morning blood

everybody up and at it


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King Casanova
Good Morning and Happy Hump Day to you Blood, Gobblin, and to the rest of you sleepy Drivelers.

Moon, I just read your latest update and I am thankful for this news. My Prayers will continue to be sent on behalf of your entire family. ::;::;::;::;::;

Blood is going to have to borrow Quack's Armored Car to haul all of his money home after a week full of 12's !!! I just don't know how any of you can work 12's on a continuous basis. Everybody needs to be able to spend time with their loved ones at home.

Gobblin, I definitely need some of your fresh brewed coffee this morning so that I can stay vertical today. :cheers::cheers::cheers:


King Casanova
I am also sending Prayers to Ms Glue Bunny as she is scheduled to go back to her doctor today to see if she will need any more surgery OR if she can continue to wear just the boot-cast for a while longer in order for her foot and ankle to heal properly. I am surely Praying that it will be just the boot-cast for a while longer for sure. ::;::;::;::;::;::;

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Mornin folks.


Miss Moderator Ma Hen
Staff member
Just wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes for Lauren. She had the MRI and just got back from the heart cath. There were no blockages, but had to do cath to confirm. Didn't have to go through leg and was able to use arm. Waiting for cardiologist to make his rounds. From Rhonda,Lauren and myself thank you to our GON family.
:cool: Gooood News!!

:biggrin2:Mornin Folks!

Hooked On Quack

Add me to that bunch of renegades.

But, I hold you in the highest of regards. :cheers:

You knucklehead! :whip:

I'll take that as a compliment !! :cheers::bounce:

Just wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes for Lauren. She had the MRI and just got back from the heart cath. There were no blockages, but had to do cath to confirm. Didn't have to go through leg and was able to use arm. Waiting for cardiologist to make his rounds. From Rhonda,Lauren and myself thank you to our GON family.

Holla if you need sumpin !!

Hooked On Quack

My bad, good morning friends !! Gotta renew my license today. :mad:
Happy birthday quack..

Can't complain wycliff, just busy these days. How bout yourself
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