The next Bigfoot encounters thread...


frying fish driveler
Not a problem,I seem to like doing some of that myself. I dish it out and take it too.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gonna put trail cam viewing my Garden, something is eating my Rutabagas up. Heard that Bigfeets love Rutabagas.


Staff member
NC hangs out in Asheville, NC a lot.....think he's more of a metro sexual
Why, yes. I wear little spectacles and eat lots of kale, and drink White Claws. I have been busy protesting lately.


Staff member
If I was a Bigfeet, I'd go for a Butterfinger or a Milky Way before a Zagnut.


Gone But Not Forgotten
NC do you sit outside one of them restaurants and have your lunch on one of them Dainty tables on the side walk?


Senior Member
Bubber here generally stays on the ridge behind the house but I finally got him to come on down by offering him a stick of celery. He usually doesn't stand still long enough to get his picture taken.


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Senior Member
Bubber here generally stays on the ridge behind the house but I finally got him to come on down by offering him a stick of celery. He usually doesn't stand still long enough to get his picture taken.

Reminds me of one my dearly departed Dad's favorite corny jokes he would tell at the dinner table.

"Where does a 800 lb. gorilla sit?"

Answer: Anywhere he wants to sit.


...just joking, seriously.
I came across the Florida version of bigfoot the other week in Saint Mark's. The skunk ape. Fresh off the Florida Trail, He walked right into the little dive bar/sammich shop (Cooter Stew) and ordered a Burger. The waitress/manager girl there told him that she would give him the burger plate for free if he would wait outside and eat out their. Good thing. I thought my wife was going to pass out and vomit at the same time...

Core Lokt

Senior Member
That is one too but naw, this one had kanckles and all kinds of over hangs ebrywhere.

"We don't need farmers" she said. Store has plenty of vegetables on the shelves. facepalm: