What is it about certain spots that seems magic - and what is yours?


Eye Devour ReeB
Clearcut with a 12" pine standing on a point. Pick the right dates and weather, climb the pine, shewt the bucks. All gone now. Hurricane Michael got the pine, clearcut too growed up. Awesome memories though. Buck after buck after buck after buck.


Senior Member
Mine was just a long (250 yards to the right, 350 to the left) sendaro that had unreal movement every time we sat on it. Quail woods on the northern side, a property line and 5 year old planted pines on our side. The stand was named the "8 point stand" as the first time we sat it, our son killed a very nice 8 pointer on a Friday. On Saturday a buddy down from Dahlonega killed an big 8 pointer off it. I figured I needed to see what was all the fuss and I sat it Sunday evening. I killed the largest buck I've ever taken. It was the third largest typical killed in the state that year, an 8 pointer, naturally, netting 159 2/8" and dressing at 253#.

It was always an unbelievable stand, but Florida money relieved me of that property and broke my heart. I have instructed our son to spread some of my ashes on the stand site there one day in the future.

My 8 pt.jpg
Christmas day herd, 2014 resized.jpg


Bigfoot friendly
Don’t really have one, but I am learning what these places look like. None of them are over looking a food plot.


Senior Member
All the ones I can think of was a funnel of some sort! Woods between pasture and lake a mountain gap etc. most of which I no longer have access to! Haha

across the river

Senior Member
I think there is often habitat in an area or on a tract of land that is preferable to mature bucks. I've hunted places that you could hunt 90% of the place and see nothing but small bucks and does, but there was a small section that always seemed to hold the biggest deer on the place. When you kill one there, another buck typically moves into that preferred area. I think that is why there is often a great "spot" on a place, because it a place the bucks like the most.

Wayne D Davis

Senior Member
I have several special places but being there at the magic hour is when you just know beforehand it's about to happen and then it does. I'm rarely surprized. It seems like right before they appear I know it's game time. Like a 6th sense. I do get excited right before dusk when the sun is setting then it brightens the woods very vivid. Short lived twilight but worth there prize of admission


Senior Member
I have several special places but being there at the magic hour is when you just know beforehand it's about to happen and then it does. I'm rarely surprized. It seems like right before they appear I know it's game time. Like a 6th sense. I do get excited right before dusk when the sun is setting then it brightens the woods very vivid. Short lived twilight but worth there prize of admission

You got the 6th sense because you are a whitetail ninja! :biggestshoot:

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Now, here is a question.... and I know this is accurate for me.

How often do you think these legendary areas (at least they are for you and I) are made legendary simply because we have had success there and we BELIEVE in the area?

Maybe they BECOME better because we BECOME better hunters while we are there.

Success begets Success.

I have little doubt that some of my best areas over the last 40+ years were at least partially created into this sort of spot because I hunted harder and smarter.

No doubt the deer (bucks) were there but I get there earlier, stayed longer, paid more attention, moved around less - you name it - because I believed in the area.

What say you?


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Now, here is a question.... and I know this is accurate for me.

How often do you think these legendary areas (at least they are for you and I) are made legendary simply because we have had success there and we BELIEVE in the area?

Maybe they BECOME better because we BECOME better hunters while we are there.

Success begets Success.

I have little doubt that some of my best areas over the last 40+ years were at least partially created into this sort of spot because I hunted harder and smarter.

No doubt the deer (bucks) were there but I get there earlier, stayed longer, paid more attention, moved around less - you name it - because I believed in the area.

What say you?

Possibly so Jim. But I have found “that spot” at a few different tracts over the years. I try to identify stand placement where I can see as many different terrains as possible. Especially the edges where the different terrains meet.
But having that experience may cause me to do as you say above and hunt them harder.

Wayne D Davis

Senior Member
Now, here is a question.... and I know this is accurate for me.

How often do you think these legendary areas (at least they are for you and I) are made legendary simply because we have had success there and we BELIEVE in the area?

Maybe they BECOME better because we BECOME better hunters while we are there.

Success begets Success.

I have little doubt that some of my best areas over the last 40+ years were at least partially created into this sort of spot because I hunted harder and smarter.

No doubt the deer (bucks) were there but I get there earlier, stayed longer, paid more attention, moved around less - you name it - because I believed in the area.

What say you?
I believe all you stated. Prime area (because you've done your home work) success (honed skills in marksmanship) then trial and era builds hunter in you. Without failure you don't try to be better. I try to get inside my games head.

SC Hunter

Senior Member
i hunted in a club of 4 on 1000 acres in Schley County about 6 or 7 years ago that had a little hardwood bottom that was about 10 acres of bottom with a old road bed going straight through the middle of it. There was a big straight oak tree that sat at a corner in the road that you could see about 150 yards down through the bottom and about 80 yards up the hill. During November that bottom was the spot to be. On top of the hill there was planted pines that had grown up and had some thickness to them and the deer would bed on the hillside just before it dropped down into the bottom. On the other side of the bottom there were thick planted pines and at the end of the hardwoods was a 7 acre pond that was deep and full of Crappie and Bream. The deer would funnel down into the hardwoods off the hills and that bottom would be slap full of deer. i saw deer every sit and usually 10 or more. I killed a few there and 2 good bucks but i mainly liked it because it was just such a beautiful place to sit and watch the woods be alive at.

My Grandparents own a place that is 40 acres that butts up to a 30 acre field that is grown up over head high now. There is an easement going straight through the field and I had permission to hunt the field. We planted a 40 yard wide by 200 yard long food plot in the easement and that was by far my favorite place to hunt. i killed 3 big deer in there and lost 1 that I know i killed but we lost blood in the tall grass. One of those bucks scored 141 and another 136. Most of the deer you don't know they exist until they stick their nose out into the food plot just appearing out of nowhere. i had a 2 man tower stand sitting in the edge of the woods watching the wood line and the food plot. I was a place that the deer just love and feel secure.

My uncle, who owns 400 acres of his own in the next county over and has multiple places to hunt, has decided that he doesn't like me or my brother hunting there because he's seen the pictures of the deer that are in there and he pushed my Granny into not wanting anybody hunting it. i walked in there this season and there is a tower stand in there that he put up. it isn't worth the fight and stressing my granny out over it so I just leave it alone and know karma will get him. i have pictures of that spot somewhere i need to find. i would see deer from the time i sat down in the afternoons until I left and i sure hate i can't hunt it anymore.
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Chief Big Taw
used to be in a club that had two places like that
One was called "the meat hole". Creek bottom between two large areas of planted pines. One side of the creek was very steep and it tended to funnel the deer. Several of us had multiple deer kill days in that stand.

Nearby was "death valley"
it was a long logging road that had planted pines on both sides, and the deer would cross this road going to/from nearby fields, oak bottoms, etc. Better be ready because they would be moving when they came out on the road but it was like a shooting gallery.
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