What's the weirdest thing you've found while hunting?

Not in the woods, but about 10 years ago after a tornado went through Dooly County GA I was cutting the grass. As i was going round and around, I kept noticing paper in the yard. So I stopped and began picking them up and they were personal checks that had already gone through the bank. I lived in Hawkinsville at the time, Im guessing the twister sent them for a ride.

Also had a buddy hunting, sitting on the ground next to a fence row. He text me telling me that the neighbors cows were getting out and some of them were coming close to him. Him being the skidish type told me if they get any closer he was pushin lead.

Had a neighbor years back tell me he went opening day of bow season. He killed a huge timber rattler under his climber and decided to hunt any way. Got about 20' up and baby rattlers started coming out of the tube frame of his climber.


Senior Member
Not really found. Had a buddy out west that had to go #2 and did not want to use some part of his clothing to wipe so he used a rock. I had toilet paper with me and when he caught up with me he told me that he used a rock. I was not till later that day that I realized he was serious and offered him some toilet paper to clean up the gravel. LOL

Also found like 3 tarantulas on that trip. Kinda neat.

On last years trip saw 3 porcupines. Pretty neat too.
Also saw the track of a sow that was nearly the same size as my 12 boot. The cub track was just ahead. SCARY!

3 trips ago saw a mountain lion about 50 yards away in some thick cover. Needless to say I took the safety off at that point just waiting on him to pounce on me. Luckily he did not.


Senior Member
was at my house about 4 years ago loading up to go hunting. My boy said dad there's a deet behind the truck. thought he was joking but looked and there it was. a notted up rack that looked like melted candles. it's tounge was hanging out and it had what i thought was a yellow rope around its neck. he was about 10 feet from us and the truck. My dogs started to run it but it payed them no mind and went right on by us. I pulled out my gun and shot it, i fiqured it was about choked.
appartenly this was his first rut, and he had left his home. somebodys pet. oops. what i thought was a yellow rope was a homemaid collar. it was yellow caution tape(3 pieces
that had been braided very nicely and tied around his neck.
Felt bad afterwords but coyotes or something would probably killed him because he didn't even run from 3 dogs.


Senior Member
Was hunting the big cypress swamp in fla.and moving
between two hammocks.when i got to the second
hammock, i found a small duffle bag attached to a
small parachute.inside the duffle was a cooler
containing 20 ampules of morphine.the game warden
said that type of thing happens from time to time.
Probably happens more now than it did 30yrs ago.


Senior Member
I found a weather balloon with the instrument package still attached one year in the middle of the Oconne National forest. Called the number on the back and the NOAA gave me the info to send it to them.

I also found a spot that had 10-12 USED tampons hanging about 2-3 feet off the ground in the trees. This was also in the Oconee NF. Got the heck out of there since I didn't know if it was some kind of devil worship thing or something.

Worked with a guy some years back and he used them when hunting deer, said he save them in the freezer all year until deer season. Sounds pretty disgusting but to each is own.


Big spider lover
I found this hat hanging at eye level. Man, that will make you run fast.:rofl:


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Senior Member
How about this pipe I happened to see while on the way to go hunting?


m. malia

Senior Member
for everone finding the shirts underwear and socks why are you trespassing on my land? it seems that the farther you get from the truck the worse you have to crap.


Senior Member
dead guy

This was fishing, not hunting. Opening day before trout season and we were somewhere outside Dawsonville and we were walking down the creek and just before it dumped into a lake we found a dead body. We got the sheriff. He got the GBI. Turns out the guy had been shot in the back of the head with a 22 in Atlanta and driven up there and dumped in the lake. He was pushed up stream by heavy winds and got stuck up against the bank. He and I had the exact same shoes. I dont think we caught anything the next day...I guess the fish were full. This would have been in about 1982 or 83. I was in 8th grade at the time. Makes for a cool story when you get back to school from spring break.


Senior Member
Found some roaches(Not bugs), a used condom, flip flops, and some peach drinks.....This shooting house boarded up to the "Quarters"


Senior Member
Not strange, but i'm amazed at the number of those mylar balloons that i find in the woods in the middle of nowhere.
One would think that someone has to be having a party there when i'm not around.

one hogman

Senior Member
Weirdest thing found while hunting

After a tornado crossed our property in Putnam county, 1/2 mile from lake oconee in November,1993 , we found the hull of a 20ft boat , stern drive, with everything inside missing and a dead deer with a piece of wood sticking in it's side

livin outdoors

Senior Member
I've seen some interesting things but not so much weird things.Plenty of Civil War age grave sites in Greene Co. and Redlands WMA.Indian mounds in Taliaferro Co..Plenty of old stills on Rocky Creek in Butts Co..Pot field in Taliaferro Co..I just wonder if anyone ever found the several pairs of white and slightly stained socks that I have left behind.HAHA

stuart smith

Senior Member
I found some oak cut,split,and stacked about 1.5 miles from road in the middle of 30,000 acres.No sawdust it seems it was hand sawed and was green.


Senior Member
wow --I posted way on in this thing about some maryjoawanna but wow --some of the stuff yall found is amazing --after reading Thomas post about that super deer stand I remembered about a climbing stand we happend upon long ago that was actually a 2 basketball goals rigged with screws and some serious welding for a climber ---looked liked it wieghed 50 lbs --I guess 25 yrs agoin 1980 -81 it was like sliced bread, That was when you could walk around for hrs /miles from home and nobody arrested you .

Yep now you walk any where and you cussed and threatened or arrested even if you were just out on walk