Found a strange box on my front porch,


Senior Member
I put one through the heavy part of a shoulder (below the blade) and it passed right through probably shooting no more than 240


Senior Member
Ummm!!! A broad head that you have to sharpen out of the pack??? Not good!!


Senior Member
I will have to sharpen the pack I bought. I don't buy new broadheads to sharpen. I was really excited about them. I bought 6 outlaw black eagle arrows,put my limb driven rest on my new obsession bow and now I'm like Hmmm what now


Senior Member
My old bear shot 260 when I got it restrung a few ur ago but it still hits where I aim haha. If anybody can kill them bowana can love your videos. You shoot a lot better than most of the guys on tv


Senior Member
Every pack of Ramcats I've ever bought came RAZOR sharp.


any truth to the reports that Ramcat blades have a tendency to loosen and fall off?

What about re-usability, also heard that the cats are more of a one n done broadhead



any truth to the reports that Ramcat blades have a tendency to loosen and fall off?

What about re-usability, also heard that the cats are more of a one n done broadhead

No, possible with any head but not very likely .


Senior Member
any truth to the reports that Ramcat blades have a tendency to loosen and fall off?

What about re-usability, also heard that the cats are more of a one n done broadhead

I suspect where that comes from is the the blade retention screws were not checked or properly tightened.
Before I shoot during practice or head into the field, I always check those screws. They tighten to the left rather than to the right which ensures the blades lock down in the proper position.
After they are shot into a target and are removed, the blades swing forward and that motion turns the screws ever so slightly, loosing them up. I fold the blades back down. Tighten them up and they are rock solid again.
I suspect some have not snugged the screws back between shots and have lost blades.


Before they were left hand screws, it did happen occasionally. The quality control is pretty good ( a lot better than ever now)so it is very rare for a pack to come in with a loose blade.( a blade loose not a big deal, but a blade completely off very, very rare anymore)


Senior Member
How are the ramcts bowanalee
Well, so far all I can say is they work great on my blob targets. facepalm:
I'll take your Muzzys if you want to get rid of them.
I have a 32 year old son that gets my hand me downs. Hes shooting my old PSE that they sent me for the "I shot it with my PSE" contest and using Innerlos expandables at this time. As soon as they wear out he'll switch. :flag:


Senior Member
If those city deer are smart they will keep hiding because as soon as some of em show up THEY GOING FOR A RIDE IN THE TRUCK :cool: