God and space aliens


Senior Member
What do you think is more likely to exist, God or extraterrestrial life and why?


Senior Member
What do you think is more likely to exist, God or extraterrestrial life and why?

I don't dismiss the possibility of extraterrestrial life. But I am certain of the existence of God.


Senior Member

Aliens abduct idiots
God saves them


Senior Member
I know that God exist.I have seen His evidence and felt His presence.Never have seen any evidence of space aliens much less the presence of.


Senior Member
God exist and why I say this is because my life was full of he11 He change me He wash me He has given me hope joy happiness peace blessing love and a fear of Him.

space aliens I have no idea no evidence of them just some people around here would be as close to and alien I guess:rofl:


Senior Member
"God created all things the visible and the Invisible"
"All Things were created by Him and for Him"

putting everything in subjection under his feet.” Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him.
Heb 2;8


Senior Member
The school of thought about aliens is most of them are not aliens at all, but humans from the future that have come back in time. This is not all UFO's but mostly the big head, almond eyes, small body things that abduct. The reasoning being is in the future the science has developed to where they no longer need to reproduce in the natural way, but through cloning and DNA manipulation for mostly a higher intelligence. That is why they evolved the larger head/brain and a small weak looking body.

However, through all of this some really bad happened to the DNA because of the gene splicing, adding to it, or taking away from it or all three. Because of this they travel back in time - to our time as well as other times to harvest undisturbed DNA and the genes associated with it. They do this by abducting and harvesting cell from the reproductive organs and other places, combine the female with the male and grow babies to develop what they need in the future.

You would think that if they wanted genes they would get the Einstein type people, or strong he men types or the most beautiful of women, but instead they go to some trailer park and get some overweight middle aged woman with frozen orange juice cans in her hair as rollers. The genes they need do not relate to brain power or physical beauty - but the people like these have the certain genes they desire to correct the problem.

I absolutely believe in God, and that he most certainly created beings and spirits in other dimensions other than humans on earth.


Senior Member
Because of this they travel back in time - to our time as well as other times to harvest undisturbed DNA and the genes associated with it. They do this by abducting and harvesting cell from the reproductive organs and other places

You'd think these advanced beings would know of a better way to collect 'pure' DNA than "probing". :rofl:


Senior Member
I know God is real and is alive today, no reason to doubt here, as far as aliens go, i don't know.
I think that it's more likely that there is some sort of life in the universe other than us. If life could develop here, I don't see why it couldn't develop on a planet or moon that had conditions favorable for life.



Senior Member
The school of thought about aliens is most of them are not aliens at all, but humans from the future that have come back in time. This is not all UFO's but mostly the big head, almond eyes, small body things that abduct. The reasoning being is in the future the science has developed to where they no longer need to reproduce in the natural way, but through cloning and DNA manipulation for mostly a higher intelligence. That is why they evolved the larger head/brain and a small weak looking body.

However, through all of this some really bad happened to the DNA because of the gene splicing, adding to it, or taking away from it or all three. Because of this they travel back in time - to our time as well as other times to harvest undisturbed DNA and the genes associated with it. They do this by abducting and harvesting cell from the reproductive organs and other places, combine the female with the male and grow babies to develop what they need in the future.

You would think that if they wanted genes they would get the Einstein type people, or strong he men types or the most beautiful of women, but instead they go to some trailer park and get some overweight middle aged woman with frozen orange juice cans in her hair as rollers. The genes they need do not relate to brain power or physical beauty - but the people like these have the certain genes they desire to correct the problem.

I absolutely believe in God, and that he most certainly created beings and spirits in other dimensions other than humans on earth.

Puff Puff Pass.


Senior Member

The school of thought about aliens is most of them are not aliens at all, but humans from the future that have come back in time. This is not all UFO's but mostly the big head, almond eyes, small body things that abduct. The reasoning being is in the future the science has developed to where they no longer need to reproduce in the natural way, but through cloning and DNA manipulation for mostly a higher intelligence. That is why they evolved the larger head/brain and a small weak looking body.

However, through all of this some really bad happened to the DNA because of the gene splicing, adding to it, or taking away from it or all three. Because of this they travel back in time - to our time as well as other times to harvest undisturbed DNA and the genes associated with it. They do this by abducting and harvesting cell from the reproductive organs and other places, combine the female with the male and grow babies to develop what they need in the future.

You would think that if they wanted genes they would get the Einstein type people, or strong he men types or the most beautiful of women, but instead they go to some trailer park and get some overweight middle aged woman with frozen orange juice cans in her hair as rollers. The genes they need do not relate to brain power or physical beauty - but the people like these have the certain genes they desire to correct the problem.

I absolutely believe in God, and that he most certainly created beings and spirits in other dimensions other than humans on earth.

O.K. Jason, I want to ask a very scientific question then,
Why are they so ugly if they are so advanced?:huh:


Senior Member
I believe in GOD and the bible says jesus died ONCE for us. If there was life on other planets he would have had to go die for them too. so there is no other life.

drippin' rock

Senior Member
What do you think is more likely to exist, God or extraterrestrial life and why?

I don't know. To borrow an unoriginal thought, " There are billions of galaxies with thousands of planets in each one. If we are the only ones, it seems like an aweful waste of space."

I have never seen a UFO, and that concludes my knowledge of extraterrestrial life.

I grew up in the church. Was there Sunday morning, night, Wed. night, and Fri. night youth group, with a smattering of other special days thrown in. I am familiar with Mountain Top experiences, and have heard every of miracle modern and old. My problem is I have never felt God's presence. I don't witness a person being yanked out of the path of an oncoming car and think, "It's a miracle! God saved him!" There are too many other people that got hit, that did not get rescued. It's too random.

In the Old Testiment and the new, there were frequent, blatant miracles to get people in line. If I have had a miracle in my life, it was so obscure I flew right by it unaware. So again I have to say, I don't know.

Boy, the Southern Baptist in my head is giving me some STERN looks right now!


Senior Member
I believe in GOD and the bible says jesus died ONCE for us. If there was life on other planets he would have had to go die for them too. so there is no other life.


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