Letting a club member go....


Staff member
I have some friends and some acquaintances that have spilled their beans about club hunting. I’ve heard it all. Mostly shooting deer outside of club standards and sneaking them out. I’ve also heard shooting does from the truck year round while no one is around, chasing down turkeys and shooting them from the truck, night hunting, etc. All sorts of disgusting behavior. It makes me think that with the amount I’ve heard and seen, the average hunter just can’t be trusted. Hopefully modern technology has made it harder to be that way. I also hope I’m never forced to be part of a club, but if I am, my expectations won’t be too high. Good luck kicking out your member.
My goodness.


Senior Member
I’ve been the president of my place for many years now. While being the president, I’ve also joined another club on 2 different occasions. I’ve found that most times the problem will solve itself. I’ve seen that from a Presidents point of view as well as a club members POV. The other 2 clubs I was a part of, I thought I’d have time to hunt, but never stepped foot on the properties after the initial tour. Those club Presidents never touched base with me about rejoining. I think it was understood. Same with my role as a president. I can almost guarantee when a club member is throwing in the towel. The demeanor just changes completely. It is harder to tell with newbies, but there’s still some tell-tell signs. And the bad apple members, there’s also a change in the relationship as well. In saying all that, I’ve rarely ever had to have “the talk.” 90% of the time, said member will come to me and at that time it’s honestly a mutual thing and we just part ways. But I also have a lengthy conversation with members at the beginning that it’s like any working relationship. The relationship is bound to have rough patches and might permanently go south and that’s fine too. That’s all just part of it.
All sorts of disgusting behavior. It makes me think that with the amount I’ve heard and seen, the average hunter just can’t be trusted.

Your average hunter cannot be trusted. Your 100% right. I have been saying this for years and people always just roll their eyes.

Long time ago I heard about a guy in a club near Clark Hill that would shoot 8 or more bucks a year off the lease. He also happened to be the president of the club....coincidence? Nah...


Senior Member
After reading some of these comments....why would anyone even want to be a club president? Is there a benefit? I was in a club 15-20 years ago for a few years back in my 20s. I didn’t hunt a heck of lot...I was young and had other interests at the time. I had a few buddies in it so we would spend some weekends there. The rules were pretty simple if my memory is correct. 4 on one side or you have to pay $500. I don’t remember any issues really. Everyone got along...I think.


After reading some of these comments....why would anyone even want to be a club president? Is there a benefit? I was in a club 15-20 years ago for a few years back in my 20s. I didn’t hunt a heck of lot...I was young and had other interests at the time. I had a few buddies in it so we would spend some weekends there. The rules were pretty simple if my memory is correct. 4 on one side or you have to pay $500. I don’t remember any issues really. Everyone got along...I think.
Honestly. From what I have seen, the Prez gets to break the rules and kick others out for doing the same.


Staff member
Since I own my land I don't have to do the club thing but I did have to uninvite one of my guests. The rule in Troup Co is 8 points or better. He shot a 4 point and then shot the button buck that was with him because he "was mad at myself for killing the 4 pointer". :rolleyes:
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Staff member
Honestly. From what I have seen, the Prez gets to break the rules and kick others out for doing the same.
I haven’t hunted on the club lease in a few years. I have a family lease too.
I have done the planting and mowing. Put up a few club stands on the lease. I’m not on the lease unless my dog is finding a deer during hunting season.
Hard for me to break a rule then I guess.


I haven’t hunted on the club lease in a few years. I have a family lease too.
I have done the planting and mowing. Put up a few club stands on the lease. I’m not on the lease unless my dog is finding a deer during hunting season.
Hard for me to break a rule then I guess.
I don't know. Dog probably making too much noise.
I have my own land. Surrounded by clubs and friends with a lot of the guys. Presidents are local. Members are mostly out of town weekend hunters. I have seen a lot happen during the week that would not be allowed on weekend. Not my business. Not my money. Not trying to derail.
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Senior Member
I haven't been in a lot of clubs, I think I was in 5 in my life. The one that really burnt me up and made me not want to be involved in clubs anymore was the one where there were so many useless rules when it came to deer hunting and land usage, only to find out that the club president was bringing clients and his family to the club land to be used like a vacation resort. Sometimes even during hunting season.

Just left a bad taste.


Senior Member
Another story I heard this season was about a club prez. He lives right at the entrance and puts his recent deer skull plates out for all to see when folks enter the place. He posted up his two heads pretty early in the season but kept signing in “looking for a doe”. My buddy asked him if he’d been seeing any really big old does and he blabbed “heck yeah, I’ve been watching some that look like walking sheets of plywood”. My buddy asked if there were many younger ones and fawns too. “Oh yeah, I’ve been seeing a pile”. I guess it was one of them antlered does he was a look’n for???


Senior Member
I only had to do it a couple of times in 14 years and it’s never fun but you have to do what’s best for the club as a whole.
They usually don’t take it well and one I let go actually had his wife call the landowner and tell him all kinds of lies about what we were doing wrong, the landowner called me afterward laughing and said that you must have let someone go from the club because I just had a crazy lady call me with some outlandish stories, he said I think you did the right thing letting her husband go if he is as nutty as she is!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


King Casanova
I only had to do it a couple of times in 14 years and it’s never fun but you have to do what’s best for the club as a whole.
They usually don’t take it well and one I let go actually had his wife call the landowner and tell him all kinds of lies about what we were doing wrong, the landowner called me afterward laughing and said that you must have let someone go from the club because I just had a crazy lady call me with some outlandish stories, he said I think you did the right thing letting her husband go if he is as nutty as she is!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

David, that is funny. "TOTAL FRUITCAKES" COME TO MIND IN CASES SUCH AS THIS. You are right and my terminology is the "fact" that even a blind person can see right through some of those stories of people that can't adhere to the established rules and ultimately get kicked out...just where they belong !!!! :cheers:


Senior Member
Honestly. From what I have seen, the Prez gets to break the rules and kick others out for doing the same.
A few maybe, and that is the ones you hear about, but most do a diffcult job with little to no reward other than trying to have a nice place to hunt with other like minded folks.
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Senior Member
Have had to do it many times in the past, for violations of one sort or another, drinking in the woods, shooting deer and not tagging them, or putting them on the kill sheet, if you expect the remaining members to follow the rules, both club rules and state rules, you have to enforce them ! kicked out my best buddy years ago in front of all the rest of the club, he broke a cardinal rule, gave me no choice !


Senior Member
After reading some of these comments....why would anyone even want to be a club president? Is there a benefit? I was in a club 15-20 years ago for a few years back in my 20s. I didn’t hunt a heck of lot...I was young and had other interests at the time. I had a few buddies in it so we would spend some weekends there. The rules were pretty simple if my memory is correct. 4 on one side or you have to pay $500. I don’t remember any issues really. Everyone got along...I think.

Being a club president is a thankless job ,, you are responsible for whatever happens on the property,,such as trash left in the woods, damage to trees, unnecessary damage to roads,, etc,etc, so if you have careless members, they can put you in a bind, you have to enforce rules that most any elementary school kid could understand and follow, but grown men seem to have a problem doing so,, and sometimes its like overseeing a bunch of kids at a day care center,,, so and so put their stand too close to mine ! make him move it ! so and so cam walking by my stand at 8am while I was hunting, doesn't he know better than that ! etc,etc,,

Clubs that have a president who enforces the rules and monitors what is going on, usually run smoothly and keep members a long time, clubs that have Presidents that just let members do whatever they want, have issues constantly and have to replace members constantly