Question about the general cost of one of the Generac or Tesla Solar Systems for my home.


Senior Member
I've been trying to get a very ballpark idea of how much one of these solar systems may cost. I know it depends on the wattage I need and the size of the home bur surely someone who has had one installed and tell me if theirs was $10,000 or so, $20,000, $30,000. All I get is the run around and they won't tell me anything until a high-pressure salesman comes to my home. Can someone give me an idea of what I may be looking at?


GON Weatherman
Here's a pretty good overall assessment.
Tesla Powerwall Bundle

They changed the requirements, you now have to buy the entire system, solar array, Powerwall battery, and related electronics.

Lots of companies market complete house systems at no or low cost after government incentives, which I think have or are about to run out.

My rough estimate is without incentives, I think the payback is a long time. For inconvenience power loss/backup systems, if that's your primary goal, I'd think you could size a smaller system that would do the job and not break the bank.


Chief Big Taw
The ones on that fox 5 special the other night were $40-93 THOUSAND ???
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Senior Member
Something about putting hundreds of holes in my roof doesn’t sit well with me. These solar companies never mention the cost of removing and reinstalling the panels when you need a new roof.
When I did the calculations on it it would have taken at least 10 years to break even. Not worth it. I’d rather invest that money.


On georgia my power never goes out for more than a few hours. It blinks every once and a while. How much use are yall getting out of these whole house units?


Goatherding non socialist bohemian luddite
You can spend as little as a couple thousand dollars for a system that will function as a backup, to as much as you want for whole home grid tied solar. At this point in the game if you cant do the work yourself it will cost too much to justify for most people.


Staff member
On georgia my power never goes out for more than a few hours. It blinks every once and a while. How much use are yall getting out of these whole house units?

Squirrels pass gas in Bartow Country and the power is off. 2-6 hours about every squall line that passes through. Tbe longest has been 4 days after a good snow. I keep a back up generator.


Senior Member
Neighbor is et up with Tesla. Bought the car last month and now getting roof installed. He said it was 38k? Didn’t pay much attention if that was total or just the panels.


Senior Member
Ball park on the Generac system is $30-40,000 starting depending on size and how many batteries you get. I was going to put the system on my house while building but even at my cost I can’t justify the expense. Any way i cut it it would take me 20-30 years to get my money back and that was if nothing broke and the batteries lasted. With only a 10 year warranty on the main equipment (inverter) and batteries I just couldn’t make myself do it. If the inverter goes out not under warranty it’ll set you back another $8,000
IMO solar is still just for people that have that kind of disposable money and want to be able to say they’re “green”.


Senior Member
I would recommend looking into a generac whole house propane unit if your only looking to survive a power outage. We have a ton of customers installing them. If your hoping to supplement your normal power use or even push some back on the grid for a monetary return, from what I understand from the people I’ve talked to its a very poor investment. It would be pretty easy to build an off grid solar system to truly live “off grid” but I don’t know if it’s feasible with a modern house and lifestyle. I’m no expert in this. This is just what I’ve been told from some very knowledgeable people in the industry.

Todd E

Senior Member
A solar system for your home is not a wise investment. Especially, an existing home. It will take a LONG time for one to recoup their money spent via savings or selling back to the grid. Panels will and do go bad. Not cheap. Company told me the only way solar makes sense is on a new build and include it in your build price.


Daily Driveler News Team
I saw an expose on the solar systems the other day.
Rule number one: NEVER count on qualifying for the federal tax credit.
Article I read stated you have to be paying over 150,000 in federal taxes.


Senior Member
On georgia my power never goes out for more than a few hours. It blinks every once and a while. How much use are yall getting out of these whole house units?

I’d like to know the same thing. I can’t see how you can spend $15 to $20,000 on a whole house generator just for backup.


Given that the power companies have told regulators to pound sand and refuse to pay producers the going rate for production it is not currently feasible to install solar on any scale. This refusal to comply with state and federal law by utilities is also retarding the development of solar technology. There is little chance it changes on any scale anytime soon. Meanwhile the rest of the world will have surpassed us once again, This is what has always happened in this country....we refuse to see the merits of new technology until someone else proves it can work and then we take it and improve it and pretend like it was out idea. Planes, cars, computers.....the list is long and exhaustive.....