Taking blonde wood dark


Senior Member
I have some blonde wood furniture from the 1940s someone gave me.
It's going to need to be refinished as there are dark ring stains along with other stains.

I want to paint part and stain part a darker color.

Is stripping blonde wood down any different than any other wood?

This is the set (not mine) to get an idea of what I'm working with


Senior Member
I would have to think it is the same. :huh:


Senior Member
Same process. If it's all real wood, and light stained, there's a good chance it's maple. I would reconsider painting part of it if it IS solid maple, it's just too pretty when stained to cover up with paint.


Senior Member
It's a vaneer.
I didn't know if the wood had any special bleaching done to it


Senior Member
If its Maple, it is near white. Should be no bleaching or anything or that nature. Just a stain closer to white than brown.


Senior Member
If you want to keep it light, they mske a wood bleach that may get rid of the stains