Do Deer want to be hunted?


Staff member
I’ve seen them play in the woods and run around having a good time. As all animals do.
As playing they got real close. The last thing I saw was terror as they noticed me. Fear struck.
They knew I was the Predator !
The shot rang out for one I was the last thing it saw. For the other 3 that ran, I’m sure they came back and smelled the blood drag trail. To never see that big horned friend again.
Not sure if the othe 3 said wow. Let’s do that again.


Senior Member
I hunted a place last year that really hasn’t had much pressure in several years. It was phenomenal! That tells me they’re not thrilled about being hunted, or they could have just moved a short distance and had all the action they wanted.

As for personality, those who don’t think deer have individual ones have lost some street cred with me. They may not show remorse or pain in a human way, but they dang sure have personalities. They have different demeanors, different intelligence levels, and different life experiences that guide their actions. Sure, they share traits, but you can’t just replace one deer with the next and expect the exact same results.


I’m assuming you believe they mourn the lost of the ones that get killed also.

Mark K

Individual traits are not personalities. It’s a learned behavior passed on. I guess one could say older bucks 3.5+ have different personalities than younger bucks? Or have the older bucks just survived longer and learned along the way? Some give animals WAY to much credit, lol. It’s survival plain and simple.

Mark K

I guess you could say the fact that you passed on a doe, that she brought a buck to you because you passed on shooting her...


Staff member
I guess you could say the fact that you passed on a doe, that she brought a buck to you because you passed on shooting her...
Maybe but u and I know that they don’t know what a gun is. It’s the loud noise. Some just stand there looking after a shot. Some hunters think they know.

Mark K

Sorta the same thing with the flash of trail cams. They see enough falling stars and lightening that is doesn’t bother them. I’m sure the boom equates to thunder.
Bambi did a number on some people, lol.


PF Trump Cam Operator !20/20
This is getting too deep for discussion. :ROFLMAO: I'm starting to wonder about the smoke coming out of the Thermacell. Maybe the ozone generators are doing a number.


Heck naw. It’s fun to you because you aren’t dependent on it for survival. If you were truly hunting to eat, it would not be fun. Yes, rewarding when you are successful, but not fun.


Senior Member
I’m assuming you believe they mourn the lost of the ones that get killed also.

Short of a mother and fawn disruption, I don’t think there’s much stress caused by a deer death. The mother/fawn stress is just because the instinct of both is to stay together and it takes some time to be undone. Just because I don’t believe deer are walking brown furry robots doesn’t mean I’m a “Bambi believer”. I base my opinions on many hundreds of hours of first hand observation. Some opinions I’m reading here make me wonder if these people have ever really watched deer.


Staff member
Sorta the same thing with the flash of trail cams. They see enough falling stars and lightening that is doesn’t bother them. I’m sure the boom equates to thunder.
Bambi did a number on some people, lol.
I had a old flash 35 mm camera.
A big hog would come in. 23 pics hog. One coon. This went on a while.
Well one nite I decided to change film add corn.
I tested the flash at camera. Several times. Well the hog seen it. Heard him running to it. As he got there I shot him with the flash lite at 10 feet.
He was trained if its flashing the corn is there. ?


Senior Member
You’re a PETA member if you believe that hog had a personality!!!


Senior Member
I seriously hope this is a hook, line, and sinker thread. Other wise, I hope the OP doesn’t actually own a gun and is seeking treatment.
Animals don’t think. Animals don’t reason. Animals are built to survive. Whether it’s from humans or ants. They are in tune with their surroundings and know what’s out of place. It’s just survival. They don’t enjoy anything. They just do what they were made to do...survive.
My observations of animals, including fish is that they for sure are capable of thinking and of reasoning, these are their tools for survival and they use them just like humans do.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Short of a mother and fawn disruption, I don’t think there’s much stress caused by a deer death. The mother/fawn stress is just because the instinct of both is to stay together and it takes some time to be undone. Just because I don’t believe deer are walking brown furry robots doesn’t mean I’m a “Bambi believer”. I base my opinions on many hundreds of hours of first hand observation. Some opinions I’m reading here make me wonder if these people have ever really watched deer.

I have, a lot. I still do, a lot.

Mr Bya Lungshot

Deer are the mako shark of the woods.
They’ll get to ya if you let them.

They are not pure stupid and they’re not thinking man either.
Somewhere in the middle. And NOBODY knows for sure where exactly!