Do Deer want to be hunted?

Mark K

Is it now outside the statue of limitations?
What is the statute of limitations on possible running from the law for what seems like minor offenses to the person committing the offenses? Or the possibility of taking over the limit of game...let’s say you only hunted once that season and made up for the days not hunted during that season...or maybe the year before?


Staff member
Mercy. facepalm:


Senior Member
i never been chased by the law but I have been chased by some women. I got caught a few times and although it wasn't to bad as a matter of fact I was glad to be caught at first but the penalty was extreme, would have been better off if it had been the law.


Senior Member
I’m sure their brain releases a chemical reward for successfully avoiding danger much the same as ours, but I don’t think they enjoy being hunted any more than you would enjoy surviving a crocodile attack. You would get a rush afterwords, but it’s not like you would crave swimming with crocs after one narrowly misses striking at your head, or rips only your arm off instead of dragging you all the way in.

Rich M

Senior Member
Look at how stressed-out a deer is - Jumping at sounds, sniffing the air continually to avoid being eaten alive, etc.

Would you get a rush after surviving a near fatal wounding by a gator or a shark? Enough to want to go back in the water?

No, they don't enjoy being hunted. Interesting topic tho.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
I really love the hunt. I was wondering if any of you believe, as I do; that deer actually enjoy the hunt? I am not sure I can adequately put it in words, but It must be very satisfying to successfully avoid hunters. I know that I have felt most alive when I have faced risk and danger, I also enjoy myself most when I do something very well. What are the chances deer enjoy being hunted? Gives them purpose?

I think deer enjoy the hunt as much as we do.

This ^^^^^ is why I hunt alone.

Fishin & Hunting

Senior Member
What reasoning do animals have?

I have a problem with squirrels getting in my attic. So lets just say I keep them thinned out around my house. If I go out in the back yard they run away as soon as I step out. If my wife is in the back yard they go about their business. If I go in the back yard with a pellet rifle in my hand not only do they run away, but the warning barks go out.