Do Deer want to be hunted?

Mark K

Short of a mother and fawn disruption, I don’t think there’s much stress caused by a deer death. The mother/fawn stress is just because the instinct of both is to stay together and it takes some time to be undone. Just because I don’t believe deer are walking brown furry robots doesn’t mean I’m a “Bambi believer”. I base my opinions on many hundreds of hours of first hand observation. Some opinions I’m reading here make me wonder if these people have ever really watched deer.
I’m in the woods 365 days a year. Seen just about everything except birth, just missed that, the doe was licking it clean.
Deer do not have human personalities or our way of thinking. If they did we would hardly be successful.
Imagine if they could “reason”...Do you really think an animal with our thought process could be killed in the numbers they are now? Sorta goes along the same lines if turkeys could smell, lol.
I believe they have a learned or learning process, similar to how we train an animal. We train deer to an extent by our movements and mistakes. Does a deer know when you’re in a particular stand? Possibly, but not by any thought process of human nature. Maybe they didn’t hear the truck door slam or motor that they now associate with danger. Maybe they didn’t catch your scent that you don’t realize they do while hunting a particular stand.
Sorta the difference in a place that’s never hunted or has human presence except during hunting season and one that has constant activity. The deer “learn” what danger is and isn’t. It’s not saying, “Oh crap, it’s late August and that’s the hunters getting ready to shoot us with bows and arrows.”
They only know how to survive and what they perceive as danger. Not saying they aren’t intelligent, just saying they aren’t as smart as us.
Imagine what kind of predator we could be with an animals sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight with our thought process.


Senior Member
I’m in the woods 365 days a year. Seen just about everything except birth, just missed that, the doe was licking it clean.
Deer do not have human personalities or our way of thinking. If they did we would hardly be successful.
Imagine if they could “reason”...Do you really think an animal with our thought process could be killed in the numbers they are now? Sorta goes along the same lines if turkeys could smell, lol.
I believe they have a learned or learning process, similar to how we train an animal. We train deer to an extent by our movements and mistakes. Does a deer know when you’re in a particular stand? Possibly, but not by any thought process of human nature. Maybe they didn’t hear the truck door slam or motor that they now associate with danger. Maybe they didn’t catch your scent that you don’t realize they do while hunting a particular stand.
Sorta the difference in a place that’s never hunted or has human presence except during hunting season and one that has constant activity. The deer “learn” what danger is and isn’t. It’s not saying, “Oh crap, it’s late August and that’s the hunters getting ready to shoot us with bows and arrows.”
They only know how to survive and what they perceive as danger. Not saying they aren’t intelligent, just saying they aren’t as smart as us.
Imagine what kind of predator we could be with an animals sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight with our thought process.

I never said they had human like personalities. Learning and all that is irrelevant. By definition they have “personalities” because they behave as individuals. Slugs, snails, Deer, yes.


Senior Member
The only thing a deer thinks about is...what can I eat,what can I breed and how do I get away from danger. Plane and simple.

Mark K

I have shot one smelling a gut pile also. People over think what's going on in the wild.
Didn’t see it on any Disney movie, but animals die everyday in the woods. Actually a natural smell to them.
You wouldn’t believe the deer issues I have trapping and using the baits, lures, and urine that would make most people sick. Deer FLOCK to it! Quit using Fox urine for just that reason. Spray that in a scrape and every deer in the area will visit.


Staff member
Didn’t see it on any Disney movie, but animals die everyday in the woods. Actually a natural smell to them.
You wouldn’t believe the deer issues I have trapping and using the baits, lures, and urine that would make most people sick. Deer FLOCK to it!
Have u ever used Vick’s vapor rub. A old trapper here always dipped a stick in it at the trap.
Caught yoties too.


Staff member


Senior Member
Maybe not federal. But plenty of state and local agencies = NOT FUN!!!!!


Staff member
Kinda fun. I was young and in great shape.
It all started on a river bank while we where fishing.
He popped out and said let me see yalls lic.
Off I took. About 4 bends down he caught me. So I showed him my lic. He asked why I ran.
I said NChillybilly back there didn’t have none. ?


Senior Member
Fun to run just to run Not fun if ya running cause ya got everything to lose


Senior Member
In a 17 ‘ ft whaler with a 225 on it. “ Lil Blackston says daddy here they come. Daddy says don’t look back act like ya don’t see em. ( That was a little fun) Wow that was 30 years ago


Mag dump Dirty Harry
In a 17 ‘ ft whaler with a 225 on it. “ Lil Blackston says daddy here they come. Daddy says don’t look back act like ya don’t see em. ( That was a little fun) Wow that was 30 years ago
Is it now outside the statue of limitations?


Senior Member
Is it now outside the statue of limitations?
I would imagine. I was a boy back then And the old mans a retired Outlaw But this could be an internet story I made up ?