Do you forgo hunting to watch college football?


Senior Member
Never have understood why anyone would sit and watch something instead of doing something themselves. I would much rather be living my life than watching other people live theirs. Life is too short


Senior Member
I loved playing football in high school but I could think of hundreds of other things I'd rather do than watching a football game. To each his own..

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. "


TCU Go Frawgs !
I don't understand how any conservative America could support the NCAA.

Might as well just vote for Biden and be done with it.


Senior Member
Depends. I haven't this year. I spent many a Saturday watching UGA with my dad. Wish I could watch one more with him.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
With most college football teams playing their games on Saturday afternoon/evening, do you stay home to watch your favorite team or games, and not go hunting?
You could go deer hunting, or watch college football, which do you do?

When Kirby Smart took the BLM walk I decided to forego college football completely. I haven't watched the NFL in 20 years. I could care less. I would rather have teeth pulled than watch any of it.


Staff member
If they were playing the national championship in my yard, I doubt if I would go out on the porch to watch a bunch of spoiled grown men chasing a ball.

across the river

Senior Member
Hunting= doing something.

Watching sports= watching someone else do something.

You are still sitting there in either case. Whether or not it is actually doing something or not is an opinion. You guys kill me. I love to hunt as much as anybody, but I also understand there are a lot of people out there who get zero enjoyment out of it. They can’t understand why someone would sit in a tree to shoot a deer or ride in a cold boat in the middle of the night to go shoot a duck the next morning. My wife is one of those people. There are plenty of people who love golf(my brother and brother in law), but for the life of me I just can’t get into it at all. Yet we can all enjoy a good football game together. I have some great memories of going to Georgia games with my family and I wouldn’t trade going to the Notre Dame UGA game with my daughter for any hunt I have ever been on. If that wasn’t doing something, I would love to not do something every weekend. Like I said, I love hunting as much as the next guy, but I have no issue skipping a hunt or two to do something with family and friends, whether it be going to a game in person of watching it with people at the house. One day when they stick me in ground, I’m not going to win some prize for spending the most time in a deer stand by myself. If spending some time with the family involves watching a game one Saturday afternoon, instead of “doing something”, as you put it, I’m cool with that.


Senior Member
I would gladly spend time with my family doing various things, but sitting and watching a game on tv isn't one of them, going to an actual game and sitting in the stands with my family might be enjoyable, but mostly for the whole atmosphere, watching others play sports isn't my thing, when I was younger I loved playing football, baseball, etc, but I don't watch others playing,

The prices of tickets would keep me from going to a game, and in the last few years the addition of social justice emblems and stances definitely make me want to have NOTHING to do with sports !


TCU Go Frawgs !
You are still sitting there in either case. Whether or not it is actually doing something or not is an opinion. You guys kill me. I love to hunt as much as anybody, but I also understand there are a lot of people out there who get zero enjoyment out of it. They can’t understand why someone would sit in a tree to shoot a deer or ride in a cold boat in the middle of the night to go shoot a duck the next morning. My wife is one of those people. There are plenty of people who love golf(my brother and brother in law), but for the life of me I just can’t get into it at all. Yet we can all enjoy a good football game together. I have some great memories of going to Georgia games with my family and I wouldn’t trade going to the Notre Dame UGA game with my daughter for any hunt I have ever been on. If that wasn’t doing something, I would love to not do something every weekend. Like I said, I love hunting as much as the next guy, but I have no issue skipping a hunt or two to do something with family and friends, whether it be going to a game in person of watching it with people at the house. One day when they stick me in ground, I’m not going to win some prize for spending the most time in a deer stand by myself. If spending some time with the family involves watching a game one Saturday afternoon, instead of “doing something”, as you put it, I’m cool with that.

Bless your heart.


Bigfoot friendly
I wouldn’t, but I’m thankful for those that stay home....does that count?

mizzippi jb

Welcome back.
My son is crazy about sports. Playing them, watching them. He's not near as into hunting or fishing as I am. But the time we spend watching sports or me watching him play is priceless to me. Wouldn't trade it for a booner unless he was the one who was shooting it. Opinions are good... Everybody has 1. But I do chuckle at the high and mighty and/or elitist mentality of some of y'all. But hey....thats why I live my life and you'ns live yourn