I'm a Mormon


Senior Member
Hi guys.

In the wake of Romney loosing the election I've heard/read a number of people that supported him while he was running express their opinion that they hope they are "never forced to vote for a Mormon again" and that they hope within their lifetime they "never see a Mormon president."

I'm not shocked to hear that opinion but I will say it ruffles my feathers. I've received a lot of flak over my life for being "Mormon" and for what people perceive we think and believe. I wanted to clear the air here if I may for a moment in regards to where our loyalties lie.

I am a proud American, though honestly a bit more loyal to the state of Georgia. I grew up in Georgia and though I have lived/worked in other places for a time I've chosen to raise my children here where I was raised. I come from a farming family in southwestern Virginia and we go back to some of the first settlers in Virginia. Old blood.

My Methodist mother and grandparents met Mormon missionaries in the 1950s and joined after a few years of looking into the church and what it stood for. I was raised in the Mormon church and was a missionary in Mexico and have been married in a Mormon temple.

It hasn't been easy being a Mormon here. Southerners see me as a outsider, even though I was born and raised here and I hunt/fish/play music/love sports, family, community just like they do. Other Western Mormons that live here also see me as an outsider for some of those same reasons. As you can see, southern Mormons don't quite belong anywhere.

Growing up, my friend's parents were always suspicious of me being Mormon. I can count at least a dozen friends/girlfriends I've lost growing up because of their fear of my chosen religion. Now my kids face the same behavior in school; even some after-school social groups have disallowed my children from attending solely based on us being "Mormon."

Truth is, I have no idea what some are afraid of? So we don't believe in the Trinity, we believe God has a perfected body, that we're Jesus' true church (who doesn't believe that about their own faith?) we believe in modern-day prophets, in temples, in preaching and baptizing, etc etc etc. So what? We may not fit the current definition of "Christian" but we believe that we believe in the same Christ you do. Who cares if we don't believe the same things if we are loyal, safe, good neighbors that support the American way of life? Can we not disagree without being feared?

I've heard enough crazy fears to last a lifetime: that we have a points system whereby if we convert someone we can earn our way into heaven; that we kill members of our church who want to leave; that we do all sorts of sexual and violent acts in our temples; that we force our young to get married and have children early; that we don't fight in the military; that we hope to overthrow the US government from within; the list goes on and on...

I don't know who or what organization perpetuates that kind of talk but it is patently false. I've been a member of this church since my youth and have seen its good and bad sides enough to say that these are good people, sometimes culturally different, but truly GOOD. Not of Satan, not anti-Americans, but GOOD God-fearing people that make great neighbors and loyal friends. They've proven it by their good fruit and "by their fruits ye shall know them."

I, for one, (and I'm sure I speak for many Mormons in saying this) have no other "agenda" other than to do well at my job, raise my family and worship in peace and have kind relationships with my neighbors. (And hunt and fish A LOT. ;))

Let us be your friends, kindly laugh at our peculiarities - we don't mind so much - but try not to see us as outsiders or enemies when we have proven ourselves time and time again as loyal Americans just as much as the next guy.

Thanks for listening!



Senior Member
Thanks for expressing what you believe. I've never doubted that mormons were 'Christians'....I just didn't know exactly what/how they believe. Most Christians are not gonna agree on everything anyway. There are folks that give mormons a bad name, just like there are baptists that give other baptists or Christians a bad name.

You are welcome here and I'd be interested in learning more about what you believe in. That's what most of us are here for anyway is to learn about each other.



Senior Member
Hi guys.

In the wake of Romney loosing the election I've heard/read a number of people that supported him while he was running express their opinion that they hope they are "never forced to vote for a Mormon again" and that they hope within their lifetime they "never see a Mormon president."

I'm not shocked to hear that opinion but I will say it ruffles my feathers. I've received a lot of flak over my life for being "Mormon" and for what people perceive we think and believe. I wanted to clear the air here if I may for a moment in regards to where our loyalties lie.

I am a proud American, though honestly a bit more loyal to the state of Georgia. I grew up in Georgia and though I have lived/worked in other places for a time I've chosen to raise my children here where I was raised. I come from a farming family in southwestern Virginia and we go back to some of the first settlers in Virginia. Old blood.

My Methodist mother and grandparents met Mormon missionaries in the 1950s and joined after a few years of looking into the church and what it stood for. I was raised in the Mormon church and was a missionary in Mexico and have been married in a Mormon temple.

It hasn't been easy being a Mormon here. Southerners see me as a outsider, even though I was born and raised here and I hunt/fish/play music/love sports, family, community just like they do. Other Western Mormons that live here also see me as an outsider for some of those same reasons. As you can see, southern Mormons don't quite belong anywhere.

Growing up, my friend's parents were always suspicious of me being Mormon. I can count at least a dozen friends/girlfriends I've lost growing up because of their fear of my chosen religion. Now my kids face the same behavior in school; even some after-school social groups have disallowed my children from attending solely based on us being "Mormon."

Truth is, I have no idea what some are afraid of? So we don't believe in the Trinity, we believe God has a perfected body, that we're Jesus' true church (who doesn't believe that about their own faith?) we believe in modern-day prophets, in temples, in preaching and baptizing, etc etc etc. So what? We may not fit the current definition of "Christian" but we believe that we believe in the same Christ you do. Who cares if we don't believe the same things if we are loyal, safe, good neighbors that support the American way of life? Can we not disagree without being feared?

I've heard enough crazy fears to last a lifetime: that we have a points system whereby if we convert someone we can earn our way into heaven; that we kill members of our church who want to leave; that we do all sorts of sexual and violent acts in our temples; that we force our young to get married and have children early; that we don't fight in the military; that we hope to overthrow the US government from within; the list goes on and on...

I don't know who or what organization perpetuates that kind of talk but it is patently false. I've been a member of this church since my youth and have seen its good and bad sides enough to say that these are good people, sometimes culturally different, but truly GOOD. Not of Satan, not anti-Americans, but GOOD God-fearing people that make great neighbors and loyal friends. They've proven it by their good fruit and "by their fruits ye shall know them."

I, for one, (and I'm sure I speak for many Mormons in saying this) have no other "agenda" other than to do well at my job, raise my family and worship in peace and have kind relationships with my neighbors. (And hunt and fish A LOT. ;))

Let us be your friends, kindly laugh at our peculiarities - we don't mind so much - but try not to see us as outsiders or enemies when we have proven ourselves time and time again as loyal Americans just as much as the next guy.

Thanks for listening!


First off...welcome to the forum:flag:

I can say many of those things for being an evangelical Christian growing up where I did.

I will say, I have no problem voting for a Mormon and I did yesterday (well...it was Friday as I did early voting). I realize that our President is not my pastor, nor my spiritual mentor. I do not feel that Mormons are trying to take over the world...merely trying to reach those they see as unsaved.

That being said, I do not believe you worship the same Jesus I worship. You and other Mormons are good people. I've worked with Mormons in the past and have played sports with them and even had them as friends in school. Again, I say welcome to the fray. We don't all get along, but at the end of the day, I think most of us would welcome each other at the campfire and enjoy a beverage of each one's choice, looking at each other as peers...as fellow hunters....as friends...with our own views of spirituality that we all know to be Biblical and 100% correct.;)


Senior Member
I ain't skeered of ya. :bounce:

Cool post ACRAthens! I appreciate you typing all that out and clearing the air. I'll admit that I don't know much about the Mormon faith, so I hope you stick around the forum for a while and I can learn some things from you.:cool:


Senior Member
First off...welcome to the forum:flag:

I can say many of those things for being an evangelical Christian growing up where I did.

I will say, I have no problem voting for a Mormon and I did yesterday (well...it was Friday as I did early voting). I realize that our President is not my pastor, nor my spiritual mentor. I do not feel that Mormons are trying to take over the world...merely trying to reach those they see as unsaved.

That being said, I do not believe you worship the same Jesus I worship. You and other Mormons are good people. I've worked with Mormons in the past and have played sports with them and even had them as friends in school. Again, I say welcome to the fray. We don't all get along, but at the end of the day, I think most of us would welcome each other at the campfire and enjoy a beverage of each one's choice, looking at each other as peers...as fellow hunters....as friends...with our own views of spirituality that we all know to be Biblical and 100% correct.;)

RJ thinks he knows everything:rolleyes::bounce:
We just agree to disagree:cheers:

RJ - When you headed to KS? Have you had any rut reports from your place??

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
I believe that mormons are sincere people who believe what they have been taught. I also believe some of those beliefs are sincerely wrong, but I am not going to call anyone names, jump up and down or go crazy on you because you are a mormon. I don't believe you worship the same Lord and Savior I do, and I have some very specific reasons why I believe that. If you ask, I would be happy to share my thoughts, but I am not going to shove it down anyone's throat. I have some very close friends who are mormon, and I know them as decent people who want to do good things and they treat people well.

I also have some friends who are JW's and handle that much the same way.

I voted for Mitt and was happy to do it, because the other choice was unthinkable. To tell the whole truth, if Mitt had been running against another conservative, and the only difference was their religion, I would vote for the one whose belief system was closest to mine.


Senior Member
RJ thinks he knows everything:rolleyes::bounce:
We just agree to disagree:cheers:

RJ - When you headed to KS? Have you had any rut reports from your place??

Now if you could just get Hawglips to agree with me:biggrin2:

Agree to disagree?...well...we agree to overlook each others faults :D

Will be pulling into the farm on Sunday evening with 4-5 days of hunting. :banana::banana:

No idea on rut reports...seen a few pics...nothing super super huge, but a few nice ones. Hope to run another camera when I'm out there. Based on JTs thread, I think this coming week will be the magic week.


Senior Member
That going to be a tough one!!;)

Good luck on the KS trip....we'll be right behind you to clean up the mess with the bang sticks!:shoot:

Now if you could just get Hawglips to agree with me:biggrin2:

Agree to disagree?...well...we agree to overlook each others faults :D

Will be pulling into the farm on Sunday evening with 4-5 days of hunting. :banana::banana:

No idea on rut reports...seen a few pics...nothing super super huge, but a few nice ones. Hope to run another camera when I'm out there. Based on JTs thread, I think this coming week will be the magic week.


Senior Member
Can you except me as a Christian just as deserving of heaven as you are?

I voted for a morman and I would do it again.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I don`t pick my friends, folks that I associate with, or trade with, by their religious or non-religious beliefs, or their political beliefs.

You`ll be just fine. :cheers:

btw...I voted for a Mormon too.


Senior Member
That going to be a tough one!!;)

Good luck on the KS trip....we'll be right behind you to clean up the mess with the bang sticks!:shoot:

You'll have to let me know how it goes. I'm tempted to hold out till December next year and utilize the rifle.

Makes those big fields a lot smaller when you've got a rifle as opposed to a bow.


Senior Member
You'll have to let me know how it goes. I'm tempted to hold out till December next year and utilize the rifle.

Makes those big fields a lot smaller when you've got a rifle as opposed to a bow.

Will do......I'll try to do a LFTT:biggrin2:

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
I'll add you to the long list of folks who don't always agree with me. There's some good folks on that list.

God bless.


Senior Member
You guys make me proud to be a part of this forum.


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum. Grow some thick skin and stick around to share your faith. I would like the LDS vs Mormon name cleared up to. My mom called the LDS Church the Mormon Church and the Mormon she was talking too quickly corrected her.
I don't believe in the Trinity either. I think there is only one more Christian on here that doesn't believe in it either. At least in the way most mainstream Christians believe. I too believe in present day prophets and I don't understand what makes the early scholars any better than present day scholars.

I never met anyone too different from me until I joined the Navy. Boy what a wake up call. Prejudices are something that must be overcome, as you know by your own churches history. Now that I think about it, we didn't have any black members in my Baptist Church growing up. People have a fear of the unknown like ya'lls Holy undergarments and temple rituals. We have foot washings and speak in tongues, do ya'll do that?
How do ya'll feel about Free-will?
If you believe Jesus is the only way to the Father, I might see you in Heaven as I don't believe in OSAS & blessed assurance that most Christians do.


Senior Member
I think the major difference about Jesus is most Christians believe God got Mary pregnant by using the "Holy Spirit whereas Mormons got he got her pregnant himself. The technicality is a big one but it doesn't change who Jesus is. Unless there is something else i'm missing.
Here are a couple of Mormon views of who Jesus is:
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that they are two separate beings. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He lived on the Earth and lived a perfect life. He taught the people how to return to the presence of our Father in Heaven. He is our Savior; He Atoned for the Sins of the world by taking the sins of the world upon Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane and by giving His life on the cross that we might live again. He suffered and died so we can repent of our sins and return spotless to our Father in Heaven. Christ received the keys of Resurrection when He rose from the dead, He saved us from death. Because of it, we will be reunited with our body eternally. Then Christ will be our Judge.

I believe and worship as my Savior Jesus Christ…the one born of Mary in a manger (Luke 2:16), the one that as a child taught men in the temple (Luke 2:46-47), the one that grew to an adult and lived a perfect and sinless life (Luke 2:52), the one that was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan river (Mark 1:9-11) the one that fasted for 40 days and overcame the temptations of the devil (Matt 4:1-11), the one that called men from many professions to be his disciples and apostles (Mark 1:16-17), the one that taught by example and with parables (Matt 13 and others), the one that performed miracles healing the sick and even raising the dead (John 11), the one that was betrayed judged and crucified on a cross in Jerusalem, the one that was risen from the dead after 3 days (Matt 28:6), the one that appeared to his apostles in His resurrected form (Luke 24:36-39). God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, offered His life as a sacrifice in death, and was resurrected thus making it possible for Him to offer atonement to God for my sins. He is my savior, redeemer, and my God. I believe Jesus Christ came and is the Savior and redeemer for all of the world and that through Him all might live again. (1 Corinthians 15:20-22). I believe that I show my acceptance of Christ’ atonement by not only verbalizing it but by striving to live what He taught.(James 2:17-18) I believe Christ taught us to hear and do His teachings in order to accept His atonement (Matt 7:21-27)


Senior Member
I don't have a problem about their belief in Jesus. I kinda looked at the belief that God has a body since we are made in his image and a verse about dieing if you see God. How can you see God if he is a spirit? Anyway my problem is I can't believe the story about John Smith and the funny looking (to me) Mormon Bible. I also have a hard time getting past the comparison to Masonic Temple rituals that Mormons practice.
But then i'm not a Mormon so it's nothing that concerns me too much. It wouldn't prevent my children from playing with a Mormon's children any more than not playing with Oneness Pentecostal's children.


Senior Member
Do all Mormons get baptized like this?
"Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

I like that as you've got both ways covered.