Small Game Hunting Soon To Be Extinct


Senior Member
What surveys? I keep hearing about surveys. Do yall run around surveying each other at work or something? Only survey Ive saw besides polls on here is one on front of GON mag. More people at the meetings were against this extending. Small game hunters turned out in record numbers. Never before had meetings had this many had they? Yet yall pull the survey card and 60% in favor for it.
You think the deer hunters were gonna show up to a hearing about extending the season if they were for it? I don't have a problem with what they decide to do, so I didn't need to go listen to the cry babies that had their panties in a wad and wanted to let our biologists hear from them.

The cops aren't marching on Washington and NY those marching must be who decides how we proceed? Not sound logic there brother!

I dont think calling a few people counts as a survey. Thats how our deer limit got to 12. Remember that?

Surveys have already been proven scientifically sufficient.


Georgia Deer Biologist
I dont think calling a few people counts as a survey. Thats how our deer limit got to 12. Remember that?

That's how virtually every telephone or mail survey works and those methods have been exhaustively tested for accuracy. If you can't accept statistical sampling, you may as well not believe in science. The company to conducts our surveys is extensively trained, with 3 Ph.D's on staff. I guess they have no clue what they're doing?

I see this all the time, when someone doesn't like what they hear it must be wrong and they attack the methodology. I interact with thousands of hunters every year and they aren't shy with their opinions. What I've heard doesn't suggest a majority of opposition on this subject and is consistent with the surveys and public meetings.


Senior Member
I see this all the time, when someone doesn't like what they hear it must be wrong and they attack the methodology. I interact with thousands of hunters every year and they aren't shy with their opinions. What I've heard doesn't suggest a majority of opposition on this subject and is consistent with the surveys and public meetings.

This whole thread is kind of acting as a survey. Only a few of you are constantly posting on this thread your displeasure over the season, yet there are thousands of members on this board and over 3300 have watched this thread and still there is only a handful of you that are doing the complaining. That right there should tell you how much in the minority you are on this subject. :banginghe


Senior Member
That's how virtually every telephone or mail survey works and those methods have been exhaustively tested for accuracy. If you can't accept statistical sampling, you may as well not believe in science. The company to conducts our surveys is extensively trained, with 3 Ph.D's on staff. I guess they have no clue what they're doing?

I see this all the time, when someone doesn't like what they hear it must be wrong and they attack the methodology. I interact with thousands of hunters every year and they aren't shy with their opinions. What I've heard doesn't suggest a majority of opposition on this subject and is consistent with the surveys and public meetings.

I have said it before and I say it again...MOST hunters in this state are uneducated on what WRD does, why they do it and what the state of things are across the regions. Our state of hunting, fighting, arguing, debating and managing would stand to gain so much if WRD would mail every license holder in the state some sort of booklet or paper work explaining the biology, reasoning and methodology behind the entire decision making and management process.

Right here on this forum is where more can be learned and understood by those who care to comb through the nonsense and find the educated input and reasoning.
MOST are not here, nor do they comb through the DNR website and most here simply can't separate the emotional aspect from the biological and sound scientific explanation behind it.

I am in 2 different clubs, one with 5 and another with 16 members. I bet of those 20 of us, maybe 6 visit this forum. Only 3 or 4 regularly. The rest just see the regs, get the dates, see the limits and go hunt. They really just don't know to or care to read that much on what and why the seasons and limits are how they are. ESPECIALLY if they have to make an effort to go out and hunt it up...heck they don't even know what the questions are they would be looking for answers to.

But hand them something to see with their own eyes, in their hands, with your scientific explanation behind it...they would read it. :cool: Best money this state could spend IMO.
I have said it before and I say it again...MOST hunters in this state are uneducated on what WRD does, why they do it and what the state of things are across the regions. Our state of hunting, fighting, arguing, debating and managing would stand to gain so much if WRD would mail every license holder in the state some sort of booklet or paper work explaining the biology, reasoning and methodology behind the entire decision making and management process.

Right here on this forum is where more can be learned and understood by those who care to comb through the nonsense and find the educated input and reasoning.
MOST are not here, nor do they comb through the DNR website and most here simply can't separate the emotional aspect from the biological and sound scientific explanation behind it.

I am in 2 different clubs, one with 5 and another with 16 members. I bet of those 20 of us, maybe 6 visit this forum. Only 3 or 4 regularly. The rest just see the regs, get the dates, see the limits and go hunt. They really just don't know to or care to read that much on what and why the seasons and limits are how they are. ESPECIALLY if they have to make an effort to go out and hunt it up...heck they don't even know what the questions are they would be looking for answers to.

But hand them something to see with their own eyes, in their hands, with your scientific explanation behind it...they would read it. :cool: Best money this state could spend IMO.

I would say 90% of hunters educate themselves and work to preserve nature. Only the other 10% don't care.
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Staff member
I don't want to infringe on anyone's rights to hunt how and what they want. I paid dues in a deer club for years to have a place to run beagles off season. I had to stop running dogs by 1 Sept and coundn't run them on the club until the end of December. I've been told most clubs are about the same. Afraid to scare the deer though I jump them in the same bedding areas every time off season.

The WMAs have limited opportunity and get pounded when open.

I sold my pack recently and won't be replacing them. I truly love rabbit hunting but caring for a pack year round to hunt a few weeks a year just isn't practical.

Wayne D Davis

Senior Member
I hunt big and small game and have no issues with squirrel hunters. I am trying to understand HOW extending the deer season would affect small game hunting to the point of annihilation. I squirrel hunt often I deer hunt hog hunt, turkey hunt often also. I'm not on a club ; I wma hunt.....If I only small game hunted I'd would I would pull whats left of my hair out. Small game season is already 2 months longer than deer season (starting a a month before /ending a month after)......I voted keep it as is. Its working!

Feist man

ok, so 3 out of 10 people in this state can squirrel hunt a few times before the squirrel population is so bad it wouldn't even be worth hunting them anymore... let me ask you this, did you squirrel hunt as a kid? if so, did you need 1,000 acres to do it? or, even the 333.3 acres that each one of the three hunters would get? BTW I like how the number of squirrel hunters to 1,000 acres is already growing.

No, you said you NEEDED 1,000 acres for 1 or maybe 2 squirrel hunters. When in reality that's more crazy than the length the deer season already is... you do realize I'm against the longer season right? or have you been too busy griping about dogs crossing property lines and 1,000 acres to realize they have nothing to do with the length of deer season?

Yes, I believe it.

Can you show me the factual error in any of it?

I never put words in your mouth, everything I've replied to has been quoted therefore it would be impossible for me to put words in your mouth.

now after all that stop and think... you assumed just because I disagreed with you I was one of those dog hating, small game hunt ruining, lazy deer hunters... when in reality I hunt small game just as much as big game, now do you see why deer hunters don't want to be in the woods with small game hunters? because as you just proved anyone who disagrees with YOU is an idiot and wrong.

BTW... it's 9AM, Saturday, 1/24... deer season is over why aren't you out using that very little precious time you say you get every year and actually hunting right now?

First of all Dustin. I was referring to someone's comment about why not get a group of like minded people and lease some property. If someone was to invest money in a lease (you do know what leases are going for these days right?) for squirrel hunting you would expect them to have good dogs. It is not uncommon to kill 15 to 20 in an afternoon with a good dog and even more when in good woods. And before you tell me that's over the limit this is a group sport. The good woods would be hardwood bottoms so all your numbers would have to change. Also I'm sure you haven't gone out and surveyed the whole state to determine the rural areas. Oh yea if you look at my last comment it was before daylight while I was waiting on a friend at a lease that we just got to hunt for the first time this year because of deer season in the southern zone.

Retired Army Guy

Senior Member
Never once heard any one complain of GA having two different zone seasons, some states have 3 or 4 different zone seasons; SO... what's the real issue here??

GA has one of the LONGEST deer seasons in the country. SO... what are we trying to do have the Longest season so we are #1 ???

Deer numbers are down just about everywhere SO.. lets extend deer season to lower it even more???

Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with wildlife conservation but EVERYTHING to do with $$$$$$

Feist man

I hunt big and small game and have no issues with squirrel hunters. I am trying to understand HOW extending the deer season would affect small game hunting to the point of annihilation. I squirrel hunt often I deer hunt hog hunt, turkey hunt often also. I'm not on a club ; I wma hunt.....If I only small game hunted I'd would I would pull whats left of my hair out. Small game season is already 2 months longer than deer season (starting a a month before /ending a month after)......I voted keep it as is. Its working!

Honestly it's not small game hunting that it's hurting. It's hurting the ones that use dogs to small game hunt. Most of the dog hunters won't turn their dog out any where near deer hunters for different reasons.


Senior Member
Never once heard any one complain of GA having two different zone seasons, some states have 3 or 4 different zone seasons; SO... what's the real issue here??

GA has one of the LONGEST deer seasons in the country. SO... what are we trying to do have the Longest season so we are #1 ???

Deer numbers are down just about everywhere SO.. lets extend deer season to lower it even more???

Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with wildlife conservation but EVERYTHING to do with $$$$$$

How so? What does 2 weeks added to half of the state's season mean as far as money is concerned?


Senior Member
First of all Dustin. I was referring to someone's comment about why not get a group of like minded people and lease some property. If someone was to invest money in a lease (you do know what leases are going for these days right?) for squirrel hunting you would expect them to have good dogs. It is not uncommon to kill 15 to 20 in an afternoon with a good dog and even more when in good woods. And before you tell me that's over the limit this is a group sport. The good woods would be hardwood bottoms so all your numbers would have to change. Also I'm sure you haven't gone out and surveyed the whole state to determine the rural areas. Oh yea if you look at my last comment it was before daylight while I was waiting on a friend at a lease that we just got to hunt for the first time this year because of deer season in the southern zone.

Yes I know how much leases cost, you can get around 5 hunters on 1,000 acres and spend 3,000 to 4,000 a year for every person and easily have it paid if it's a high priced lease. Plenty of people have paid that much for deer leases and even more. It all depends on how much they want to have to themselves.

I know there aren't as many good woods as I said, the only thing that means is that the entire state can support even less squirrel hunters than I said, by your reasoning of how much land it takes anyway.

Honestly it's not small game hunting that it's hurting. It's hurting the ones that use dogs to small game hunt. Most of the dog hunters won't turn their dog out any where near deer hunters for different reasons.

Then they need to spend the extra money to have the piece of mind that they need to not be around deer hunters. If they cannot afford it then they need to accept what they can and cannot do with the money they have.

Every deer hunter would love to have 1,000 acres to themselves, some have it, some share the land with up to 20 more hunters, some have enough money to buy the land outright to hunt, just like small game hunters can do the same.

Honestly it's a little bit weird how all the small game hunters run around here throwing out figures of $5,000 and $10,000 for there dogs a piece but then say they cannot afford a lease to hunt those dogs.

If you cannot afford to hunt those dogs the way you want then you have to accept how you can hunt them with the money that you have to spend.

Feist man

Yes I know how much leases cost, you can get around 5 hunters on 1,000 acres and spend 3,000 to 4,000 a year for every person and easily have it paid if it's a high priced lease. Plenty of people have paid that much for deer leases and even more. It all depends on how much they want to have to themselves.

I know there aren't as many good woods as I said, the only thing that means is that the entire state can support even less squirrel hunters than I said, by your reasoning of how much land it takes anyway.

Then they need to spend the extra money to have the piece of mind that they need to not be around deer hunters. If they cannot afford it then they need to accept what they can and cannot do with the money they have.

Every deer hunter would love to have 1,000 acres to themselves, some have it, some share the land with up to 20 more hunters, some have enough money to buy the land outright to hunt, just like small game hunters can do the same.

Honestly it's a little bit weird how all the small game hunters run around here throwing out figures of $5,000 and $10,000 for there dogs a piece but then say they cannot afford a lease to hunt those dogs.

If you cannot afford to hunt those dogs the way you want then you have to accept how you can hunt them with the money that you have to spend.

Ok I think I had it broke down to 3 people and you change to five even after I told you ideally it would support 2 hunters for a season. Remember you didn't like that so you made a comment about me changing my numbers just to prove what it would cost.
In other words you are saying that it's ok for a group of folks to want change and push common folks that have hunted a certain way for years out of what they do?
I told you before I know what good dogs are worth and some folks raise them from pups to get them there while others buy the finished product. If you don't be leave me then try and buy a good dog for a cheap price. I'm sure you can find some average dogs for less.
Since you want to quote me on another response. I said different reasons. It's not all about being afraid of a dog being shot a lot of it is respect for other hunters and not wanting to mess them up.
I will tell you that your right about something. That is that if every hunter in the state decided to be a serious squirrel hunter then we would be in the same position some claim the deer hunting is in.
Basically what I get out of everything you've said is that if your not rich enough to hunt then you shouldn't be able to.


Senior Member
I guess we got Obama throwed on us as president. So we can handle the greedy deer hunters always wanting more I guess. I figured getting the christmas break would have been enough back yonder but nooooooo. In about 10 more yrs. They will want all of Jan because they cant kill a deer.


Senior Member
Ok I think I had it broke down to 3 people and you change to five even after I told you ideally it would support 2 hunters for a season. Remember you didn't like that so you made a comment about me changing my numbers just to prove what it would cost.
In other words you are saying that it's ok for a group of folks to want change and push common folks that have hunted a certain way for years out of what they do?
I told you before I know what good dogs are worth and some folks raise them from pups to get them there while others buy the finished product. If you don't be leave me then try and buy a good dog for a cheap price. I'm sure you can find some average dogs for less.
Since you want to quote me on another response. I said different reasons. It's not all about being afraid of a dog being shot a lot of it is respect for other hunters and not wanting to mess them up.
I will tell you that your right about something. That is that if every hunter in the state decided to be a serious squirrel hunter then we would be in the same position some claim the deer hunting is in.
Basically what I get out of everything you've said is that if your not rich enough to hunt then you shouldn't be able to.

Ok then spend 7,500 and have the entire 1,000 for two people.

After what you've said about deer hunters you're gonna say you don't run your dogs out of respect? anyone with any sense can see right through that.

I never said if you aren't rich enough you shouldn't be able to hunt, I said if you can't afford what you WANT then you have to make do with what you can GET and AFFORD, if that means sharing 1,000 acres with 10 other hunters then so be it, welcome to the real world.

Hammer Spank

So what are you in to, speed deer hunting? In a hurry to get back home to sit on the couch watching football? I am sure there are many hunters in the state that could take the doe's they want the first week-end or two,probably small bucks also, but why hurry it. For a lot of us the pleasure of being in the woods, observing the deer herd, having family and friends join us over the season and waiting for a buck bigger than the last one you shot is what deer season is about. I am all for the longer the better and I hunt in the South zone.

BTW it is not the small game hunters or deer hunters right to be tell another group what they should do with their land, leased or owned. If you don't like the rules, move on down the road.

Actually, I love when deer season ends because then I can chase other quarry in total peace without 4 wheelers screaming around all the time. I hunt and fish more than almost everybody in the state, but I love when deer season is over to hike and scout for the next season, crow hunt, stump shoot with my recurves, coyote hunt, etc, etc.

If you actually love being in the woods, you won't need an old pine goat forcing you to do it. Our season is SOOOOOO long.

Feist man

Ok then spend 7,500 and have the entire 1,000 for two people.

After what you've said about deer hunters you're gonna say you don't run your dogs out of respect? anyone with any sense can see right through that.

I never said if you aren't rich enough you shouldn't be able to hunt, I said if you can't afford what you WANT then you have to make do with what you can GET and AFFORD, if that means sharing 1,000 acres with 10 other hunters then so be it, welcome to the real world.

Thank you for realizing my original point on what it would cost if it comes down to having to get a large lease.
So what did I say about deer hunters? Or did I say yuppies because there is a difference and I know which one you fall under.
So again if a group gets something changed in their favor that makes me have to spend several thousand on a large lease to be able to hunt vs a few hundred to hunt after deer season makes me the bad guy by complaining.
It's funny that you say someone with any sense because it's obvious you don't have any at all.


Senior Member
Thank you for realizing my original point on what it would cost if it comes down to having to get a large lease.
So what did I say about deer hunters? Or did I say yuppies because there is a difference and I know which one you fall under.
So again if a group gets something changed in their favor that makes me have to spend several thousand on a large lease to be able to hunt vs a few hundred to hunt after deer season makes me the bad guy by complaining.
It's funny that you say someone with any sense because it's obvious you don't have any at all.
Feistman. Find us some land in mid Ga. Maybe with some water for ducks. Good turkey, big timber and cut stuff. You can squirrel hunt. I'll coon hunt it. Can get a rabbit hunter.We can get a duck hunter or 5 and several turkey hunters and we might can afford it. No deer huntin.