back pain


Senior Member
papagil said:
I have a lot of back pain, but I don't know what a ten's unit is

me either .... :confused:


Outdoor Cafe Moderator
A tens unit will offer some temp relief but you will become immune to it and the strength will have to be increased , mine is only used now as a play thing for the kids to shock one another with


Senior Member
I just went to the doc today and told me my disk between the 6th and 7th vertibrae is totally shot. Tell me more about this ten shot stuff!


Senior Member
it works for me but I just got it
I think it is worse than the back pain at first but you get to where it doesn't bother you and your back doesn't hurt
for a short time 30 min on 1hr off


Outdoor Cafe Moderator
The tens is not a shot , It is an electrical device that relaxes and stimulates the muscles surrounding the spine , what you are referring to is a cortizone shot that is given directly into the spine , I've heard that it does give temporary relief but in the long run will deteriorate the spine itself , If your vertebrae is gone you may need some surgical bracing with bone graphs and or titanium rods ( I have both ) but please make this an absolute last option as your life will be forever changed also if you go this route have a neuro surgeon do the work I've seen both neuros and orthos the ortho wanted to do three procedures , the neuro got it all done in one and I felt much more comfortable with his explainations of the procedure and outcomes -- good luck


Senior Member
bone is right the ten's they got me has 4 wires and 4 pads that stick to your back and to use it is not pleseant but it works for me for now


Retired Woody's Mod 7/01-12/09
tens units

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS)


Senior Member
I used to use a TENS unit all the time for back pain relief. It did a fair job, but my body got used to it, so it ceased to help me at all. :(

Be real careful during physical activity that the wires don't get pulled out of the pads and hit your bare skin! It hurts like heck and it sure makes you strip off clothes in a hurry! :hair: :(

My skin also got to be allergic to the stickum on the pads and also to the contact jelly that I had to use. :(



Senior Member
it works for a short time, but after a while I had mine jacked up as high as it would go :(

they do work to some degree but if you have a major back pain, slip disk etc... it is nice for a short period of time

the best thing is exercise, get you stomache muscles strong to carry the majority of the weight and you will feel alot better in the long run :clap:

I still suffer from back pain, and now a days it takes me twice as long to recover than it use to, but with excercise I can keep the pain in a manage level


Outdoor Cafe Moderator
Have some fun with it !!

I used to do this with my girls , it will bring down the house with laughter from them and you , stick the pads to either hand ( on your child ) now grill them as if they were taking a lie detector test , even if there answers are true give them a little quick jolt and insist that the machine doesn't lie and continue they will soon be rolling with laughter

Another game for siblings attach a pad to each siblings left hand and turn the juice up there will be no shock , now have them face each other there right hands are free when ever they touch the other sibling the circuit is complete and a shock will result , believe me they'll love it :rofl: