How far is the nearest deer from you pillow?

How far would you guess the nearest wild deer is to your home.

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Senior Member
We built our house on a 3 acre wooded lot in a small sub-divison. I see tracks in my front and back yard regularly. I backed out of the garage Sunday going to church and a doe was standing in my front yard (35 yds). I have seen tracks less than ten yards from my bedroom.


Gone But Not Forgotten
I live in power spring and in nov- dec see them everyday in about 100 yards of the house but don't see any other time . I thing it a mating time or they know it deer season and stay close to town. :crazy:


Senior Member
They live all around us. They just don't come in the yard cuz of the dogs. We will see them in the hay fields and behind the house is planted pines. So they are here, they are there, they are everywhere. Til it's time to hunt'um then it's like where did they go.


GONetwork Senator Area 51
Ive got some that bed down right behind the house.


Senior Member
I bet you guys that said over two miles, might be surprised....
Go here and type in your street address with city and state (no spaces no punctutation no zip). After the map comes up, click on 'satellite' in the upper right hand corner. Then click and drag the photo around. If you see a tree lined creek, I'd be willing to bet, it holds deer. (Can't speak for Florida).
I live in the concrete and asphalt burbs and have PLENTY in my back yard (creek).
Hunt/fish safely,


They eat at my window

They eat the plantings at my window and I assume watch me sleep.
200 yards! Ha! Try 2 inches! lo. And I love it!
A better question might be how many have had to dodge deer in their own driveway?


Senior Member
Back yard

Across the creek in my back yard, its not my land but its in the City of Liburn. Just goes to show you how many deer there realy out there. :D


Senior Member
The nearest deer is about 20 yards right outside my bedroom window. I see it three or four times a week feeding along the pines. :fine:


Senior Member
How close

I see deer ever sunday at church live in forest park but go to church in Morrow close to south lake mall and we see deer ever sunday maybe they like the sermon :fine: :fine: :fine: :rofl: so I would say less then one mile from my pillow ::;


Senior Member
I live in across the street from Emory University so there aren't any wild deer around for awhile. :(


Senior Member
I live in a nice area of maybe 300 homes over a couple sq miles. Its a good neighborhood. I live on the edge or about 1/2 mile to the "woods". A bunch of deer live there and roam into the neighborhood destroying all sorts of things. :mad: I actually had a scrape and rub in my front yard last fall! (a little 6 or 8 pointer maybe 130-150lbs max) Got a trail cam ready for this year! ;)

They have eaten most of our flowers around the house. I know a few people hunt on the farms next to the subdivision. Maybe the deer will thin out enough to get those flower gardens back in order!


Senior Member
Between the garden, blackberry bushes, muscudine vines, and the woods around the house and between me and the neighbor's houses they frequent regularly. I've seen 'em as close as 30 yards out the front door.


Senior Member
We live in the thick of it.......

I may need to change this thread to "Do you hunt deer from your back deck?" :cool:
Hunt/fish safely,


GONetwork Member
Never had one in my yard here, but I live at the ebd of a culdesack, water on three sides, but they're allover the driveway turning in, 2, 5, 7 at he time crossing the road headed to and from the swamp.


Senior Member
got a pasture backin up to my house w/ a creek in between us and were surrounded by at least 2000 acres in our subdivision...throw out corn and sit on the back deck and watch em all the time :banana:


I live 17 miles from our club,be ther in 20 min.