Weddings for non-members?


Senior Member
Not to get off topic here, but a sanctuary is a direct reflection of the churches members............

Think about all of the implications created from that statement...??

No. Actually it is not. It is a reflection of a crucified perfect Christ. Members are not and will never be perfect until they are glorified.


No. Actually it is not. It is a reflection of a crucified perfect Christ. Members are not and will never be perfect until they are glorified.

What does a mere building made by men have to do with a perfect Christ. He never once preached in one.

The church is the people, not the building, and their attitude and example set forth to the community is their testament to a perfect Christ.

Not a building, regardless of how ornate or extravigant it may be.


Senior Member
I can see both sides, for the ones responible to the congregation and God it's tuff to please all.I would like to think that there are good reasons that a church body would use thier facilities for thier members only.Most of the time when a rule is put in place there are reasons.There are a lot of factors to consider,(we recently had a funeral where the lady wanted to have several songs from the seventies played.Believe me on the surface they might have seemed OK but the words wern't).On the other hand we are called to help one another.I'm not going to condemn either side because we are all at different places in our walk.I do think I would keep looking as you have if I wanted what you want.


Senior Member
Nope, not at all. Nothing at all wrong with an outdoor wedding under God's blue skies.

My parents were married in my mother's father's house, and he was one of the leading Baptist preachers in his state.

I might ask, but I sure wouldn't get my nose bent out of shape, and start slamming my fellow Christians.

I may not have asked the question clear enough, my bad. What I wanted to ask you was if your opiion would change if your Church burned to the ground and you explained this and asked another Church for the use of it's facilities and were turned away. As far as slamming other Christians, I am not sure how I am slamming them by expressing my opionion of how Jesus Christ would handle this type of issue.

Again, would Jesus Christ turn away a couple wanting to unite in his house? The answer is obviously yes. If you can not agree that Jesus would let us in, then we need to stop our conversation, because we will get no where, because we do not worship the same Lord.

As I said before, we can handle being turned down, but many of the churches have turned us away. I will give you a prime example. My fiancee visited a beautiful Church last week with my sister. This was a Saturday. The preacher was there by himself. My fiancee asked if their facility was open to non-members for weddings. He gave her his number and asked her to call him on Monday. We were pretty excited. I honestly thought this gentleman was going to give us the deal once he had more time. Well, guess what, we called Monday and he said that they do not do allow weddings for non members. Why could he not have told them this on Saturday?


Senior Member
One more note. How many people on this website really believe that a Church that did not allow non-members to marry at their Church would turn down the grand daughter of let's say Billy Graham. I believe the rules might change for a few of them.

I probably should stop here, before I get other Christians mad at me. I just feel extremely frustrated over this whole ordeal.

Now to lighten it up. Remeber guys, I am the man on this end, what really matters is my better half and how she feels. I am frustrated, but she has those female things going on, which we all know can be very volital.


One more note. How many people on this website really believe that a Church that did not allow non-members to marry at their Church would turn down the grand daughter of let's say Billy Graham. I believe the rules might change for a few of them.

I probably should stop here, before I get other Christians mad at me. I just feel extremely frustrated over this whole ordeal.

Now to lighten it up. Remeber guys, I am the man on this end, what really matters is my better half and how she feels. I am frustrated, but she has those female things going on, which we all know can be very volital.

You are well justified in your frustrations, and the Billy Grahams grand daughter was an excellent analogy.

You two stated your case and even referenced your minister, so it's not like the chuches you asked were turning away heathens.

I suppose to some, the reverence of the building has replaced the true intent of Christ's Mission.

Did you check out the Big Canoe Chapel link??

Good luck in your search, God will put ya'll in the right place..


Senior Member
My son has a favorite saying that I use often,"you don't have to answer for one thing that person does".In your quest for a church to be married in and are turned away,I think of his words.Remember that Jesus knows of your search and did before you did or your future bride.In the end,He will provide,you wait and see!It will be beautiful and special,you will see!Don't know where,nor when but sit tight and wait!!!


Senior Member
You are well justified in your frustrations, and the Billy Grahams grand daughter was an excellent analogy.

You two stated your case and even referenced your minister, so it's not like the chuches you asked were turning away heathens.

I suppose to some, the reverence of the building has replaced the true intent of Christ's Mission.

Did you check out the Big Canoe Chapel link??

Good luck in your search, God will put ya'll in the right place..

We have not checked with the big canoe chapel. I doubt we will. Reason being, is my fiancee is originally from Cleveland, OH. We are a little older than your average college grad couple. Our extended families have some age on them. Her extended family will be driving, not flying from OHIO and will stay down here for many days, not 1 or 2, so we are having them stay with other family members and what not. The bottom line is we are trying to find something in Coweta, so these Old folks will not be driving every which way but loose.

I think we may have found something today. We are going to visit tomorrow. Very nice minister, very pretty building, Old folks drivng time no more than 30 minutes from where they will be staying to the wedding and then the reception.

Thanks for your suggestions, if this falls through, we will still look at all options.


Senior Member
What does a mere building made by men have to do with a perfect Christ. He never once preached in one.

The church is the people, not the building, and their attitude and example set forth to the community is their testament to a perfect Christ.

Not a building, regardless of how ornate or extravigant it may be.

The building that is the church should be reverenced as the house of God. The Church is "supposed" to be a place that is sanctified and set apart from the rest of the world; it is obvious that there are many "churches" out there today that do not consider that to be a priority. :confused::cry:


The building that is the church should be reverenced as the house of God. The Church is "supposed" to be a place that is sanctified and set apart from the rest of the world; it is obvious that there are many "churches" out there today that do not consider that to be a priority. :confused::cry:

Can you please reference where in the Bible it states this.

It sounds more like Roman Catholic Doctrine than sound Biblical principal.

I guess the poor folks in other countries where we send our missionaries, that have mud huts for churches are just out of luck huh??


Senior Member
I can see both sides, for the ones responible to the congregation and God it's tuff to please all.I would like to think that there are good reasons that a church body would use thier facilities for thier members only.Most of the time when a rule is put in place there are reasons.There are a lot of factors to consider,(we recently had a funeral where the lady wanted to have several songs from the seventies played.Believe me on the surface they might have seemed OK but the words wern't).On the other hand we are called to help one another.I'm not going to condemn either side because we are all at different places in our walk.I do think I would keep looking as you have if I wanted what you want.



Senior Member
Can you please reference where in the Bible it states this.

It sounds more like Roman Catholic Doctrine than sound Biblical principal.

I guess the poor folks in other countries where we send our missionaries, that have mud huts for churches are just out of luck huh??

You don't think God was very specific about His temple?:confused:

Have you forgotten what Christ Himself did when he found that the temple had been turned into a flea market?

Thank God that there are still a few churches out there that have established standards in regards to separation and also how the sanctuary should be revered.

Again HuntDawg, this is not intended to be a reflection on you or your fiance. I personally hope you find a church that will allow you to have your ceremony at it. One thing is for sure though, If I was the Pastor, I would insist on seeing the complete itenerary for the service...down to every spoken word and song played/sang.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
You don't think God was very specific about His temple?:confused:

Have you forgotten what Christ Himself did when he found that the temple had been turned into a flea market?

That's another thread, Yard Sales at churches !!!!!!!! Don't even get me started. :whip:


You don't think God was very specific about His temple?:confused:

Thank God that there are still a few churches out there that have established standards in regards to separation and also how the sanctuary should be revered.

Matthew 12:6 (New International Version)

6 I tell you that one<SUP>[a]</SUP> greater than the temple is here.


Senior Member
Matthew 12:6 (New International Version)

6 I tell you that one<SUP>[a]</SUP> greater than the temple is here.

Your point?


Senior Member
Maybe a little off the cuff here, but your comments do not seem to be Christ like. If you can honestly tell me that Christ would answer as you have, then I am completely off base.

Whoops, missed that little aside on my first read through.

I would never tell anyone that Christ would answer as I have. On the other hand I'm willing to bet (whoops, guess shouldn't do that either) that Christ would be more concerned with who was conducting and where the wedding was going to be that with the reception, which is primary concern.

You are probably right. Christ would take care of the temporal, material things first, like getting a place for the reception so everyone can eat, drink and dance, before finding a place to perform the sacred act of marriage. Christ would nail down the guest list before finding a place to conduct the sacrament of marriage. Christ would really be concerned about the discomfort to the out of town in laws before settling on the place to join together in Holy Matrimony.

Everyone of your posts has accused something or someone of not serving Christ or being Christlike because in some way they have not accommodated your personal material considerations.

YOU chose to go to a church an hour and half away. We all make choices and should abide by the consequences of those choices.

You make it sound so glib that churches are turning you away because you are "non-members". Have either of you been married before? Have both of you been baptised by immersion as adults? I know churches that wouldn't allow you to be married for those reasons.

I do know what Christ said about this:

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Senior Member
Whoops, missed that little aside on my first read through.

I would never tell anyone that Christ would answer as I have. On the other hand I'm willing to bet (whoops, guess shouldn't do that either) that Christ would be more concerned with who was conducting and where the wedding was going to be that with the reception, which is primary concern.

You are probably right. Christ would take care of the temporal, material things first, like getting a place for the reception so everyone can eat, drink and dance, before finding a place to perform the sacred act of marriage. Christ would nail down the guest list before finding a place to conduct the sacrament of marriage. Christ would really be concerned about the discomfort to the out of town in laws before settling on the place to join together in Holy Matrimony.

Everyone of your posts has accused something or someone of not serving Christ or being Christlike because in some way they have not accommodated your personal material considerations.

YOU chose to go to a church an hour and half away. We all make choices and should abide by the consequences of those choices.

You make it sound so glib that churches are turning you away because you are "non-members". Have either of you been married before? Have both of you been baptised by immersion as adults? I know churches that wouldn't allow you to be married for those reasons.

I do know what Christ said about this:

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Well, I guess we should stop this thread. I may be wrong, but I sense anger in your post. I do not believe that I ever said that Christ would answer as myself. I tried to offer that I do not believe that Christ would turn away a Christian couple from his house. As far as who is conducting, well, we have that covered, we have what we both consider to be the most thoughtful, loving, ordained, Christian Doctor minister that we both love and respect to handle that part. Well, I guess I will spill the beans on the reception. We both have fathers that took early retirement due to disabilities. We do not want to burden them with the traditional cost of a wedding, so we are footing the bill. We are planning to have the reception at the offer of one of my relatives at their home to cut costs. Once this was offered, we felt like it would be a good idea.

Sorry for caring about others who are elderly and have disabilities. I never thought I would have to explain that one to anyone, Christian or not. Man, all people should respect their elders.

As for the rest of your post. In no way did I ever give the impression that a Church turned us down for any reason other than we are not "Active Members". That is all I ever stated. You are now putting words in this thread that were never mentioned. Have you ever heard of the term "Slippery Slope".

If attending services to worship the lord in an office space is a consequence of our decision, then it is a man made consequence. Not one from the Lord.

In addition, I asked only if Jesus Christ would turn away a Chrisitan couple who wanted to unite in his house. Call it what you want, twist any way that you want, but you know the answer to the question.


Well, I guess we should stop this thread. I may be wrong, but I sense anger in your post. I do not believe that I ever said that Christ would answer as myself. I tried to offer that I do not believe that Christ would turn away a Christian couple from his house. As far as who is conducting, well, we have that covered, we have what we both consider to be the most thoughtful, loving, ordained, Christian Doctor minister that we both love and respect to handle that part. Well, I guess I will spill the beans on the reception. We both have fathers that took early retirement due to disabilities. We do not want to burden them with the traditional cost of a wedding, so we are footing the bill. We are planning to have the reception at the offer of one of my relatives at their home to cut costs. Once this was offered, we felt like it would be a good idea.

Sorry for caring about others who are elderly and have disabilities. I never thought I would have to explain that one to anyone, Christian or not. Man, all people should respect their elders.

As for the rest of your post. In no way did I ever give the impression that a Church turned us down for any reason other than we are not "Active Members". That is all I ever stated. You are now putting words in this thread that were never mentioned. Have you ever heard of the term "Slippery Slope".

If attending services to worship the lord in an office space is a consequence of our decision, then it is a man made consequence. Not one from the Lord.

In addition, I asked only if Jesus Christ would turn away a Chrisitan couple who wanted to unite in his house. Call it what you want, twist any way that you want, but you know the answer to the question.

Huntdawg, you don't need to apologize for a thing. Your post were well stated and clear, but somehow the legalistic Christians managed to twist it into something personal.

Just go in peace and know that God knows your heart and will take care of its desires that you wish in his name.

As Cal said, this will work out. Good luck on your wedding and I hope everything turns out beautiful and all attendees are accomodated perfectly.

Be blessed brother.