Weddings for non-members?


Staff member
If the building in question is a "church" then it is God's house. Denying someone its' use for any reason other than logisitics is wrong. Especially if the reason is "ya'll aren't members of our church". What Christian does that?

If its' a Christian wedding, surely some accomodation can be made, especially in this case.


Senior Member
some Church's are more accepting of certain things than others and some take a stand and do not accept some things that others tolerate for member numbers. I have been to some Church weddings that had some things that our Church would not tolerate, certain songs etc. Everything about the service and their beliefs would have to be explained before accepting IMHO.


Senior Member
some Church's are more accepting of certain things than others and some take a stand and do not accept some things that others tolerate for member numbers. I have been to some Church weddings that had some things that our Church would not tolerate, certain songs etc. Everything about the service and their beliefs would have to be explained before accepting IMHO.

Bingo...this point has went over several better than thou's heads.

WWJD? He'd definitely make sure that the sacredness of His house was maintained.
WWJD? He'd definitely make sure that the sacredness of His house was maintained.

If sacredness was the true measurement then a lot of folks would definitely be without a church home...:bounce:

It did not go over this "better than thou's" head...:rofl: ::ke:


Senior Member
Thanks for all of your support. As many have said, and I understand completely that any church would need to meet the two of us, our preacher, and have a breakdown of the entire cerimony.

If we are turned down at that point, due to some conflict with that church's doctrine, then so be it. I have no problem with being turned down, my problem is when you are turned away.

Again ,thank you for your support. I am sure the Lord will lead us in the right direction.:)


Senior Member
If sacredness was the true measurement then a lot of folks would definitely be without a church home...:bounce:

You got that right...that is why there are so many "do what makes you feel good" churches out there.


Staff member
My church allows other Christians who are not members to be married there, but there is a small fee to cover the expenses associated with it.

Each Church has the right to make their own rules. Personally, I think it is a silly rule. If it were me and I wanted around a silly rule, I would do something silly, like join the Church, have my wedding and then move my letter back. That appeases the silly rule.


Senior Member
My church allows other Christians who are not members to be married there, but there is a small fee to cover the expenses associated with it.

Each Church has the right to make their own rules. Personally, I think it is a silly rule. If it were me and I wanted around a silly rule, I would do something silly, like join the Church, have my wedding and then move my letter back. That appeases the silly rule.



Resident Homesteader
If the building in question is a "church" then it is God's house. Denying someone its' use for any reason other than logisitics is wrong. Especially if the reason is "ya'll aren't members of our church". What Christian does that?

If its' a Christian wedding, surely some accomodation can be made, especially in this case.

Elfiii, the problem most are having with this issue is they cant get past the "members only" club and face the reality that the "Church is in deed Gods house and not theirs. Sure we are to care for it and respect, thats why we have rules such as no food or drinks in the sanctuary etc......You can use it, but its gonna be used right.

Im thinking like you on this one, a Christian wedding or even a funeral for the matter is in no way going to defile the sanctuary.


Senior Member
Elfiii, the problem most are having with this issue is they cant get past the "members only" club and face the reality that the "Church is in deed Gods house and not theirs. Sure we are to care for it and respect, thats why we have rules such as no food or drinks in the sanctuary etc......You can use it, but its gonna be used right.

Im thinking like you on this one, a Christian wedding or even a funeral for the matter is in no way going to defile the sanctuary.

How about if that "christian" wedding plays secular music with suggestive lyrics?

How about that "christian" funeral that has a power point slide show on the big screen of home pictures of the deceased at the beach with almost naked people in them?

Like I said before...thank God that there are still some churches that won't allow the church to be stained by the world.


Resident Homesteader
One more note. How many people on this website really believe that a Church that did not allow non-members to marry at their Church would turn down the grand daughter of let's say Billy Graham. I believe the rules might change for a few of them.

I probably should stop here, before I get other Christians mad at me. I just feel extremely frustrated over this whole ordeal.

Now to lighten it up. Remeber guys, I am the man on this end, what really matters is my better half and how she feels. I am frustrated, but she has those female things going on, which we all know can be very volital.

I would say the majority of those would "make an exception"

Folks wake up, this about a wedding, not hot wings and Bingo on Saturday night in the Sanctuary:smash::smash:

I know some have said Jesus would have maintained his temple, true and he did, and he will again, but there was that "flea market" deal going on in there at the time, not a wedding for non members.


Resident Homesteader
How about if that "christian" wedding plays secular music with suggestive lyrics?

How about that "christian" funeral that has a power point slide show on the big screen of home pictures of the deceased at the beach with almost naked people in them?

Like I said before...thank God that there are still some churches that won't allow the church to be stained by the world.

Every wedding and funeral has some plans.................thats why I said "proper" use.


Senior Member
Every wedding and funeral has some plans.................thats why I said "proper" use.

That's the problem.

Some people's idea of "proper" use leaves a lot to be desired.

Just go to Vegas and get married!! idea I have seen on this thread...if the so called "Christians" want to continue on the frequently observed path of TURNING PEOPLE AWAY then take it somewhere heck with what the so called "Christians" think is getting a little old...:bounce:

'bout time someone made a stand against closed minds anyhow...

Took me years to realize all the flaws with the Southern Baptist beliefs that I had cast upon me time and again as a youth...but wow, do I see them now...

Get married, have a great life based on the faith that you have set forth for yourself and remember that any HUMAN that casts judgement upon you is just that...a HUMAN...

I wish you and yours all the best in your marriage...


Well once again I will interject that not all churches are full of horrible closed minded people and I have no idea what makes the "people of the world" think that they might always be right and Christians are always wrong.

In every story there are three sides and we are all just sitting here tearing down the church which surely has its flaws but also has its purposes.

C'mon guys lets talk about whether or not this churches wedding policies or fair or not without tearing down the whole idea of church or Christianity with statements of how the church ruined your life or made you hate God or whatever else you might want to blame on the church


Senior Member
C'mon guys lets talk about whether or not this churches wedding policies or fair or not without tearing down the whole idea of church or Christianity with statements of how the church ruined your life or made you hate God or whatever else you might want to blame on the church

The hate is all some people have it seems.


Senior Member
C'mon guys lets talk about whether or not this churches wedding policies or fair or not without tearing down the whole idea of church or Christianity with statements of how the church ruined your life or made you hate God or whatever else you might want to blame on the church

Great point...there are so many on here that are mad at life, God, etc. Their only satisfaction is trying to tear down something that they haven't a clue about in hopes that it will make someone else feel as helpless as they are.


Senior Member
As for the original topic, my church will allow a "Christian" wedding if the bride/groom are not members of our church congregation. I am pretty sure that a meeting with the pastor is scheduled for him to make sure there is nothing "disturbing" about any "specialties". Again, not judging or anything like that, just making sure that its not a gay wedding or anything. Nothing wrong with the pastor going over simple Christian doctrine to ensure the sanctity of the ceremony. You have to remember that a wedding in the church by members has already had scrutiny through actions over time or direct counseling from the pastor so there is no surprises.