Weddings for non-members?


Staff member

Doubtful, it just doesn't coincide with your judgmental views.

If the Church does not seek the service of Christ's work, the Church isn't much of a Church. Joining Christians in Holy Matrimony is one of Christ's works. There is NO biblical statement that I know that determines the tenor or term of one's membership in any particular congregation.


Senior Member
If the Church does not seek the service of Christ's work, the Church isn't much of a Church. Joining Christians in Holy Matrimony is one of Christ's works.

I agree with the first statement. You use a broad brush, but true. However, what we must remember and it applies to your second statement, is that the Church must use discernment in that situation. How is marrying two homosexuals anything to do with the service of Christ's work? That's not what we are talking about here, but it is a point. The Church is to seek to do God's work, but the Church should use discernment/judgement/qualifications all of which are based on God's Word when doing those services. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Church having a talk with the individuals wanting to be married to get an idea of the couple's ideas for that service before that Church opens its sanctuary for the event.


I can't believe this thread is still going.

It seems that several have missed, ignored, or just plain chose not to read thoroughly the initial thread where the author clearly stated the following facts:

His church did not have the facilities.
He and his Bride to be are Christians.
They HAVE a schedule of the wedding, including songs etc.
His minister would be more than happy to talk with and work with a guest Churches minister to make this happen.

And lastly and most importantly at issue after all of this was stated to the offending Churches; They were turned down without even listening or considering any of the above plans.

The author clearly has stated multiple times in this thread that he understands if they would sit down and discuss all of this with them and then say no, but the offending Churches would not even take those steps.

SO, where is all of this other garbage y'all are talking about coming from. Secular music, rowdy heathen crowds, party atmosphere???

The thread author wasn't even given the respect as a brother Christian, by other churches, to state his case and show the schedule of the wedding. Simply a flat NO.

I can only imagine how those churches treat folks off of the street that wish to visit them.

To the authors credit, he was not equally as indignant as to post the names of these Frozen Chosen Churches. I would dare say they are probably some of the same Churches that are sitting around wondering why they aren't able to grow their congregations.

Now, leave the boy alone, he did what is right and hasn't crucified anyone near as much as the so called Christians on here have persecuted him and his intent.



Senior Member
Doubtful, it just doesn't coincide with your judgmental views.

If the Church does not seek the service of Christ's work, the Church isn't much of a Church. Joining Christians in Holy Matrimony is one of Christ's works. There is NO biblical statement that I know that determines the tenor or term of one's membership in any particular congregation.

So you would recommend that someone lie to be able to use a church...the key word being use.

No it ain't unbelievable..actually it is exactly as scripture predicted.


Senior Member
I can't believe this thread is still going.

It seems that several have missed, ignored, or just plain chose not to read thoroughly the initial thread where the author clearly stated the following facts:

His church did not have the facilities.
He and his Bride to be are Christians.
They HAVE a schedule of the wedding, including songs etc.
His minister would be more than happy to talk with and work with a guest Churches minister to make this happen.

And lastly and most importantly at issue after all of this was stated to the offending Churches; They were turned down without even listening or considering any of the above plans.

The author clearly has stated multiple times in this thread that he understands if they would sit down and discuss all of this with them and then say no, but the offending Churches would not even take those steps.

SO, where is all of this other garbage y'all are talking about coming from. Secular music, rowdy heathen crowds, party atmosphere???

The thread author wasn't even given the respect as a brother Christian, by other churches, to state his case and show the schedule of the wedding. Simply a flat NO.

I can only imagine how those churches treat folks off of the street that wish to visit them.

To the authors credit, he was not equally as indignant as to post the names of these Frozen Chosen Churches. I would dare say they are probably some of the same Churches that are sitting around wondering why they aren't able to grow their congregations.

Now, leave the boy alone, he did what is right and hasn't crucified anyone near as much as the so called Christians on here have persecuted him and his intent.


I haven't read where anyone persecuted him.


My fiancee and I are planning to be married in the Spring. Very excited, but disapointed in many church policies concerning ceromonies. Let me start by saying that we attend our own church services regularly. We are involved and even have a personal relationship with our minister and his wife. Here is our sitiuation. Our services are held in an office complex. We drive 1.5 hours from our side of town to church. Our church was started, because or wonderful preacher retired from Theological teaching and was asked to help start this new church. No one left their home churches because of arguements over money spent, carpet color, doctrine, etc. This church was started because a wonderful preacher was available and very well respected.

Now, for the bad news. Since our services are held in an office complex and it is 2.0 hours away from the planned reception, we have asked many churches on our side of town if we could use their facilties for our service, not a reception. We have explained our sitiuation and understand if there is a fee. We have been told time after time, that these facilities are for "Active Members Only".

I do understand the concept that you may not want a non-christian ceromony in your house of worship, but to deny a fellow Christian an opportunity to start their Christian lives as a couple in your facility is disconcerning. I would believe it to be an honor for someone to ask to be married at your Church building.

Believe me, we have offered the whole nine yards. Our preacher would meet with the board if needed, we would meet with anyone, if needed.

I just have a hard time believing that Christ would approve of these "Church Rules".

I assume, most would say go ahead and get married in your own building, and we may have to do it that way, but we were only trying to think of our guests and the very long drive to the wedding and then back to the reception, then back home.



Senior Member
That is persecution?:crazy:

Well once again I will interject that not all churches are full of horrible closed minded people and I have no idea what makes the "people of the world" think that they might always be right and Christians are always wrong.

In every story there are three sides and we are all just sitting here tearing down the church which surely has its flaws but also has its purposes.

C'mon guys lets talk about whether or not this churches wedding policies or fair or not without tearing down the whole idea of church or Christianity with statements of how the church ruined your life or made you hate God or whatever else you might want to blame on the church

I did not see where anyone stated that the church ruined their lives, made them hate God nor did I see anyone blame anything on the church...:huh:

And I would hope you were not referring to a conversation that you and I had in confidence either...:cheers:...if so then I guess I got the wrong gut impression...


I did not see where anyone stated that the church ruined their lives, made them hate God nor did I see anyone blame anything on the church...:huh:

And I would hope you were not referring to a conversation that you and I had in confidence either...:cheers:
Well there you go, it's not in confidence anymore now is it........:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Great point...there are so many on here that are mad at life, God, etc. Their only satisfaction is trying to tear down something that they haven't a clue about in hopes that it will make someone else feel as helpless as they are.

As I have said many many many times...don't generalize...:bounce:...MAN UP and call them out...there is PM and email and a whole variety of ways to do so. :cheers:

Having an opinion that differs from a seemingly foot-washing, fire and brimstone type church does not mean that one is tearing anything down...:crazy:


GONetwork Senator Area 51
Why in the world would it be an honor? Let's see, the church has to tie up if facilities at least twice (rehearsal, the real thing) at the prime time of the year, denying those time slots to the membership that built the building and pay for the upkeep, you don't want to use the resident minister, probably want to bring in your own musicians, too, and the church has no idea what your beliefs are and what they are condoning --- wow, how in the world could a church pass up an honor like that.

Here's where I'm confused --- your church in the office complex is sufficient to meet in to worship and honor God, but not worthy of holding your wedding. As I read your post, you are planning your wedding around where you are having your reception, not where you have your spiritual home, and yet you criticize those churches that don't share these relative values. Interesting.

Very well Said.


Senior Member
As I have said many many many times...don't generalize...:bounce:...MAN UP and call them out...there is PM and email and a whole variety of ways to do so. :cheers:

Having an opinion that differs from a seemingly foot-washing, fire and brimstone type church does not mean that one is tearing anything down...:crazy:

Man...that shoe must have slipped on you just fine.

Man...that shoe must have slipped on you just fine.

And I see your conscience finally kicked in and your spine stiffened...::ke:

Nah...the shoe did not fit as I was not tearing down anything...I was making observations based on personal experience...there ain't nothing "cut and paste" about me that shows...I calls 'em likes I sees 'em...::ke:


Keep it coming keeps the ole thought process flowing strong and occasionally we have someone actually hit on a very good point that makes the rest think...that is what it is all about IMHO...I enjoy the different perspectives...


Senior Member
I can't believe this thread is still going.

It seems that several have missed, ignored, or just plain chose not to read thoroughly the initial thread where the author clearly stated the following facts:

His church did not have the facilities.
He and his Bride to be are Christians.
They HAVE a schedule of the wedding, including songs etc.
His minister would be more than happy to talk with and work with a guest Churches minister to make this happen.

And lastly and most importantly at issue after all of this was stated to the offending Churches; They were turned down without even listening or considering any of the above plans.

The author clearly has stated multiple times in this thread that he understands if they would sit down and discuss all of this with them and then say no, but the offending Churches would not even take those steps.

SO, where is all of this other garbage y'all are talking about coming from. Secular music, rowdy heathen crowds, party atmosphere???

The thread author wasn't even given the respect as a brother Christian, by other churches, to state his case and show the schedule of the wedding. Simply a flat NO.

I can only imagine how those churches treat folks off of the street that wish to visit them.

To the authors credit, he was not equally as indignant as to post the names of these Frozen Chosen Churches. I would dare say they are probably some of the same Churches that are sitting around wondering why they aren't able to grow their congregations.

Now, leave the boy alone, he did what is right and hasn't crucified anyone near as much as the so called Christians on here have persecuted him and his intent.


Good post.


Senior Member
After hearing Huntdawgs initial post, and if it is true, this church was wrong. They should have at least gave them a chance to list out their plans...but whats even more is no surprise whatsoever there are churches like this.